Kind of an angsty piece. Lot of fluff too though. I like this pair for some reason. Even though it's probabl pedophilia... anywaaaays I know my Robin game readers are like 'WTF? She has time to do this crap but not write another RG chapter.' Truthfully this is so much fluff to me that it makes me want to go write a really spicy chapter of RG. So please enjoy Late Night Music Videos.
Dick sat wide awake. His sunglasses sat on the nightstand next to him. He couldn't sleep. It wasn't the fact that he was used to staying up all night with Batman, or the fact that the bad guys almost gotten a hold of the system that could access the Batcave database. Once the bad guys had that they had access to the whole Justice League and once of the most powerful companies in the entire world.
It was Speedy- sorry, Red Arrow's- fault he was awake. Roy had looked so upset as he stormed off. You would think he would of gotten along with his partner's niece, or at least known about her. It was kind of weird when he had questioned her skills with a bow. Almost like he never knew her.
Pushing that fact away Dick flipped over on his stomach and looked up at the wall above his bed. Taped to the wall was a photo. One of his favorite photos. It was taken about two years ago on his birthday. It was a picture of him, Roy and Wally. Dick had his arms wrapped around his friends shoulders, pulling them close to together so they were cheek to cheek. The redheads' arms were wrapped around Dick and held him up like he were a king.
Not wanting to look at the picture anymore he stood up and left his room. He shuffled down the hallway in his baggy long-sleeve shirt and green plaid pajama pants. Some how he ended up in the living room. He sat on the couch and rubbed his eyes.
"T.V. on, channel 162 volume 15." he spoke to the dark. Immediately the television turned on and tuned to the channel. Robin sat there and watched music videos for god knows how long. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't hear the base's computer announce Red Arrow's arrival.
"Hey champ what are you still doing up?" The red-head stood in the doorway in casual clothes, the domino mask gone.
"Roy?" Richard perked up and ran over to him. Just as the acrobat jumped, the archer opened his arms and caught the boy with expertise only gained by experience. Roy knew Dick was different than his mentor. The small boy didn't mind physical contact and in some cases, like this this one, he initiated it. In one swift move he scooped the boy's legs up so he held him bridal style.
Dick held onto him tighter as he felt the older boy move across the room. Roy sat on the couch and the ebony-haired boy was more than happy to curl up in his friend's embrace.
"Oh man those girls getting to you? You're watching late night music videos!" He chuckled.
"Shut up." was the boy's short reply as he watched the next song, Fucking Perfect, come on.
Instead of watching the video, the red-head watched Dick. His glasses were off which was seldom even if it was just him and Wally, the only two people outside of Wayne manor to know who he is. The glow from the TV. added to the alluring effect of the boy's blue eyes. Although Roy Harper rather die than admit it but he actually thought the kid was pretty. Well for a boy.
He had to admit he definitely felt differently about Richard than he did Wally. While him and Wally's relationship was strictly brother-like, Roy felt that the one he had with Batman's protégé was different somehow. He still felt over protective and would trust them with his life, there was still a difference. It was probably the fact he found the little acrobat adorable, he thought grimly. Which should be creepy since he was the boy's senior by about six years, but the archer couldn't find it in himself to care.
"Roy?" The boy's soft voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Wh-Why won't you join us? We could probably get along with you better than Artemis." The sadness in the boy's voice made Roy's heart ache.
"Oh. Richard you know I can't. You can't leave Meagan as the only girl for Wally to annoy. And I don't think I could work with her. Plus, I finally have what I wanted now." He hugged the boy closer resting his chin atop Dick's head.
"What you wanted? The League's disapproval? The increasing distance from me and Wally? To be alone?" he turned in the older man's hold. "If I bothered you that much you could of told me! I dealt with worse things than some pathetic news." He barely contained his shaky yell. Dick felt the tears pouring but it seemed minor at the moment.
Not only did the boy's words stun him but his wide blue eyes furious and filled with tears nearly paralyzed Roy from the anger and sadness seeping out of Richard.
"It's not like that." He barely whispered but he knew the dark-haired teen could hear. "I don't want the distance between Wally, and especially you. I don't want to be alone. Why did you think I came directly to you guys instead of the Hall of Justice. I wanted to give the League enough opportunities to see you guys in action. I branched off and am trying to grow up to be my own hero." He pulled Dick closer and hugged him tightly to his chest. He could feel the tears starting to escape and didn't want the younger to think him weak even though he knew the boy could hear his tears in his voice.
"Really? Why do you act so cold though?" the smaller choked out.
"I don't know I'm a stupid teenager." He tried to lighten the mood. "I just saw that blonde and then GA said she was his niece. Something in me snapped and I got mad. Honestly I feel like she's going to take my place. Once she does that I'm afraid the Justice League will cut me off and I will be alone." He confessed.
"I won't let that happen. As long as I'm alive you won't be alone." Roy could tell Richard was trying to sound brave. He instinctively wrapped his arms around the boy's waist tighter. Batman's adopted son wrapped his arms around the red-head's chest in response. "I want you to join the team. I want our trio back. I just want the old Speedy back!" He ducked his head into Roy's chest and sobbed.
The archer let him cry. He rested his cheek on the boy's hair and rubbed soothing circles across his back. His sadness worsened as the song Jar of Hearts came on VH1. It reminded him of the small teen in his arms. The boy's sobs were hiccups and by the time the singer sang the last sad line of 'Who do you think you are?' Dick was asleep. He commanded the television to turn off and gently picked the boy up.
He carried him down the hall and towards his room. The door was nudged open with his foot. He slowly kicked the door shut before placing the boy on his bed. He pulled the sheets over the sleeping form and sat down next to him.
"I know you want the old Roy and he's here. He just can't always be here, even though he really wants to be." The red-head smiled sadly down at the boy and pushed some of his hair away from his closed eyes. "Look at what Batman does to you. He tries to make you an emotionless shadow like him. But that's not what you need. You're and overemotional teen like the rest of us now. As long as I'm alive I promise you won't be alone and I will be here to listen to those crazy teenage hormone emotions." He murmured. He kissed Richard's forehead gently before leaving Mount Justice.