No Alternative (A Big Time Rush fanfic)
Rated: T
Pairing: Kogan
Summary: AU. Logan Mitchel and and James Diamond are the hottest singing sensation. Kendall Knight is a homeless man. And Carlos Garcia is a famous journalist trying to get to the bottom of everything. Slash. Kogan. Little bit of Jarlos.
Chapter 1 - Sentenced (Posted 10 February 2011)
"Hello, boys, Carlos Garcia here. Let's get down to business. So," the reporter asked from across the table, "Big Time Rush, the duo taking the world by storm, how does it feel to be suddenly so famous?"
"Well," said the tall, pretty member of the duet, "it hasn't quite sunk in yet. We're not even sure of what's going on.:
"Yeah," the smaller boy added, "we never imagined, well we did, but we never actually thought we'd get here."
"You're parents must be awfully proud." Carlos commented.
"No, every day they call trying to get us to come home." the shorter boy laughed. "Telling us it isn't going to last long."
"Yeah, but we don't care." the pretty one said with a smile that glinted in the afternoon sun. "Whether we get to live our dream for a day or for the rest of our lives, all that matters is we lived it."
"Ok, how about answering some questions from the fans?" the interviewer asked and then proceeded when he received enthusiastic nods from the band. "The first one is for James. How do you get your hair so perfect?"
James giggled. "That, my friend, will remain a mystery. It's a secret; I can't have all the other guys stealing my pretty hair."
"True." Carlos agreed. He did appreciate the prettiness of James Diamond's hair. "Ok, now one for Logan. What is your favorite kind of lip gloss to taste when you kiss someone?"
"That's a bit of an awkward question." Logan said with a smirk. "Most of the people I kiss don't wear lipgloss. But for the ones that do, I would say peach. There's just something about that fruit that really drives me crazy."
"Nice." Carlos said as he jotted this all down in his little notebook. "Now, this one is for both of you. There have been rumors about your sexuality. Would you mind clearing those up for me?"
"You are one gutsy reporter." James said, leaning forward and propping his head up on his arms. "No one else has asked us that."
"Well, I'm very good at my job." Carlos also leaned closer.
"I bet you are." James winked.
Logan smacked him lightly on the shoulder. "Come on, if you don't stop flirting with the reporter, there won't be any need to explain our sexualities."
"So, you are gay?" Carlos asked, clearly intrigued.
"I am." Logan said, raising his hand to accentuate his confession.
"I just don't care." James said. "If I like someone, I don't see their gender, I see them."
"Thanks guys," Carlos said excitedly, "this is gonna make my piece an instant hit!"
"No problem. We would have told if someone would have just asked us." James said proudly.
"Yeah," Logan said in agreement, "it's not a secret or anything."
"Well, you two did me a huge favor by letting me interview you. If you ever need anything, let me know. I've got friends in high places." Carlos said with a wide smile.
"Is the interview oveR?" James asked.
Carlos shoved his notebook and pen into his tiny messenger bag which was slung over his shoulder. "Yep, that about does it. The rest I'm going to write about what I saw at the performance, which was amazing, by the way."
"So, " James asked with a twitch of his eyebrows, "would it be alright if I asked you to dinner?"
"Me?" Carlos said, flapping his hand in the air to dissolve the flattery. "You don't have to butter me up, I'm going to make sure this article gives the public a positive insight to your lives."
"Oh, I'm not just buttering you up. You're cute, and I'm single."
Logan rolled his eyes at his friend's cheesy lines.
"Ok." Carlos pulled his pen out of his bag and wrote on James's hand. "Here's my number. Call me."
"Oh, I will." James said, memorizing the number.
"Well, I have to go, but I guess I'll see you around?"
"Absolutely." Logan said, waving as Carlos left. Then he turned to James and shook his head at him. "You just can't help yourself, can you?" he teased.
"Hey, did you not notice how adorable he is? I've seen his picture next to some of his articles, but they do not do him justice. Plus, he was polite and kept the interview short and sweet, unlike all the other reporters who drag it out and try to find something that will ruin you and bring them fame and fortune."
"Yeah, I think we can trust whatever he's going to write about us." Logan said.
"You ready to party?"
Since that day concluded all the shooting required for their latest music video, there was a party at Logan's house for everyone involved in the production. Food, dancing, and of course Alcohol.
Logan got really drunk. The kind of drunk where he couldn't even remember why he was drinking, drunk. And, of course, as alcohol usually does to the quiet intellectuals, it turned him into a foul-mouthed party animal and he ended up cursing out a bunch of cops when they came to check up on a disturbance.
That landed him in court.
James was there to back him up, of course, saying that the police were out of line because there was hardly anything going on. But then they played a video someone had taken from a few buildings away, and you could clearly hear the loud music playing and the strobe lights pulsing, along with the thick clouds of what was obviously marijuana smoke.
Logan denied any charges of possession or usage of pot, as he hadn't even been aware of it's presence because he was too drunk to notice anything else. But, since it was his house, he did have to take the blame for the blaring party. A five thousand dollar fine. Chump change. But, he also assaulted a police officer, which wasn't a crime that you could get out of by flashing some cash. So, Logan Mitchel, international heartthrob and famous musician, was sentenced to three months of community service.