**Two Weeks Later**

Kaci was in her room at Bam's house packing everything up. It was her last day in West Chester. She had one more day off from work but was going to use it to do laundry when she got home. There was a knock at the door. She mumbled a 'Come in' as she tossed more clothes into a suitcase. She stood up to stretch her back when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. She smiled to herself as Bam placed a kiss on her neck.

"Do you have to go home?" asked Bam.

"Yeah. I have a job, ya know," said Kaci. "They only gave me two weeks off."

"But can't you take a vacation, or something?" asked Bam.

"If I could I would," said Kaci.

Bam let a pout form on his lips, which made Kaci laugh. She leaned up and kissed him. Bam smiled as he grabbed her hand.

"Come on," said Bam.

"What?" asked Kaci.

"We are going out," said Bam.

"You realize that I have a flight at eight o'clock tonight," said Kaci.

"I know," said Bam.

Kaci rolled her eyes and shook her head as she followed him down both sets of stairs to the Pirate bar. Standing and sitting around said bar were most of Bam's friends. Bam pulled Kaci in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waist again, keeping her from escaping.

"Okay, what's going one?" asked Kaci.

Everyone started talking at once, all saying that they didn't want her to leave and that they would stare if she weren't there to cook for them, and other things along those lines. Kaci stood there and laughed at their attempts to keep her in West Chester.

"Guys, as much as this appeals to me, I have to go home," said Kaci.

Raab and Dunn were fixing to protest some more when Kaci's phones started ringing, it was the shop. She pulled her phone out and put it on speakerphone.

"Yeah?" she said.

"You've got me on speaker phone don't you?" asked Jay.

"Yup," said Kaci. "What's up? Did you burn the place down?"

"No, we didn't burn the place down," said Michael taking the phone from Jay.

"What! You mean it actually burnt down! What the hell happened!" said Kaci.

"From the looks of it, it was Scotty. He came looking for you yesterday. When we told him you were still in PA he flipped and stormed out. We got a call from the fire department this morning about it," said Michael.

"What's the damage?" asked Kaci.

"Everything is gone," said Michael. "Nothing was salvageable."

"I'm gonna kick his ass," said Bam.

"You gotta take a number, man," said Michael.

"Everything? Flash, books, randoms?" asked Kaci.

"Yeah, girl. Everything. I'm sorry," said Michael.

"It's okay. I think they were all copies anyway," said Kaci.

"I know you were dead set on coming home today to get back to work, but," started Michael.

"I don't have a job to come home to," said Kaci.

"Yeah," said Michael.

"I guess this is a blessing and a curse," said Kaci.

"Why do you say that?" asked Michael.

"A curse because the shop is gone, a blessing because I can get the guys to stop begging me to go home," said Kaci.

"Yeah, that's the truth," said Michael.

"How long is rebuild going to take?" asked Tim Glomb who had been listening quietly.

"We wont start rebuilding until next spring," said Michael. "And even then it could take months. Why?"

"Kaci, I hate to say it," said Tim. "But I just don't think Bam is going to let go over you for the next six to ten months."

Kaci started to laugh as Bam tightened his grip around her waist. Michael started laughing at Tim's comment.

"In fact," since you are no longer in school, I don't want to see your face around town for at least six month," said Michael.

"Really man! You gotta stop saying that!" said jay in the background. "She actually listens when you say shit like that!"

"Okay. Deal. I wont come back for at least six months. BUT you have to let me know the minute the shop opens so I can get back to work!" said Kaci.

"Deal. Bye!" said Michael hanging up the phone.

Kaci shook her head as she took the phone off speaker and put it back in her pocket. She looked at the faces that surrounded her and smiled.

"Looks like I get to go shopping on Bam's credit if I am going to stay here for six months," said Kaci.

Bam smiled and kissed her cheek. He had her for six months and wasn't going to let her go anytime soon.

**Six Months Later**

Kaci was sitting on the couch when her cell phone rang. It had been a little over six months since Michael and Jayson called to tell her the shop had burned down. Turns out that Scotty was the one who did it, with help from Andrew. Dee was pissed that Kaci was staying with Bam and didn't want him. Both were charged with arson and would spend at least five years in prison because of it.

"Hello?" said Kaci answer the phone.

"Kace?" said Michael.

"Yup," said Kaci.

"I just got your message," said Michael.

"You realize that I left you that message two months ago. I thought you forgot about me," said Kaci.

"I just got the phone hooked back up. What do you mean you aren't coming home?" asked Michael.

"Something came up and I decided that I wanted to stay in West Chester," said Kaci.

"And what came up that you had to put your life down here on hold?" asked Michael.

Kaci smiled as she ran her hand over her swollen belly, "Well I can show you in about three months."

'What!" said Michael. "Please tell me that you aren't pregnant."

"Okay, I wont," chuckled Kaci.

"Congratulations girl," said Michael. "I expect pictures!"

"Of course," said Kaci. "I will talk to you soon."

Kaci laid the phone down on the table and started looking through the magazine again. She heard the floor boards creak overhead and saw Bam walk into the kitchen in his sleep pants. He walked over to her and kissed her head as he sat down at the table next to her.

"Who was that?" he asked yawning.

"Michael. He finally got my message saying that I was going to stay here," said Kaci. "What do you think about this?"

"I don care," said Bam.

"Fine," said Kaci closing the magazine. "It's pirate themed."

Bam smiled and kissed Kaci, "DiCo will be happy."

"Oh I bet," said Kaci. "When do you wanna have it?"

"How about in four months," said Bam running his hand across her belly.

"That soon?" asked Kaci.

"Yeah, that soon," said Bam.

"Fine. You get to tell your mom," said Kaci standing up. "I just don't think she is gonna be happy about it, though."
"I wont be happy about what?" asked April walking through the back door with a bag of groceries.

"Did you get the Moose Tracks?" asked Kaci.

"Yeah. I got it," smiled April hugging Kaci. "Well."

"It's pirate themes," said Bam.

"Really Bam? Couldn't you have come up with something other than Pirates?" asked April.

"Actually it was my idea," said Kaci. "His idea was getting it all done in four months."

"Bam, you're an idiot. You have a baby on the way. You will be too busy with that to get married right off the bat," said April.

Kaci turned to look at April and gave her a dejected look. April sighed and relented.

"But I guess I can help plan it," said April.

"Thanks Ape!" said Kaci before she walked towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" asked Bam.

"You have a demo today and I'm going shopping with your mom. It's a win-win," smiled Kaci.

Bam shook his head as he tossed the wedding magazine in the trash.

"You wanted her," said April.

"I know. I love her, but she's got a point. It is a win-win," smiled Bam running up the stairs after his fiancé.