A/N: This is the conclusion! Let's just get this started, guys!
Last Time On Dragon Ball ZCE
Goku and Vegeta reached Super Saiyan Two as...meh...I'm not in the mood today, guys...just read the look at the last episode...DBZ Epic Announcer out...
Episode 16:
The Lotus Blooms!
The Death of Beloved
Ozai, fire blazing behind him, rocketed towards Goku, who sidestepped him and kicked him down to earth. Goku dashed towards Ozai, who kipped up and blasted a jet of fire in Goku's direction. Goku just threw down a couple of Ki Blasts, creating an explosion that sent Goku flying upward, passing Vegeta's fight (And/Or Maiming). Vegeta launched a Galick Gun at Cui, who just went crashing into a mountain. Vegeta speeds to the mountain and tackled Cui through the mountain. They crash into the ground and Vegeta throws a barrage of punches to Cui's face. He flies back into the air and comes back down, headbutting the gut of Cui. Cui, with barely any air in his lungs, is picked up by his neck and nearly choked to death by Vegeta.
"Deja vu, bitch..." Vegeta said with an evil smirk as he throws his purple enemy into the air and, with only two fingers in the air, blows Cui literally to Kingdom Come. However, the sign falls off, and it is revealed that Cui is really in HFIL...go figure. Vegeta laughs to himself and looks at the Kakarot-Ozai fight. He flies towards it and bumrushes Ozai with punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. Goku joins in, and a limbs find their ways into Ozai's face, gut, and nads. Ozai, tired of the assualt, spins around and creates a firestorm that sends Vegeta and Goku flying back with several burns.
"Uugh...who knew this guy was this strong..." vegeta spit out a couple of rocks as he stared at the burn on his arm.
"Yeah...he's a great challenge." Goku chuckled, "Fusion may work..."
"Hell no..."
"Or not...maybe you attack him first, and I'll-"
Vegeta dashed off, golden aura ablaze as he readied a Final Flash for Ozai.
"FACE THIS ONE, OZAIIIII! FINAL FLAAASH!" The golden beam flew to Ozai, who used his fire to fight back the beam. Not able to beat it back, Ozai sidesteps it, but looks in the air to find Goku yelling out...
A Kamehameha Wave blasted at Ozai made contact as a surprised Ozai felt the full brunt of the attack. He dropped like a rock to the ground, covered in scorch marks and blood. Goku and Vegeta walked towards the man and bent over to see if he was done. Goku, as Gokuish as ever, poked and prodded at Ozai. Vegeta just facepalmed and shook his head, but was unaware of Ozai's gauntlet absorbing a large amount of chi from his soldiers. One by one, the troops dropped like corpses as Ozai's gauntlet's energy reached its max energy. The chi overloaded the machine, and Ozai woke up with eyes as red as the flames of a firebender. He floated into air, shocking our heroes, and started to scream out as a red aura surrounded his body. Fire suddenly engulfed him as the fire grew large and larger, overshadowing the entire battlefield. Zhao, Zarbon Zuko, Mai, and the soldiers in the city looked around confused as the Dai Li agents dropped unconscious around them. Zuko, however, dropped his jaw at the sight of the giant flame tornado swirling outside his city's walls. The good guys ran out to see the flame tornado shape into a giant figure. It grew arms, a mouth, and eyes as it bellowed out in Ozai's voice.
Vegeta and Goku were astonished as the giant Flame Ozai Tornado blasted a fireball at the heroes. An old man in a blue robe and a white shawl tackled them out of the way as the fireball created a meteor sized crater. The old man, revealed to be King Bumi, got up as the two Saiyans brushed themselves off.
"Are you two alright?" the old man asked as the two shrugged affirmatively. "Good. It seems Ozai let the chi overwhelm him. His self-control is slowly deteriorating. If this keeps on, he may just become a fire tornado with no conscious."
"We need to suck that energy out of him...but how..." Goku wondered.
"The Avatar can.", Bumi said, "He once sapped all of the chi out of Ozai before."
"We need to get Aang!" Goku said. "I'll go get him! You and Vegeta stay here!"
"I will NOT take orders from you, Kakarot!" Vegeta debated.
"Fine...I'LL stay here!"
"Oooooooh no! I'LL STAY HERE! YOU GO NOW!" Vegeta threw Goku into the air, but his sense of rebellion soon went away as he figured out that...
a burn kept Gohan grounded as Azula slowly walked over to him. Gohan scooted backwards as he tried to get away from the psycho princess.
"What's your deal?" Gohan yelled.
"I find you...irresistibly beautiful...and I want you..." Azula licked her lips as Gohan shuddered with fear.
"B-B-But I don't want you, you FREAK!" Gohan threw a Ki Blast at her, but she stepped aside as it collided with a stalactite.
"I know you don't. So we're gonna play a game. You win, you get to walk away. If I win, I get you forever. Deal?"
Gohan shook his head sideways. "NO!"
"Too bad...you never had a choice." Dodoria came from behind her and tackled Gohan through a cave wall. Dodoria grabbed Gohan and put him in Azula's face.
"Oh...I figured I could just 'use a life-line'..." she gave him a kiss on the cheek and kicked him through a wall. Dodoria threw out several Ki Blasts and an Eraser Cannon from his mouth into the hole that Gohan was in, and the young Saiyan slumped out of the hole and looked up. Dodoria ran up to him, but two blue robed old men came down the hole from the top and got in the pink fatso's way. One, with his skilled sword mastery, drew his sword and slashed it. Dodoria stopped in his tracks as a giant gash formed on his belly. A grey haired man drew fire and blasted the pink man back several feet. Gohan, mustering up some energy, launched a Kamehameha Wave at Dodoria, destroying pinky and sending Azula into a fit. She drew blue fire and blasted a Blue Fire Cannon at Piandiao and Jeong Jeong jumped out of the way, with Gohan on Jeong Jeong's shoulder. Azula, as frustrated as ever, went into a crazy fit and drew lightning. She did the necessary stances as she played...
"Eeny, meeny, miney, moe...one of these men has got to go..." Azula pointed at Jeong Jeong and blasted a large bolt of lightning at the firebending master. Gohan jumped in the way and blasted a Masenko to intercept the lightning bolt. The two blasts collided as Gohan tried pushing the bolt back; Azula, however, just kept adding more and more the bolt, draining more and more Chi with each upgrade. Gohan, on his last leg, powered up to Super Saiyan Two Ultimate and added more power to the Masenko. He overpowered Azula and sent her flying through the cave. She laid there almost motionless as Piandao locked her up with some cuffs attached to a stalagmite.
"Thank you guys..." Gohan expressed his utmost gratitude as Jeong Jeong just patted him on the back. Gohan and the two masters went back to the surface, leaving Azula behind as she slowly went crazy, huffing and puffing while snorting fire and screaming like a madwoman.
*Outside The Fire Nation Capital*
As the battle with Ozai raged beside them, Zuko and Zhao continued their fight as Mai and Zarbon fought nearby. Zuko blocked a chop from Zhao and came back with his own fire roundhouse, which Zhao ducked under. The General stepped back and gave Zuko a Double Fire Dropkick. Two fire balls came barreling towards Zuko, who shot back with his own Double Fist Fire Blast. The two blasts collided; from the fire, Zuko came through the flames and Dropkicked Zhao in the chest. Zhao went down and Zuko jumped up, creating flames around his feet and Double Stomped Zhao's chest, burning him in the process. Zhao, slow to get up, was about to be victim of a flaming fist to the face. Zarbon interfered, however and Eraser Cannoned Zuko back a few feet. Mai threw a few needles at Zarbon, but it's not like they did much. A few fists were thrown Mai's way, and she dodged every one; Zarbon pulled his fist back and thrust it forward, blasting a Ki Blast at Mai. Iroh jumped in the way and shot out a giant fireball to counteract the Ki Blast. Iroh and Mai flew backwards from the recoil, but turned out alright. Zarbon charged at Iroh, but Zuko kicked him in the face, sending him flying into a rock. Iroh looked at Zuko, who shook his head affirmatively; Iroh did the same, and Iroh got into position. Generating electricity, Iroh did the necessary stances as Zarbon flew straight towards Iroh. The Old General jolted the green debutante with a burst a lightning, sending him flying into Zhao. Zuko summoned a giant flaming tornado and, with a flick of his wrist and a stomp, sent it in the two's direction. Zhao jumped out of the way, but Zarbon was burnt to a crisp. Iroh finished it off with a Firebreathing technique, melting the armor and skin of the lizard man. Zhao tried to run away, but Iroh intercepted him and Zuko was behind him. Zhao tried to fight them both, but he was incapacitated by poison needles stabbed into his back. Mai walked up from behind Zuko as Zhao fell unconscious.
"Thank you, Uncle" Zuko embraced his uncle as Iroh hugged back.
"Now hurry. We must help Bumi and Vegeta!" Uncle urgently warned his nephew.
"I'll take Zhao back to the jail. You guys go on ahead. Don't have too much fun..." Mai said in her characteristic monotone sarcasm. She dragged him back to the city as Iroh and Zuko went on to the big fight. As soon as she got to the Fire Nation Captain, she threw Zhao into his hands and dusted her hands off.
Aang simply stared at the evil robotic tyrant with anger in his eyes as Frieza simply smirked at the young Air Bender. Katara and the group simply stood aside as Aang fought off Mecha Frieza. Katara was busy healing Sokka from his Death Beam wounds. It wasn't too serious; it was easily heal-able. Sokka sat up quickly to see what was going on.
"What happened?" He asked as Suki held him by his head and kissed his cheek.
"Twinkle-Toes is fighting this 'Freezer' guy. He seems pretty strong, to tell ya the truth..." replied Toph.
"I know. I'm not even sure if Aang can beat this guy...his aura is a dark and foreboding..." Ty Lee remarked. The group looked on concerned as Aang and Frieza stared off.
"So you intend to wipe this smirk off of my face? Well by all means go right ahead." Frieza taunted with his arms wide open.
Aang sent a huge gust of wind at him which didn't even cause Frieza to fly off of the ground. Upon seeing this Aang decided to send a few fireballs at Frieza hoping that it singed him up a bit, but sadly that didn't even work.
"It would appear that your little fire tricks barely lift a burn mark on me." Frieza chuckled with amusement in his voice.
Aang then bent the Earth to trap Frieza up to his neck and then sent several large boulders flying towards his head, then he summoned two stone slabs and brought them both down on Frieza, and finally sealed up in a dome prison.
Aang then took a moment to relax a bit thinking that he just defeated his opponent, but let's just say fate has a way of screwing with people.
Because in a sudden explosion Frieza was free from his rocky prison and flew towards Aang and smacked him with his tail. Aang used his air bending to correct himself mid-flight, and went into the defensive when Frieza started firing ki blasts at him, while Aang blocked them with rocks and boulders as shields for himself.
Suddenly Frieza appeared behind Aang and wrapped his tail around Aang's neck and started choking him with it.
"It would appear that the last Air bender is losing his air." Frieza mocked as he slammed Aang on the ground several times and then threw him into the air.
Frieza flew right pass him and then with his hands cupped together brought them down on Aang's stomach and sent him crashing back down to the earth. Frieza then landed softly on the ground in front of Aang who gave out a grunt in response to this.
"As fun as this has been, I have other matters to tend too, so I hope you're ready to rejoin the rest of your kind." Frieza stated with a evil chuckle as a purple ball of energy formed in the palm of his hand aimed directly at the young air bender.
Aang simply glared at him as he was one knee looking up at the person that would cause him and his friends sudden death in that very moment.
As Frieza was about to launch his attack, out of nowhere he was kicked in the face and was sent flying into a mountain. Afterwards he was followed by a yellow Ki blast that reduced the mountain to rubble.
Aang and the others turned to see who their mysterious savior was and to their surprise it was none other than Son Goku himself.
"Looks like I got here just in time." Goku said with his Son Grin on his face as he approached Aang helping him up to his feet.
The entire Gaang arrived to find that The Ozai Tornado was too fierce of an opponent. Iroh shot lightning at it, but the fire tornado just absorbed it and shot it back at Iroh ten times stronger. Zuko checked on his uncle, but didn't see the meteor coming towards them. Ozai picked up several rocks, put them on fire, and hurled them at the heroes. Iroh and Zuko went flying, and were grabbed by Ozai.
"Oh, lookie here...my TREASONOUS family...I never did repay you for DESTROYING MY KINGDOM! Consider this a late present!" Ozai raised a fiery fist, but it was shot off by a Ki Wave from Goku. Goku blasted Ozai with a quick Kamehame Wave, which created a gaping hole in the center of Ozai. Goku flew up to him, another Ki Wave prepared for Ozai; unfortunately, he was grabbed and thrown back to earth. Aang flew up towards Ozai and tried to find a place where he could sap Ozai's chi, but he couldn't find any spot where he couldn't get burned.
"What do I do? I can't find a place to sap his chi from!" Aang frantically searched for a spot, and Ozai heard Aang's plea. He swatted him out of the air, burning Aang's staff in the process. Katara and Master Pakku created a giant wave from the ocean behind them and tried to use the wave to out the Fire Tornado. Ozai merely evaporated the water and sent scorching heat over the waters to dry it all up. Ozai sent a flamethrower down to the ground; similar to his previous burning of the earth, Ozai scorched the earth: destroying forests, lakes, cities, and anything else in his fire's path. The Fire Tornado blazed through the earth as the heroes were practically helpless.
"Gah! He's a monster!" Goku pounded the ground frustrated.
"He's just destroying anything in his path..." Katara lamented.
"Like last time, but worse..." Suki added. Sokka looked ahead and made a most disturbing observation...
"He's headed near Jang Hui! Remember the sea city? HE'S GONNA KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!"
"GAH! THAT'S IT!" Goku powered up as his golden aura engulfed the area around him, "I'm going for a Spirit Bomb! That monster has to go!" Goku flew into the air as he charged up Ki around his arm. The bluish-white aura generated around his hand and turned into a ball in his hand. He flew towards Ozai as fast as he could, hoping to intercept him. The Jang Hui residents fled their homes and got onto small, wooden boats. Ozai disregarded the lives of his former citizens and conjured up a giant fire ball. Goku, at breakneck speed, flew in front of Ozai.
"YOU MONSTER! GO AWAY!" Goku threw the Spirit Bomb straight at Ozai; the explosion rocked the entire area as the hero team fell to the ground and shielded their eyes. The Ozai monster dissipitated, and Goku saw a man on the ground, clothes tattered and riddled with scorch marks. Goku flew down and stared at Ozai, making sure he was done for good. An eye opened, and Ozai's eyes turned a dark red as fire creeped up his arm as he grabbed Goku by his neck.
"If I die...I'll be happy to take a victim with meeee..." The fire creeped up Ozai's hand and almost reached Goku's neck. Goku screamed bloody murder as his neck went through intense heat. Sokka drew his boomerang and bashed Ozai's arm with it, causing him to let go. Katara blasted Ozai with water from the lake, putting out any fire left in Ozai's arm. Toph trapped Ozai in a rock formation, locking his arms and legs in place. Aang flew over to Ozai and put his hand on his forehead. Tapping into his Avatar power, Aang duplicated the Energybending process. However, he wasn't able to extract any energy.
"What's wrong? I can't get any of his energy!" Aang wondered what went wrong. Sokka looked down and saw the gauntlets on Ozai's arms. He took his boomerang and destroyed them, destroying Ozai's source of Chi.
"I did it!" Sokka celebrated his defeating the villain; Toph just rolled her eyes...
"First time for everything..." she retorted.
Ozai tried to get up, but was stomped back down by Zuko. The Lotus men grabbed him and went to go put him in jail.
"We will place him back in jail where he belongs. You all just get that Dragonball back to where you came from" Iroh said as Bumi hoisted Ozai on his shoulder. Mai runs out to embrace Zuko as the people of Jang Hui celebrate the victory. What goes unnoticed in the bushes is the nearly dead white monster crawling to the scene. Frieza, who somehow survived crawled behind a few bushes and raised a finger glowing a reddish hue.
"You will not get away...I'm taking some down this time..." Frieza jumped out of the bushes, much to the group's surprise. He pointed his finger at Mai, and rained down Death Beams galore. Mai closed her eyes to await her fate, but saw, out of the squint of her eyes, a shadow dashing in front of her taking the blow for her. Mai opened her eyes to see the horror in front of her...
Zuko...riddled with holes in his torso...dropping to his knees and onto his face.
"ZUKOOOO!" Mai got down and shook her fiance viciously, trying her best to wake him up. His eyes opened to reveal his glazed over iris, and he had a trickle of blood coming from his mouth as he tried to speak; but nothing came out except for one last breath as he slumped over. Mai let out a scream as the rest of the group looked on in shock. Iroh mouthed "Zuko" as he turned away and teared up. The only dry eye was Frieza, who chuckled a bit before speaking.
"Ooooh...I'm sorry...was he important to the plot of this show? My bad...I need to read the script more often..." His inherent disdain for his deed caught the ire of Aang, holding his head down while clenching his fist.
"Oh...what's wrong, baldy...I could've sworn the sad chick was his fiance...not you..." Frieza just laughed out loud as Aang looked up...eyes and tattoos glowing. The air swirled around him as the water joined along. Rocks hovered towards him as Fire appeared. Aang floated into the air as the wind grew stronger. Frieza (And Zhane in the air with the Dragonball in hand) looked on in shock as the once peaceful Aang became a fearsome force.
"YOU MONSTER! YOU MUST ATONE FOR YOUR DEED!" Aang, full-on Avatar State, shot a jet of air at Frieza, who flew up and tried to outfly Aang. But the Avatar merely flew up and shot a boulder at Frieza, taking him down. Frieza got up and looked up to Aang hovering over him with a drill made of all four elements. He aimed it for Frieza and sent it spiraling down; however, Aang stopped himself and pulled it back as Frieza was puzzled. Zhane grabbed Frieza and commanded the ship to beam them up.
"Got the ball, kiddies...you do well with keeping up..." Zhane and Frieza went back onboard, along with a few corpses, as Aang just looked on even more frustrated. He glanced over at The Z Fighters and turned his rage to them.
"Youuu...YOUUU!" Aang faced Goku, who took a step back.
"What did we do?" Goku asked.
"YOU DID THIS! THIS IS ALL-YOUR-FAAAULT!" The elements spread out wildly as the group tried their best to dodge the flying debris. "IF YOU HADN'T OF COME HERE, ZUKO WOULD STILL BE ALIVE! ALL YOUR FAULT! ALL YOUR FAULT!"
"AANG! CALM DOWN!" Katara tried her best, but Aang flailed wildy at tree stumps and the earth as the group jumped around, dodging the blows.
"How do we get Twinkle Toes to calm down?" Toph asked as she held on to Sokka.
"I don't know! Not even Katara could calm him down!" Sokka responded. Mai looked on in fear as the White Lotus members just kept their stances. They tried their best to calm Aang down, but no one could. Goku stepped up and made a deal.
"We'll bring Zuko back!"
"LIARS! YOU CAN'T BRING HIM BACK!" Aang just slashed at Goku, who jumped up to dodge it.
"WE CAN! We'll get all of the Dragonballs! And when we do, our first wish will be to bring Zuko back!" Goku tried his best, and Aang started to calm down. As the elemental rage died down, Aang just looked up at Goku and back down.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have gone so wild and crazy..." Aang teared up a little and looked back at Goku. "Will you really bring him back?"
Goku looked at Aang, with the same confidence he always radiates...
"Of course..." He gave Aang a thumbs up and smile, reassuring Aang.
*Two Hours later*
The Z Group, nearly on the ship, said their goodbyes and were almost on the ship. The girls, as always, gave Gohan a teary goodbye as Goten said bye to Toph.
"Bye Toph! Hope to see you again soon!" Goten smiled goofy-like, while Toph kept a straight face and patted the boy on the shoulder.
"Sure, why not." She left it at that and walked away; but Goten could care less.
"She agreed..." his eyes went googly as he went weak in the knees.
Aang, Sokka, and Gohan grouped together to say goodbyes , and Sokka put his hand out.
"It was cool meeting you. You're pretty awesome. Y'know, Aang thought that you were trying to steal our girlfriends. I told him, "Aang! You're crazy!" Sokka stuck out his chest and glanced over at Aang, who did a double take and took offense to what his friend said.
"Wait, what? That was yo-"
"No no...it's OK, Aang. I know you feel a bit...insecure..." Sokka interrupted. Aang just facepalmed as Suki and Katara walked over. "I mean...why would Suki EVER leave this..." the Water-Tribe boy...erm, man...started flexing as Suki giggled and took Sokka by the arm.
"Yep...I am bound to the almighty muscle" Suki played along, walking off with Sokka. She turned around without Sokka noticing and gave Gohan a wink, causing him to blush.
"Well it was great meeting you" Katara said as she hugged Gohan. Aang bowed before his new friend and Gohan did the same.
"We'll find the Dragonballs...don't worry..." Gohan said. Goku, walking over to a lonesome Mai, was saying the same thing.
"Don't worry, Mai...we'll bring Zuko back. He won't be gone for long. I promise you." Goku gave her his signature grin and thumbs up as Mai gave off a faint smile. She looked at the procession carrying Fire Lord Zuko's body, and ordered them to stop the procession. She postponed the funeral and said that Zuko was coming back. When asked what she was talking about, Mai dryly replied...
"'Cause I said so, that's why. Now put it back."
The procession did as she said, in fear of not displeasing her. Iroh walked in with the White Lotus group, bowing before Goku and the Z Fighters.
"We thank you for coming. We hope that you do find the Dragonballs and bring Zuko back" Jeong Jeong said.
"Until then, I will be taking over the state of affairs for The Fire Nation" Iroh said as he turned to Mai and put her arm around her.
"We got everything under control here", she commented, "Just go find those Dragon Balls."
Gohan smirked as Ty Lee snuck up from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek, surprising the young Half-Saiyan.
"See ya, cutieee..." She waved goodbye to him as she handwalked out of the way, leaving behind a beet red Gohan.
"These girls are gonna kill me..."
"HEY! COME ON! WE GOTTA GO!" Bulma yelled from the ship's cockpit.
"IT'S SAIYAN CUISINE NIGHT! I'M COOKING!" Vegeta yelled, holding up what looked like purple ooze.
"Eeew..." Goten remarked, "Dad, can we get take-out?"
"Only if The Chinese place delivers in Wormholes..." Goku responded.
"OH! I KNOW ONE THAT DOES! CAN WE GET GENERAL TAO'S CHICKEN?" Goten jumped up and down excitedly.
"Of course, Goten!" Goku and Goten walked up the ramp of the ship, leaving the Gaang, Lotus, and Gohan utterly confused...
"Imma just go now..." Gohan trudged up the ramp as it closed behind him. The ship flew into the air and blasted off, flying into the wormhole to a new adventure.
*Frieza's Ship*
"Two Dragonballs...you've impressed me, son..."
Broly was having another meeting with Zhane, congratulating him on another good job. Zhane just smirked and looked back up at his father's projection.
"I plan on having smooth sailing after this, before raiding the Z Fighter ship and stealing the one missing ball" Zhane said.
"Good. Just remember, Zhane; watch out for anything on this ship...anything can hinder your progress. Anything...and anyone..." Broly ominously said as a root grew around the corner of the room.
*Vegeta: If you say that ship's name...
X-3000 Inter-Dimension Vessel!
The z Fighters looked around for the ball, and Bulma found something very surprising on the radar...
"Everyone...come quick!" she commanded as everyone, including a Chinese delivery boy coming.
"How did he..." Bulma immediately found her answer when she spotted Goku and Goten eating out of a Chinese food carton.
"But...how..." Bulma stopped herself and continued her statement, "Anyway...I've spotted two ball..."
"Woman, I told you, what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom..." Vegeta slyly remarked.
"Really? Where?" Yamcha asked excitedly.
"Calm down, wolf boy. They're in two universes. One grey looking place called Basin City...the other, some quaint little town...with a white beagle sleeping on a doghouse..."
"The sleeping beagle world sounds nice" Chi-Chi said, "What about the other-" Chi-Chi was interrupted by what seemed like twelve successive murders, ten thefts, seven counts of grand theft auto, and one count of child abduction by some yellow freak in the grey world...all in one minute...
"..." Chi-Chi jus turned around to Goten and Trunks, who smiled with glee wanting to go to the grey world. Chi-Chi put her nagging foot down.
"NO KIDS GO THERE!" she demanded. As soon as she said that, a prostitute walked across the screen, and we all know who perked up at that...
"SHE'S RIGHT!" Master Roshi jumped in, "ADULTS ONLY!" Bulma rolled her eyes as the Turtle Hermit and Oolong salivated. Gohan just sighed as Tien came forward.
"So the kids go to the sleepy looking world, am I right?" he said. Bulma nodded her head affirmatively and Tien looked back at Chiaotzu. "You come with me, Chiaotzu."
"Is he even a kid?" Yamcha wondered.
"He's more manlier than you, let's put it like that" ZINGER FROM TIEN!
"Nice one, three eyes..." Vegeta remarked.
"HEY, WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Vegeta was held back by Bulma, who laid into him with The Frying Pan.
"AS I was saying...kids go to the colorful world, and kids go to the grey world..."
"Hey Krillin", Piccolo said, "Better go to the Color world with the kids so you don't get scared...or die again..."
"HEY! I AM PERFECTLY ABLE TO FIGHT WITH THE ADULTS!" Krillin leaned against the control panel unwittingly and pressed several buttons, frying the controls. An alarm started going off as the ship started swerving out of control. The gang was thrown around the ship, bumping wildly into the walls and ceiling. The Dragon Radar smacked Trunks in the face as he went flying through the window. Goten grabbed onto him as he tried pulling him back in. The suction from the air pressure pulled Goten through the window. Gohan grabbed him as he was being pulled through the window also. Goku grabbed Gohan and tried pulling him back in, but the ship's systems failed as the...
X-3000 Inter-Dimension Vessel!
"NOT NOW!" Screamed Vegeta
...started to plummet. The ship rocked by once more as Goku was sent flying backwards, losing his grip of Gohan, sending all the kids flying downwards into the vastness of the Multi-Verse Wormhole. The kids disappeared into the wormhole into the new universe, as the Z Fighters' ship fell into the other. But something was not right...
The Z Fighters landed in a very colorful land with a quaint neighborhood, while the kids landed in a grey, dismal city...
Next Time on Dragon Ball ZCE!
The Z Fighters are split between universes! The adults are in a new universe, and the kids in another! But something isn't right. And to make matters worse, Zhane has sent some of his cronies in after BOTH of them! How will this resolve itself? Find out in the TWO NEXT NEW SAGAS...
Episode 17A:
What Happened!
The Peanuts Gang Comes
Basin City!
A Crime Ridden Land
A/N: That's right, guys! I'm pulling double duty! TWO stories! So I hope you suscribe to both! Thanks for supporting me! And I hope that everyone who watched this watches both of these Sagas as well, along with my earlier Sagas: The PBS Saga and The Konoha Saga! And thanks to GB for helping out with the Aang-Frieza Fight!
Thanks for reading, guys! Please review!