Author Note: This chapter is short is short because it's the end. :( Yeah, this is the last chapter to the book. I want to thank everyone for reading it and give a super thanks to those that reviewed! I hope you have enjoyed the book and there is a sequel to this book. Yea! Enjoy :)

I took a visit to my old house to talk to Travis. I knew he really doesn't want to hear anything about my love problems but he was willing to sit there and listen. All the lights were off except for Travis' room. I climbed up the wall and into his room; I came up with ease. When I did get in, Travis was there with a girl and they were making out.

"Travis?" I said interrupting, most likely, their perfect moment.

"Who's this?" The girl asked. She was cute; long brown hair that matched her brown eyes. She looked real nice in the light blue dress she wore.

"This is my sister. Will you give me a minute, Gracey?" Travis escorted her out of his room. "I'll be back in five minutes! What are you doing?"

"I don't know; what are you doing?" I asked. "I just came to talk to you but if you're busy, I'll come back later."

"Thank you, that'd be nice." He said sarcastically. "Mom, Dad, and Max aren't home; so I invited Gracey over."

"Oh, she seems nice, can I meet her?" I asked, knowing he would say no.

"No, can you go home, please?" He pushed me to the window before I could answer.

"Just wanted to let you know that I might have a chance with Soda!" I shouted as I climbed out the window.

"Good for you!" He shouted back sarcastically.

Soda and I didn't talk for a while because we weren't ready to confront each other after what happened at dinner. Plus, he was still hurt about Sandy. Then Casey came to me and told me to just get it over with it and talk to him about. Then everything will be better. I called Darry:

Darry: Hello?

Typhani: Hi Darry, can I talk to Soda?

Darry: I don't know; Soda's not in such a great mood.

Typhani: I don't care; I need to talk to him.

Darry: Fine, but you talk in the living room and if you come now you'll have to wait for him to come home or you can pick him up.

Typhani: I'll pick him up. And I promise to come home and talk to him under your supervision. Bye.

Darry: Bye.

I hung up. At 3 o' clock I went to pick-up Soda.

"What are you doing here?" Soda asked, quite nervous to see me.

"Can we talk?" I asked. "At your house."

"Sure." Soda got in the car with some uncertainty.

I figured that the car ride to his house would be silent and awkward, but my prediction was partly wrong, like it normally is.

"I'm so sorry about Sandy and I understand that you're hurt but there's no sense in crying about her." I apologized even though technically I didn't need to.

"Oh, really Typhani, you understand? Someone you were in love with just slipped through your fingers, you just lost them and you didn't see it coming?" Soda snapped back.

"As a matter of fact I have Soda. Just because I'm in love with you doesn't mean I wasn't in love with anyone else. I didn't date Dallas just for kicks. Unfortunately for me Dallas didn't move to another state, he didn't just run away and he can't come back, he can't ever come back. Sandy could come back, no, she will come back because she knows that you will take her back." I said.

"You know what? If she does come back, I will take her back because I still love her."

"You deserve better than her. How could you ever love someone that obviously doesn't love you back? Read between the lines, Soda, she doesn't love you!" I shouted. Soda hit the door with his elbow and stared out the window. I was so stupid to mention her.

"Soda, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." I apologized.

"Shut up, Typhani! I don't want to hear it anymore." Soda commanded.

Then it was finally silent but we were practically there. He jumped out of the car as soon as I stopped. I turned off the engine and got of the car and followed Soda to the house. I got to the door just as Soda did and he went in first and slammed the door shut in my face. I figured I deserved that.

"Soda, I'm sorry! Sorry for everything I said because it hurt you but honestly Soda, it's all true. Sandy may come back because you will give her that second chance but you can't." I pleaded.

"I am done listening to you, Typhani!" Soda yelled back.

"Sodapop, what's going?" Darry yelled.

"Stay out of it Darry!" Soda was still yelling.

"Will the two of you just knock it off? I know that you both hurt inside because you lost someone but of any one you two shouldn't be fighting!" Darry shouted at us.

"Darry's right, we shouldn't argue about something as stupid—" I was caught off guard when Soda came over and kissed me! I don't know why he did it but it was oddly nice. It ended when Darry pulled the two of us apart.

"What do you think you're doing, kid?" Darry shouted. "You, you get out of here." Darry demanded that I leave.

"I'll just go." I was drunk… on love. And then I turned around and saw that Pony and Steve were standing in the doorway. "How much did you see?" I asked.

"Enough." Steve joked.

"From start to finish." Pony admitted.

"Great. See you guys later." I said, laughing.

"Bye." They all sang in unison. I was just happy Soda would be okay now and we might have a chance together.

Dating Soda would require me to prove to my dad that he was a gentleman and that he would take care of me and just show my dad he's not a bad person; he's no Dallas Winston (I choked thinking about him) but nobody was ever like him, he was one of a kind and my father had the will to spare his life mostly because he didn't like Dallas. Nothing I ever did would change the mind of my father. The way he felt now about my friends would be the way he felt forever. He couldn't just learn to accept them.

The more that I thought about Dallas, the more I missed him and the more I wanted him with me now. I now wished that I had given him a second chance. He deserved another chance. I could honestly say that I loved Dallas like I loved Soda. But Dallas and Soda are two different people; they have no similarities of personalities at all. So that made it a harder decision when choosing who to wait for. Was this my sign that told me to wait for Soda or that Soda is the one? Oh, I hope not.

Challenges were definitely ahead for the rest of my life and I didn't know what I was going to do when it came my way. As far as I know, my friends were the only thing keeping me alive.