
Chapter one: 3 months

"Leave blue pegasus in search of the 12 zodiac gate keys?", "Yup! I'll come back in 3 months or so!", "Are you sure Karen?", "Yup! You don't have anything to worry about hibiki!", Karen pulled her luggage behind her and waved her boyfriend a goodbye. "I'll miss her…", "You still haven't given the ring to her?" Ren said, hibiki took out a small case and opened it, inside it was a diamond wedding ring. "Well… I'll pick the right time." Hibiki said while closing the case.

1 Month later

In a restaurant there was a girl sitting by herself with a dog looking thing, "It's so boring plue…", "Pun…"Plue said in a bored tone. Lucy was using her magic to make a cup of water levitate, she put it down and paid the bill. She walked out of the restaurant, suddenly there was debris flying everywhere, lucy set up a invisible shield to protect herself from the debris. "THIEF!" Somebody from behind the walls yelled. Lucy saw a tall man dressed in black, lucy used her magic, gravitas. To slam him down on a wall, "Don't interfere girlie! Air magic, aerial shot!" Lucy made all the projectiles stop in mid air, "Try and shoot me, my magic, gravitas is like telekinesis. Shoot all you want, I can stop them.", "See how you handle this! Air magic, oxygen dome!" Suddenly all the oxygen around lucy started disappearing, lucy was coughing for air. But the dome cut off all sources of air. Then a guy with tanned skin ran in, "Air magic, undo!" The dome broke when he cast that spell. But lucy already passed out from the lack of oxygen.

"You ok?" Lucy felt like someone was shaking her, she slowly opened her eyes. She saw a guy with dark blonde hair shaking her. "Stop it, I'm awake." He stopped. "Hey…You're the trimens! I've read all about you in weekly sorcerer!", "You did?" Eve said, "Thanks for helping us catch that thief." Hibiki said, "Just wanted to help!", "Why not join our guild? You have what it takes!" Eve said, "Really?", "Yea!", "Ok! I'll join!". The four took a train back to blue pegasus, during the whole ride ren and eve were trying to flirt with her, and hibiki was just staring at her. "This place is awesome…", "Let's introduce you to master bob!" Eve said, he dragged her off the bar where master bob was serving members. "Hi.", "Is this a new member?", eve nodded. "Let me get the stamp for you dearie, wait right here." Master bob ducked under the bar and got a stamp with a ink pad on it. "Where would you like your mark?", "Here please." Lucy lifted up her leg and placed it on the chair and pointed at her lap. "Here you go! Have fun!" Master bob said while waving a hankie at her. She summoned plue to keep her company at the meantime. "Its so cute!", "Oh, you mean plue?", "He's the cutest thing I've ever seen!", a girl about her age, with brown long straight hair, she was wearing boots, a mini skirt and a tanktop with a jacket. Walked towards her table and hugged plue. "And you are?", "Oh, sorry, I'm yori!", "Lucy.", "Do like reading?", "Sure I do!".

While the two girls were having a conversation, the trimens were sitting just across the table where the girls were. Hibiki was staring at lucy like an idiot, "Oh no, I know that stare, karen's gonna be mad…" Eve said. Hibiki didn't hear a sound, he was too concentrated on lucy.

"Um… Lucy, I think someone's looking at you.", lucy turned her head and saw hibiki looking at her, he quickly turned his head. "I think he likes you lucy chan!", "Don't' be delusional.", "You need a place to stay?", "Yeah.", "You can stay at my place! You can too pluey luey!", "P-HUN!" Yori was strangling plue by hugging him too tight.

"Thanks for letting me stay yori!" Lucy said while unpacking her stuff, "I've always had this empty bedroom, it used to be my mom's, she left me.", "I'm sorry." Lucy immediately knew a way to cheer her up. "PLUE!" Yori was hugging (or strangling) plue again. "What's your magic lucy?", "Are you thirsty?", "Yeah, why?" Lucy used her magic to open the fridge and get a carton of milk a made it float towards her, she handed it to yori. "I can also do celestial magic!", "Cool!", "What about you?", "Doll magic, plush doll!" Yori was moving her hands around and the plush dog toy on the sofa was doing a tap dance. "Wow, I envy you!", "No need to envy! I like your powers too!" The two girls laughed, they stopped when they heard the doorbell ring, "I'll get it!", "Thanks lucy!" Lucy opened the door, nobody was there, but there was a box on the floor. Lucy picked up the small box and walked in. "What do you think yori?", 'Let's find out!" Yori snatched the box from lucy and opened it, "It's for you." Yori handed the box to lucy, inside was chocolates and a note. Lucy unfolded the note and read it out loud. "Roses are red violets are blue meet me tomorrow night at the park near the zoo at 7:00pm. Love your secret admirer.", "Oo, a secret admirer.", "I have a good idea who it is…", "Who?", "I'm not sure, but I'll find out tomorrow." When sat down on the couch, yori made "Doll magic, plush doll." 2 plush dolls, girl and boy started walking towards each other. "I'm your secret admirer!" Yori made her voice sound like a guy's, "Oh really?" She said in a girly voice this time. "Smooch! Smooch! Smooch!" Yori made the two dolls kiss on lucy's lap. "Ha ha, very funny." Lucy grabbed the two dolls by their shirts. Yori stopped controlling the dolls and they went back to motionless plushies. Lucy went to her room and lied herself down on the bed and fell asleep.

Next morning

Lucy's eyes were blinded in her sleep, she opened her eyes and saw yori up and about opening the curtains, "Wake up sleepy head! Time to go the guild!", lucy got up and stretched a while. Lucy changed when yori got out of the room. Lucy walked out of the room and took a seat next to yori at the dining table, yori made some scrambled eggs and ham. Lucy took a bite, "This is unbelievably good!", "I leanrt how to cook at the age of 7!" When the girls finished their breakfast, they walked to the guild together. Yori opened the doors of the guild and went in, lucy followed. "I'm going to do a job, coming lucy?", "Yup!" Yori ripped off a request from the request board and walked out of the doors. "You sure were brave to send lucy that note, if Karen finds out, you're screwed.", "I'll just keep it a secret.", "If the secret's done, you are.", "Don't worry ren.", "Ai yi yi.". Ren sighed.

A few hours later

"You seriously had to pick the job which includes slime?", "Well… It paid good…" Lucy and Yori were covered in slime. Yori looked at the clock, "OH SHIT! IT'S 6pm!" Yori pushed lucy into the bathroom and took her clothes off and pushed her in the shower and pulled her out. She picked the cutest set of clothes that lucy had and put them on her. All less than 10 minutes. "You work fast!", "Thank you! And now to get you to the park!" Lucy wiped the slime off her shoulder. "What about you?" Yoki stared at herself, she was covered in slime. "Be right back.". She came back later spic and span less than 10 minutes. "GO GO GO!" Yori grabbed lucy by the arm and ran to the park at high speed. "GO OUT THERE AND GET HIM!" Yori said while pushing lucy to the entrance to the park, lucy looked around and saw hibiki, "I knew it! It was him!" Lucy walked towards him and tapped him on the shoulder from behind. "Hi!", "Why did you call me out here? Don't you have a girlfriend?" The two of them took a seat. Hibiki took her hand and said, "Karen doesn't matter anymore, there's only you and me." Lucy was blushing in a shade of dark red, "I have to do something!" Yori said. "Doll magic, bench doll!" The bench hibiki and lucy were sitting on started to act like a bull. Hibiki grabbed lucy and jumped off. Yori made the one of the bench legs brush the ground like a bull did in bullfights, hibiki took his jacket off and waved it at the bull. "Bring it on." Behind his jacket was a metal pillar, yori made the bench run towards his jacket. Hibiki lifted the jacket and jumped away. When the stone bench hit the pillar it shattered. "You ok?", "Yeah.", "Why not we go to a safer place to discuss this.", "Agreed." They walked into a empty ice cream shop, they ordered a giant milkshake. "Giant milkshake." The waitress put the milkshake in the middle of the table. Lucy used her magic to make little drops of milkshake float in the air, she sucked them in. "This is what I like about my magic!" Hibiki sucked in a few drops from mid air. "Uh… Lucy, do you feel the same way I do about you?", "Say yes! Say yes!" Yori whispered from the air vent. "Y-Yes.", "If you do I can do this." Hibiki gave her a kiss on a cheek.", lucy was blushing again, in return lucy gave him a kiss on the lips. "B-Bye I have to go!" Hibiki said. When he left he was as red as tomato.

"How did it go?", "You should know, you were there.", "M-Me? I couldn't have! I- I was washing the um, um, thelaundry.", "Hm… Who manipulates everything except humans, YOU!", "Fine, I was there, how was the kiss?", "He was blushing so much he had to leave.", "That's rare, coming from a guy.", "Yeah.", "I'm feeling kinda sleepy now.", "Same here lucy.", "Good night yori.".

Next morning

Yori and lucy were sitting at a table playing with their magic, lucy was making drops of coffee float in mid air and yori made her doll shaped wallet walk around. "Hi." Lucy looked up and saw hibiki, she was so surprised she droped all the drops of coffee in mid air, it laned on her and yori. "Ew.", "Sorry.". "You ok?", "Yea, it's only a bit of coffee.", "I'll leave you two alone." Yori said while standing up.

From another the table the two other trimens saw hibiki and lucy chatting about something, "What's gonna happen when karen gets back?" Eve said, "I don't know." Ren said, A woman in a long dress and holdling a crystal ball walked to ren and eve. "What's wrong anna?", "K-Karen is coming back, I can see it." Just when ren was about to open his mouth to say something, the doors were open, behind the doors was karen. "I'm back hib-." Karen was stunned to see her boyfriend kissing with another girl, he broke apart when he saw karen. "Who is she?", ", hibiki stood up and walked to her, "I can explain." Before he could continue she slapped him on the face and shouted, "WE'RE THROUGH!" Karen ran out of the open guild doors. Lucy ran next hibiki, "You ok?", "Yeah.".

Karen ran as fast as she could, she stopped once she got tired. "He could he!" Karen clenching her hand into a fist, she did it so hard it bled. Karen's eyes was filled with rage and anger, she got out her keys (Gate keys) and walked back to the guild. "I need to go home and change, this coffee is making my clothes sticky.", "Wait, I'll get you the keys.", yori searched in her doll shaped wallet and gave lucy some keys on a key ring. "Thanks." Lucy walked out of the guild, when she was nearly home she ran into karen. "GATE OF THE LION, I OPEN THEE! LEO!", "Hi karen.", "KILL THAT GIRL!" Leo ran towards lucy and threw a few punches at her, she dodged all of them. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Lucy shouted while dodging leo's glowing fist. Lucy lifted up the shards of glass from a wall that leo slammed her through with her magic, "GRAVITY PROJECTILES!" A magic circle appeared in front of lucy and all the shards of glass flew towards leo, he lifted his arms up to protect his face from the shards of glass. The both of them were bloody and beaten, lucy kicked with all her strength at leo, but he caught her ankle and tightened his grip. Lucy's ankle broke, lucy gave a agonized cry. "G-Gate of the bull, I open thee taurus." Taurus popped out of a magic circle, "Are you ok?", "Just attack that guy in the tux.", "Leo?", "Taurus?" Taurus took out his axe and aimed at leo, he threw it, it missed. Leo sneaked up behind taurus and hit him hard. "MOO!" Lucy was leaning against a wall for support, "If I can't have him neither can you." Karen said, "Finish her off.", lucy lifted leo up in mid air and slammed him against a building wall. Karen ran out of magical power and leo dissapeared back to the spirit world. "I'LL FINISH YOU OFF MYSELF." Lucy was badly injured, she had a broken ankle, cuts from being slammed through building walls by leo, she was losing this fight, she could have handled leo, but she had no more strength to fight karen. Karen kicked and punched lucy, lucy dodged a few and got hit by a few. When karen realized lucy couldn't defend herself anymore, she took out a swiss army knife and put it near her throat. "Try and take hibiki again, cause you won't. Meet your end.".

Note: I would like to thank blabbermouth141 for giving me the idea and this is to be continued on chapter 2: Expellation