Summary: After Megan and Superboy's first fight, Artemis is there to pick up the pieces.


Title: Pieces

Rating: T

Pairing: Miss Martian X Superboy

"I don't want to talk to Superman!" Superboy growls, teeth grit as he faces Megan.

"It will be good for you!" Megan looks at him intensely before dropping her voice to a softer tone. "Don't you want a father?"

"He doesn't want me!" Conner shouts at her, finally snapping. His fist smashes through the kitchen counter, and Megan lets out a startled cry. Conner looks at her frightened eyes before turning and walking away.

"Don't go-" Megan tries to call him back, but he's already out the door.


After hearing Megan's and Conner's fight (hadn't the whole mountain heard Conner's shouts?) Artemis decides to stay out of it. It wasn't any of her business until Megan comes into her room a blubbering mess. It was hard to hear anything through the Martian's sobs, but what Megan wanted her to do was clear. Find Conner and see if he's okay. Artemis almost told her no, the last thing she needed was a confrontation with an angry Kryptionian. But Megan looked at her with big red eyes, and Artemis couldn't bring herself to make her anymore upset.

And that's where Artemis was now. Conner had stormed out of the base shortly after the couple's fight, but she knew he wouldn't go too far. Artemis scaled the mountain before seeing Conner sitting on the edge of a cliff, feet dangling over the ocean.

He doesn't acknowledge Artemis as she walks towards him, but she knows he's listening.

Artemis decides to get right to the point as she sits down next to him. "That was some fight, huh?"

Conner turns his head away from her.

"You know, you really made her upset back there."

No response.

"She's worried sick, crying all over herself."

"That wouldn't have happened if she had just left it alone."

"What? That Superman refuses to acknowledge you?"

There's a tense in the muscles of Conner's arms, so Artemis decides to backtrack. "She just wants what's best for you."

"It isn't her choice."

"I know that. She just likes you so much that she wants the world for you, even if you don't want it. Megan would do anything for you."

It's quiet for a while. Artemis listens to the waves crashing below her and watches the sun setting in front.

"I know." Superboy looks at Artemis the first time since she sat down. "It's hard for me to tell her that Superman is a sore subject. And when I do tell her, all she does is push me to talk to him."

"It's simple," Artemis shrugged. "You tell her what told me, and she'll stop, I promise. Just don't get angry."

"Getting angry is kind of my thing," Superboy says with a lopsided grin.

"I've noticed," Artemis smiles back and stands up. She offers Conner her hand. "We should get back. Your girlfriend's probably spazzing out."