The Release in the Scotch

Tag for episode 6x13, "The Daredevil in the Mold"

"Then I'll have a drink," she said and necked the shot, which burnt her throat slightly.

She knew he was hurting like hell, and after Hannah had called and told her what happened, she instantly knew where to find him.

He wasn't really drunk, and even if he pretended to be, she knew he wasn't mad either. He was hurt, badly, and she felt his pain, whether she was the reason. She wanted to ease his pain, but wasn't really sure how. Should she touch him, or would that break him completely?

He was on the edge of tears, but refused to completely break down in front of her. So if she touched him, she knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself together any longer.

But then again she remembered how good it had felt to be able to break in front of him. How he had managed to soothe her pain over and over again.

Still trying to figure out how to comfort him, she didn't quite notice that the bartender didn't refill their glasses.

"Out," the man said, upon interpreting her quizzical gaze.

She nodded slightly, throwing fifty bucks on the table and grabbing Booth's arm.

"C'mon, I've got your favorite scotch at home."

Brennan didn't know if he realized it was her attempt to bestow him solace, but she didn't care since he just nodded and followed her out of the bar.

Their drive home was quiet. Since she just had had one drink, she decided to drive by herself. She knew, it wasn't correct and usually she never acted against the law purposely, but right now the most important thing was to get Booth somewhere comfortable, she knew that.

In her apartment she poured each of them a glass of his favorite scotch and gave him his. Like she had expected, he drank it in one go.

"Remember that day when you told me I could hug you if you were scared and we'd be even?", she asked tenderly, trying hard to catch his gaze.

He nodded slightly, not really knowing where she was going with this, but everything was better than to talk about….well, yeah, it. He'd probably rather listen to her scientific mumbo jumbo.

"Well, I guess," she said quietly, "right now would be a good time."

"But I'm not scared, I'm mad," he managed to get out, choking on his tears and that lump in his throat.

"No," she said, closing the gap between them and wrapping him into a tight hug, "you're scared of ending up alone."

She felt him clutching her into his chest, hiding his now wet face in her hair. She rather felt than heard him cry and her heart broke for him again.

Relief was running through her veins, upon realizing she was doing the right thing. Pulling him tighter, Brennan stroked through his now messy hair.

"I've got you, baby, I've got you. It's gonna be alright," she whispered, copying his words from what seemed to be another lifetime and led him gently towards her bedroom.

When she woke up on her couch the next morning, she remembered last night's events instantly and asked herself what Booth's reaction was going to be like.

At first he'd probably be furious about her taking the couch and leaving him in her bed and then he'd be embarrassed about his emotional break down and would try to cut himself from her.

Desperately, she tried to find a way to prevent that and sat up. She immediately noticed the folded paper on her blanket.


Thanks for last night. I'm sorry about the last few months and how I treated you. I know I hurt you and I'm really sorry, especially about this choice thing last night.
This is me saying thanks for you being my partner and my
friend. And probably for being the one who held the center together for the last few months, since I was being a jerk.

In case you're wondering, I went home, sobering and washing up, and we're gonna meet for lunch at two, alright?


Yay ! :)

So I guess it's not just me who's excited about last night's events. For once I didn't find the break-up scene that crushing, since his proposal seemed kinda over-hurried. And Brennan was there to pick up the pieces :)
Oh, and I so could've kicked him for this two choices thingy.

Anyway, tell me what you think about both, the oneshot and the episode ;)

