Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail. Please mind the poor grammar and English.

Like the school days story, the characters are normal humans, no magic

Somewhere in the city at midnight..

Lucy sat at a bench with her luggage. She didn't know where she should go. Her mind starts wondering if she should go back to her father or move to another town and start a new life. "Who am I kidding, I don't have anywhere to go. I don't belong anywhere." She then starts to cry.

After minutes of crying, she decided to go back to her father. She walked to the train station and bought a train ticket until she heard someone calling her name. She turned around, hoping to find Loki, but was disappointed when it wasn't him, instead it was a black haired shirtless man. "I'm an idiot, of course he won't look for me. I'm not precious enough for him. He'll never look for me, he can probably just replace me with some other girl."

Lucy just walked, avoiding the stranger until she bumped to someone. She quickly apologizes but was scared once she knew who she bumped into. It was no other than Laxus. Laxus, just like Lucy had blonde hair. Anyone who didn't know him would probably think both where siblings since both of them were the only blonde in town. Laxus has a bad reputation, he made a gang, robbed some stores, and worst of all, a very hot-headed pervert. "Hey, that hurts. I think it broke my bone. Hey, if it isn't Lucy. Well, since it's you, I'll give you a discount."

Lucy was shaking and really scared and started to move away. "Wha-what do you want Laxus?"

Laxus just smirked and grabbed her arm. "Simple, just entertain me for one night."

Suddenly a punch landed on Laxus' face. "How dare you touch her Laxus!"

Lucy blinked a few times, she couldn't believe that she was saved by Loki. Laxus was about to attack, but when he saw Loki, he decided not to and retreated.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Loki was panting and sweating heavily.

Lucy just stayed quiet, avoiding eye contact with Loki and started to run for the train but was stopped by Gray. "Oh no you don't. It took hours for us to look for you. I'm already dead tired and if you run away now, Loki here won't let me go home."

"Luce, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You should have told us if there was something troubling you. Don't you trust us? Come on, I'm taking you home. You don't need to explain it. We already know." Loki grabbed her hand and walked outside the train station, ignoring all the eyes on them. Gray just walked behind them, making sure Lucy doesn't run away again. Outside the train station, there was a fancy car parked. Loki and Gray just entered the car casually. Lucy hesitated to enter, but finally did when Gray and Loki pulled her in.

A few minutes later, they arrived at Lucy's house. Aries saw them, opened the door and ran to Lucy, hugging her. "Lucy… where were you? I was so worried if something were to happen to you. I'm sorry."

"I should be the one apologizing Aries, not you."

"No, I'm sorry I read your diary. Loki said that it could give us clues to where you might be. So, I know about.."

"Wha-! You read my diary? How did you find it? I left it in a place no one should know. Well, if it's you, it's okay I guess. Does Loki know the contents?"

"Can't say anymore than shocked princess. I didn't know you liked me that much also. Well since I know your secret, I think it's fair if you know mine." Loki grinned. "I love you Lucy, everyday I think of you and I dream of you every night. I even have a book full of pictures of you and I'm the strongest person in school. I scared all the guys so they won't get close to you. So, are we even now?"

Lucy's face turned red.

"I can understand why Loki doesn't talk about you very much. I'm starting to like you."

"Hahahaha, if I'm not thankful that you helped me find her I would've killed you for saying that Gray."

Gray just laughed nervously. "I was just kidding Loki."

"Um, so what's your name? I'm Lucy."

"Huh? Oh, the name's Gray. I'm Loki's best friend since elementary."

Loki looked around. "Hey, where's Natsu?"

"Oh him? I took Lucy's train ticket, put it in his pocket and threw him in. It's payback for spraying soda at my face yesterday. I bet he's having motion sickness right now. I'll get him tomorrow morning."

"Pft, yeah, just don't get killed by Lisanna when she finds out about this."

"Well, see ya. I'm tired."

"See ya Gray. Now then, shall we make it official Luce?" Loki was already hugging Lucy

Lucy just blushed.

"Um.. I think I should go now. I-I think I'm disturbing you guys. Bye Lucy, I'll see you tomorrow." Aries just ran out the door before Lucy could prevent her.

The next day at school..

"Loki, why is there a hand mark on your face?" Aries asked.

"Hahahaha, Lucy was so surprised when she saw me sleeping beside her and I got slapped for it."

"It's your fault for sleeping in a girl's bed only wearing pants." Lucy reminded.

"Hey I couldn't help it, it was hot yesterday and I just wanted to make sure you weren't missing again. Besides, only wearing pants is way better than being naked you know."

"Well, having my house key doesn't mean you could sleep over whenever you feel like it."

Aries just smiled looking things went well in the end. Loki stopped flirting and dating other girls, Lucy became more open to everyone and the best of all is that they could all still be friends just like how they were in elementary.

The End