A/N: I'm baaack! I'm bringing the newest Saga right at ya! Avatar!

PS: I do not own anything here. I would be, as The Notorious BIG and Young Mafia once said, "Get Money!"

Last Time on Dragon Ball ZCE!

Our heroes witnessed a once in a lifetime event; Naruto and Sasuke fused! They then proceeded to destroy Yakon. A brief struggle over the Dragon Ball resulted in Zhane acquiring it and leaving. The count between the two sides is now 1-1. After a farewell to the Konoha 11, the Z Fighters traveled to a new universe, but once again they're captured by the locals. Who will they be in front of this time? Find out next on this new installment of Dragon Ball ZCE!

Episode 13:

A World of Benders!

Zhane Breaks Into Jail

"Hmm, well what do ya know…WE'RE CAPTURED AGAIN!"

Vegeta erupted in anger at the fact that he was being led to a room by some guards.

"Will you stop whining! It's not like we're being led to the gallows!" Bulma said to her angry husband.

"What do they do here? Electric chair? Lethal injection? Gas chamber?" Krillin asked.

"Oh, firing squad" One of the guards said.

"Oh wow", Krillin said, "At least it's a quick death." He then took a quick look over to a courtyard where a prisoner was being executed.

"Please! I didn't mean to!" the prisoner pleaded.

"Too late!" The guards then blasted him with a barrage of flamethrowers, and let the man burn slowly.


"What did you think we meant?"

Krillin shuddered at the sight and tried his best to be obedient.

"Hey Piccolo, what kind of power level do you sense within these people?" Gohan asked.

"Hmm, adequate. Nothing special. Going on instinct, I'd have to say these guys are just grunts. I'm sure there's stronger."

The group finally made it to the large door at the end of the hall. Three of them went up to it and pushed it open; revealing a room filled with nothing but the color red. But what the Z Fighters were most surprised about was the giant flame right in front of them.

"Fire Lord! We have found these trespassers!" The captain of the guard informed the ruler. The Fire Lord just looked on curiously.

"What do you want us to do with them?"

The Fire Lord didn't answer.

"What was that? "Execution"? Well, if you say so." The guard created a small flame in his hand and shaped it into a dagger.

"Hey! He didn't say that!" Trunks whined.

"Well, he did not not say that".

"Well, you can't argue with that logic" Goten said.

"…Shut up."

He then grabbed Gohan and held the flame dagger to his neck.

"GOHAN!" Chi-Chi screamed out.

"Let go of him!" commanded Goku.

"Uum, well…I don't wanna" The captain raised his hand, but Gohan immediately phased out, causing the captain to gasp in confusion. Gohan then re-appeared behind him.

"I heard nothing; therefore, I shouldn't get killed."

"Grr, get back here you spiky haired brat!" The guard rushed towards him; but Gohan jumped in the air, causing the captain to crash into the wall. He then shot a giant flame towards Gohan, but Gohan phased out and re-appeared behind him. Gohan then punched the captain straight in the gut and sent him flying across the room.


"What a "Mary Sue" moment" Yamcha said.



The Fire Lord finally said a word, which caused the whole room to freeze.

"I have seen enough. Captain, you and your guards are dismissed."

"But, my Lord…"

"I said YOU'RE DISMMISED! Now leave, before I relieve you of your post!" The guards left, with the captain giving Gohan a dirty look.

"Now, as for you…"

"Listen, Fire Lord, we were just traveling in your territory searching for something. We didn't know this was a palace" Goku said.

"How do you not know? Everyone knows about the Fire Lord and the Fire Kingdom!"

"What a creative name, Fire Dork" Trunks said.

"Well, we're from another universe. We're searching for these things called Dragon Balls."

"Listen; I've heard some ridiculous things, but THAT was just pure stupidity. I should have you executed."

The Z Fighters looked on in fear as they heard that; but Vegeta just stayed calm.

"Let me handle this; I'm a prince." He then walked up to the giant flame that covered up the Fire Lord's appearance.

"Listen, Fire Lord; I'm royalty too."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Y'see, I'm the Prince of all Saiyans."

"Not the King?""Well, technically, yes. But after my planet was destroyed, my title was kept at 'Prince'."


"Yes. So, royalty to royalty, how about you DON'T have us executed? You don't want to kill royalty?"

"No, I don't…"

"Yeah! So you see…"

"But since you're not technically royalty, you don't live in my 'universe', and you're trying to coerce me to not have you killed, which failed by the way, you CAN be killed."

"Damn it, Vegeta" Yamcha said.

"Shut up."

"You really failed this time" Krillin added.

"…Do you want me to start, Omi?"


"OK then."

"But…I will take a vote from some of my closest advisors. So why don't you wait for a minute. If we say you should be killed, you die. If not, then you're free to go do some other things you want.

"OK then" Goku said.

"Please, take a seat."

The Z Fighters go over to the lounge room to await there trial. The room is very ornate; filled with decorative lights, beautiful fire wallpaper, gold chairs with silk cushions, and candles everywhere.

"You'll receive service soon. It might be your last, so please…enjoy yourselves."

After a hour, the Z Fighters were called back into the royal room. They saw seven additional figures with the Fire Lord behind the fire.

"So, Fire Lady, you reach a verdict?" Yamcha teased.

"Yamcha, I wouldn't tease them" Chiaotzu said.

"Why not? They can't do anything!" he retorted, which earned him a giant needle in his leg.

"GAAAAAAAAH!" He screamed out in pain as he hopped around.

"I can't do anything, huh?" A dry, dreary female voice said.

"Oh, come on! Why do that? It really wasn't necessary, was it?" A more cheerier and perky female voice said.

"Girls, focus. We need to figure out what to do with these guys" A serious female voice said.

"Yeah. That green one doesn't look very nice" A younger, but just as serious voice said.

"Well, sister, I don't go by looks. But that idiot with the mouth and the needle in his knee needs to die" A younger, and more tough voice said.

"Yeah. But y'know, that guy with the blue shirt, spiky hair, and bad attitude needs to get hurt too" A funny sounding male voice said.

"Well then…I guess you guys are dying" The Fire Lord said.

"WHAT! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Trunks yelled out.

"Life ain't fair kid!" The tough girl's voice said.

"Grrrrrr, let's just run out of here!" Piccolo said. He tried to generate a large amount of Ki, but Goku stopped him.

"Piccolo, wait. Fire Lord, please, let us go! We need to search for our item! If you don't let us go; EVERY UNIVERSE WILL BE DESTROYED!"

"I'm sorry, but the vote is final. I'll bring in my guard."

"Fire Lord please, hear us out!" Gohan said, which gained him the audience of four of the girls.

"Oh wow…your cute!" The perky female voice said.

"Uh Oh…"

"Yeah, he's pretty hot" the dreary female voice added.

"Seriously?" Gohan said.

"Actually, this may help us!" Krillin said.

"Zuko, we can't kill them! Their innocent!" The dreary voice said.

"Yeah! Come on Zuko! Keep them alive!" The perky voice added.

"But you said…""Actually Zuko, they should stay alive. I mean, you shouldn't kill people just because they trespass on your property. Besides, we may be able to help them with their journey" A young, but wise boy's voice said.

"OK, fine. Your free to go!"

"YEAH!" Goten said.

"Thanks!" Goku said.

"No problem" The Fire Lord said. He doused the fire, which revealed eight young people.

"Wait…YOU GUYS ARE KIDS!" Vegeta said, nearly choking on air due to the excitement.

"Yeah. So?" Fire Lord Zuko wondered.

"I WAS NEGOTIATING WITH A KID! I OUGHTA KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!""Well, seeing as how I can easily have you killed now…"

"Grr, I hate you."

"Now…about that cutie right there with the spiky hair" said the perky girl.

"I think he's married with kids who look like him" the boy with the wolf's tail hairstyle said.

"No, the one who saved his group!" she said. She jumped down and landed on her hands and walked on them towards Gohan.

"Hi! My name's Ty Lee! What's your?""Um, Gohan.""That's cute!"

"My name's Mai" the dreary girl said, jumping down. She shook Gohan's hand, but refused to let go. Gohan finally had to pry her hand off of him with a crowbar.

"I'm Sokka, with an 'okka'" he said, trying to sound cool. "And this is my girlfriend, Suki!" He said, pulling her towards him and putting his arm around her.

"Yeah, we're in a relationship" she confirmed, but then silently sighed sadly.

"I'm Toph" she said, stomping around, causing the ground to shake. The others looked at her weirdly. Trunks looked in her eyes wondrously.

"Hey, is your last name 'Hyuga'?" he asked.

"What? No! My last name is 'Bei Fong'! Why would I have a weird name like 'Hyuga'?"

"Well, your eyes are like, grey."'Because I'm blind."

"You poor child, how do you get around?" Chi-Chi wondered.

"OK; First, I'm not a 'poor child'. I can take care of myself. And second; I sense vibrations with my feet. It's an earthbender trick."

"Earthbender?" Tien asked.

"What the…Oh yeah, you're not from around here."

"I'll explain it" the bald headed kid with the arrow tattoos said. "I'm Aang. Y'see, in our world, there are four elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Some people are normal, like Sokka…"

"HEY!""…and some can control these four elements, and some even can control bending like: Lava bending, blood bending, ice bending, gas bending, shadow bending, and even glue bending!"

"Is there "shit bending" too?" Vegeta said, garnering a few laughs, even from Sokka.

"He he, he said shi…"

"Don't repeat it!" Suki said, punching his arm.


"Anyway…I'm an Airbender. I'm actually the last of our kind. My people were killed by the fire benders. It was the first battle of a huge, hundred year bloody war that also claimed Katara and Sokka's mom. I'm the Avatar, and I can control all the elements. I didn't want to be The Avatar, so I froze myself in an iceberg. Then Katara and Sokka found me and…"

*Three Books later*

"Wow" Bulma said.

"So your sister was a complete pyscho?" Yamcha said.

"Wow, your family's crazy" Trunks rudely blurted out.

"TRUNKS!" Bulma said, slapping him on the cheek. Goten didn't hear a lot of the conversation, as he was busy looking at Toph.

"Hey Trunks."

"What?""That Toph looks cute."

"Oh brother."

"I'm going to talk to her!"

"Dude, she's like, WAY older than you."

"Only by like three years!"

"Just don't try. Your so young. I wouldn't want you to get your feeling…" but Goten was already with Toph.


"Hi, my name's Goten."

"Huh; oh, hi."

"I like your hair."

"Yeah, I like it too…I guess."

"…Sooo, how about the weather?"


"How old are you?"


"Where do you come from?""Earth Kingdom."

"You like chocolate?""Sure.""Are you strong?"

"Yes.""Have any siblings?"


"Have any parents?""Duh."

"You hungry?"

"Kind of."

"You going out with someone?"

"No.""Do you wanna?""No."

"Can I be your boyfriend?"




"Do you hate me?"


"You think I'm weird?"


"You enjoying my company?"


"You want me to leave now?"



Goten walked over to Trunks, who had a smug look on his face.

"So…how did your 'conversation' go?"

"…we had a very extensive talk."

"So Katara, if you're going out with Aang, are you going to have kids?" Chiaotzu asked.


"Chiaotzu, that wasn't a very good thing to ask" Tien said.

"Well, we haven't though about that yet."

"Oh, I'll be beating that everywhere" Aang said to himself.

"Um, Aang, I'm right here" Sokka said.

"Uuuuh…I meant I was going to beat her in a race we were having!"

"Oh…well, I hope you beat her!"

"Oh, I'll be beating her alright."

"Oh my…" Bulma said.

"So Gohan, how'd you get these muscles?" Suki said.

"Hard training."

"Oh wow!"

"HEY! THAT'S MY GIRL!" Sokka said.

"Oh Sokka, calm down! We're just talking!" she re-affirmed him.

"Yeah" Mai said.

"Um, Mai, since we're getting married in a few days, maybe you shouldn't be rubbing on him like that" Zuko said.

"Oh Zuko, calm down. So Gohan, tell me; black, a good choice for clothing?"

"I guess; if you're into it."

"Wow, thanks! Zuko says I need to change my style up."

"It depresses me!"

"Yeah, but you depress me."

"Oh wow, an emo union. What can be better?" Vegeta said sarcastically.

"Hey, spikes! You gonna be a smart-ass all day?" Zuko asked with a serious face.

"Depends…you gonna be emo all your life?"

"Come one guys, we need to start getting along!" Goku said, trying to ease the tension.

"Y'know, you've been acting smart all day, Kakarot! What's your deal!"

"I dunno…I'm hungry."

"Now the world's normal."

"So Gohan…can I touch your muscles?" Suki asked.

"Uh, sure."

Sokka justed looked on with contempt.

"Come on Sokka, they're just having fun. It's what girls do", Aang reassured his friend, "You shouldn't get so angry about it. I wouldn't if Katara was doing it."

"Oh really", Sokka said, "Well why don't you take a look at my sister right now?" Aang looked over in shock as Katara was feeling on Gohan's arms.

"Oh wow! You're so muscley!" She squealed in excitement. The three boys stood together, looking on with angry expressions. But the next moment would break up all of their fun…

"Hello everyone!" said an excited Uncle Iroh…

…who came in only in his underwear.

"AAAAAAAAAAUGH!" they all screamed.

"PUT A BRA ON, YOU FAT FOSSIL!" Vegeta screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Piccolo added in.

"AAAAAAAAA! MY EYES!" Sokka said.

"GOHAN! PROTECT US!" The girls said hiding behind Gohan.


"I am SOO glad I'm blind" Toph said happily.


"Ooooooooh!" Goku and Goten said. Chi-Chi put her hand over Goten's eyes.


"Oh! Sorry about that! I didn't know you had company! Nice to meet you!" he said, shaking Goku's hand.

"I like you boobs! They're bigger than Chi-Chi's!" he said, which earned him a kick in the head from his wife.

"Ha ha! Well then…Oops! Dropped my towel!" he said, bending over to pick it up, not knowing Vegeta was behind him.

"I am scarred for life" he said, before fainting.

"So what do we owe this exciting visit?" Iroh said.

After the explanation, Iroh shook his head affirmatively.

"Why yes! We would LOVE to help you with your search!"

"Well Uncle", Zuko said, "before we do that…



In the Fire Nation prison, a certain prisoner was being held up. He was no ordinary prisoner; he was the former Fire Lord Ozai. He was just sitting there, seething with anger, hoping to get his revenge. He was busy thinking about this same subject, which he had been thinking about for the past year since the war ended, when he hear footsteps. He saw a pair of feet in front of his cell, and looked up. He saw a young man's eyes looking down at him, smirking. This young man was Zhane.

"Get up. We're breaking you free."

"We? Who are you? Who is this 'We'?" Ozai questioned. Suddenly, Frieza walked in, along with Dodoria..

"Alright, Zarbon has the guards incapacitated" Frieza said.

"Good. I gave you one more chance, Frieza. I expect you to do good this time. Or there will be no next time!"



"OK, Dodoria, blow the bars off this cell" Frieza commanded his pink grunt.

"Yes, Lord Frieza" he blasted the bars, incinerating them. Ozai then walked out the cell as a free man.

"Did you get our last man?" a bearded figure said, walking in.

"Yes, we did.""*Gasp!*", Ozai couldn't believe his eyes…

"General Zhao! I thought you were dead!"

"Well, I didn't die. I merely hid for some time. I laid low for a while until the war was over. I was actually planning a rebellion to overthrow that wretched son of yours, no offense."

"Zuko is NO son of mine! He is an outcast of our family, as far as I'm concerned!"

"…You mean as far as WE concern, father."

Ozai looked over with excitement as he saw his daughter; the evil, psychotic, and dangerous Azula.

"Well, my daughter. I'm glad you're able to join us! It's great to bring the family together."

"I also brought a little help." Suddenly, Combustion Man walks in with his usual angry expression.

"Who is this?" Ozai asked.

"Apparently, Zuko hired a mercenary to kill The Avatar while he came back. *Scoff*, just like Zu-Zu to leave someone else to do his work.""Well, he doesn't need to keep doing my work. I'M taking my throne back. And I'm making my duty to have Zuko and Iroh executed!"

"Well, before we do that, how about we get out of here first? I have an army that's ready to do as you command."

"Excellent" Ozai said.

The villains left the prison; but Dodoria, feeling a little restless, decided to fire a giant Eraser Cannon towards the prison.


The prison exploded and went up in flames; and by the looks of it, there were no survivors.

"Sorry 'bout that. I got a little restless" he said nonchalantly.

"It's okay Dodoria", Zhane re-assured him, "There'll be more things like that happening soon anyway."

"What about The Avatar?" Ozai said.

"It's okay", Frieza answered, "While you guys deal with the Z Fighters, I have a special 'Force' on The Avatar and his friends."

Next Time on Dragon Ball ZCE!

The Z Fighters and the Gaang start searching for the Dragon Ball, while the girls swoon over Gohan. But while they search and frolic, the villains are planning a coup. How will the political landscape change? And how will Aang and his friends deal with this this 'Force'? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball ZCE!

Next Episode-

Episode 14:

The Z Gaang!

The Revolution Begins

A/N: Thanks for the patience. And thanks to TobiGB for the help.

I'm thankful that you guys have stuck with me so far! I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading! Please review.