AN: My first attempt at a glee fanfic!

In my world Quinn is pregnant and Finn is the father. Puck and Quinn never got together.

Disclaimer - I don't own Glee, i only wish i did.

The thunder, lightening and gale force winds Rachel could have dealt with. The torrential rain not so much. The heavens had opened in a down poor of epic proportions as they'd left her house and now she could barely see out the front window of her car as she drove to the movies, a heavily pregnant Quinn sitting beside her.

"This is ridiculous" she said tensely, gripping the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles turned white. She was already sat forward on the very edge of her seat, attempting and failing to distinguish blurry shapes in the darkness outside. Every once in a while she'd see the glow of another drivers headlights and swerve away from them towards the sidewalk with a dramatic intake of breath.

"Sweetie" said Quinn in a calming voice. "Maybe you should pull over? You know you don't drive well in the rain."

Rachel scowled. Even at the best of times she didn't respond well to criticism. And this was definitely not the best of times.

"That would be detrimental to our evening's schedule" she snapped in response. "The movie starts at eight and right now it is precisely seven thirty. If we don't keep going we'll be late. Arghh!" A particularly violent clap of thunder sounded above them and she flinched, causing the car to veer off to the right.

"Stop the car Rach" said Quinn firmly. "I am not dying on the way to see a trashy chick flick that I didn't want to go to in the first place."

"The review said it was a romantic and humorous must see" said Rachel defensively. "And I thought it would be nice to have some girl time before the baby arrives."

"It is" said Quinn, smiling. "But I'd rather we didn't have girl time at E.R. You've nearly crashed twice."

"Fine" Rachel sighed and slowed down so she could pull in to the side of the road. With the engine off, the rain pounding on the roof of the car was deafening.

"We'll sit it out till it stops" she shouted over the noise. "If it ever stops."

"Dude, it's so not going to storm" said Quinn gruffly, in a good imitation of Puck. "That's the last time I listen to that boy, especially where the weather's concerned."

"I tell you repeatedly to ignore him" Rachel grumbled. "Everything he says is either crass, insulting or entirely wrong – why are you laughing?"

Rachel glared at her friend and Quinn pressed her lips together, struggling to keep her laughter under control.

"What did I say?" Rachel demanded. She sometimes wondered if spending so much time around Finn had caused the Cheerio's brain to soften somewhat. She'd found the two of them laughing the other day and upon asking them what was funny, been given the reply "we just realised our names rhyme". She felt that was pretty good evidence to back up her theory.

"Nothing" said Quinn, still trying to keep a straight face. "It's just that – Oh Rach, can't you see how perfect you two are for each other?"

"Excuse me?" said Rachel incredulously. Perhaps along with morning sickness Quinn was experiencing immense delusion as a side effect of her pregnancy. "We are not perfect for each other."

"You really are!" the blonde maintained earnestly. "Rachel Puckerman. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

Rachel gaped at her. "We are talking about Noah here right? As in Noah "I'm a badass" Puckerman. The most infuriating boy on the planet."

"Yup" said Quinn cheerfully.

"But all he does is make rude and offensive comments about me!"

"Exactly! The sexual tension between you makes me nervous."

Rachel mouthed wordlessly at the girl beside her. "You've – completely – wrong end of the stick."

"You should see the way you look at him during Glee" continued Quinn, sensing that she was on to a winner. "When he sings your expression goes all soft."

Rachel spluttered indignantly. "I just happen to appreciate a good singing voice when I hear one! It has nothing to do with Noah himself."

"Whatever, Rach. You've got it and you've got it bad."

"I refuse to continue with this conversation" said Rachel flatly, folding her arms.

"Puck likes you too you know" said Quinn coaxingly, with a sidelong glance at her friend. "Why do you think he always waits by your locker before school?"

"Because my locker's next to yours and Finn always waits for you and Noah's always with Finn" stated Rachel matter of factly.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Look, I know they take bro-mance to a whole new level, but they're not joined at the hip. He doesn't have to be there every morning. He could be off doing whatever it is he does – "

"Slushying people?" Rachel quirked an eyebrow.

"Or dumpst'ing them" agreed Quinn, shrugging off this complete lack of morals with a wave of her hand. "The point is, he hangs around for you."

"We're not talking about this anymore" Rachel informed her. "In fact, I stopped listening several minutes ago."

"And he always does this really cute little smile after you've had a conversation" Quinn went on, unperturbed. "Like when you're walking away, he'll chuckle to himself."

"Smirk more like" said Rachel darkly.

At this last comment, Quinn seemed to catch on to Rachel's mood and frowned. "Honestly. I'm telling you that the hottest guy in school is crushing on you and you don't seem to care."

"I very much doubt that Noah has ever "crushed" on anyone in his life" said Rachel tartly, leaning her head back against the seat and closing her eyes. For some reason, talking about the self proclaimed "Puckster" was giving her a headache.

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked.

"I'm sure that Noah would have charmed any girl he liked into bed before it got to the crushing stage."

"Which must mean that he really really likes you" Quinn beamed. "It's very romantic you know. The reformed badass falling for the star of Glee. You could mention him in your Tony acceptance speech."

"Flattery will get you nowhere" said Rachel loftily. But unbidden, the image of a certain Mohawked person dressed in a tux and leading her up the red carpet to a glamorous award ceremony crept into her mind. Strangely – or disconcertingly, whichever way you wanted to look at it – the idea didn't strike her as too implausible. The Mohawk would definitely have to go though, she thought abstractly.

"I think that with you, flattery will get me everywhere" said Quinn, breaking into her thoughts.

Rachel laughed, half at herself. Had she really just imagined Puck as part of her future? The storm must be getting to her.

"Maybe you're right" she told Quinn. "And granted, Noah and I seem to have entered into some form of "friendship" –" she paused to make quotation marks with her fingers, "since he joined Glee. But he will forever and always be the boy who slushied me on my first day of high school."

"People change Rach" said Quinn distractedly, getting her cell out of her pocket and flipping it open. "Finn just text me. He wants to know why we're parked outside his house but haven't come in."

"We're what?"

"Oh my God we are!" said Quinn, peering out the window into the dark. "I couldn't tell because of all the rain. Do you want to go in?"

"Well we've missed the movie now" said Rachel, only a tad resentfully. "Plus I could do with a coffee."

"Let's go then."

Quinn put her hood up and then struggled to get out, while Rachel undid her seatbelt, slammed her door shut and hurried round to the other side of the car so she could help. The two girls walked as quickly as possible – which wasn't very, considering Quinn's state – along the road and up Finn's drive, Rachel holding firmly onto Quinn's arm to make sure she didn't slip. By the time they got under the porch and had rung the bell, both of them were thoroughly soaked.

"It's freezing!" Rachel moaned, as her wet haired dripped ice cold water down her back.

"Talk about a water birth" agreed Quinn, the cold causing her teeth to chatter slightly.

"Don't joke about that!" said Rachel anxiously. "I've had nightmares for weeks about you going into labour when it's just us in the middle of nowhere."

"When are we ever in the middle of nowhere?"

Before Rachel could launch into a series of hypothetical labour crisis situations, Finn opened the door.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Long story. Let us in first!" Quinn pushed him lightly in the chest so that he stepped back and let her past. Rachel followed her inside and was thankful to find that Finn's house, though slightly untidy, was incredibly warm. As she pulled her soaking coat off and handed it to him with a grateful smile, a loud snort sounded from the lounge.

"Dude, you swim here?"

Rachel closed her eyes and let out a low groan; she'd recognise that mocking tone anywhere. Why did bad things always seem to happen to good people?

"Very funny" she heard Quinn say. "This is all your fault you know."

"Rach, you go on through" Finn told her, as he hung her coat up. "I'll go order us some pizza."

With a sinking feeling Rachel went into the next room, thinking that the very last thing she needed when she looked like a drowned rat was the low brow witticisms of Noah Puckerman. The lounge was small and cosy, a massive t.v. in one corner with a load of x-box games strewn across the floor and a fireplace taking up most of the opposite wall. Quinn was already seated in a squashy armchair and Puck was sprawled out on the only remaining sofa, his feet propped up on the armrest. At the sight of Rachel looking decidedly irritated and bedraggled, dripping water onto the carpet, he burst out laughing.

"Yo Berry" he said, when his chuckles had finally subsided. "Lookin' good."

"Noah" she said stiffly, trying to ignore his smirk. "What are you doing here?"

"Hanging out" he shrugged. "We were gunna watch Zombie Force 3 but I guess that's out now you're here."

"Why would you think that?" snapped Rachel, annoyed by his earlier comment. "Just because we're girls doesn't mean we don't like horror movies. I can't believe how sexist you are at times."

Puck raised an eyebrow. "You so totally wouldn't be able to handle Zombies. But that's not what I meant."

"What did you mean then?"

"Last time we watched it Quinn chucked up" he smirked.

Rachel wrinkled her nose in distaste and they both turned to look at the blonde. Quinn had the decency to look embarrassed.

"It was gross" she said defensively. "This guys head came off and blood was spurting everywhere." She shuddered at the memory. "Then the zombies started eatingpeople and stuff."

Rachel patted her on the shoulder sympathetically, while Puck grinned.

"That was awesome."

"What was awesome?" said Finn, coming into the room holding a couple cans of beer and a box of pizza. He chucked a beer to Puck who, much to Rachel's disappointment, caught it effortlessly.

"Zombie Force" said Puck.

"Aw man, that movie is sweet!" agreed Finn. "How immense was it when the dude with the scars got the chainsaw and –" He trailed off as he caught sight of Quinn, who'd turned a delicate shade of green.


"Boys are so insensitive" muttered Rachel.

"Sorry" said Finn apologetically, taking a cup of camomile tea over to Quinn (it was one of her pregnancy whims) and ruffling her hair. "You don't feel sick do you?" he asked nervously.

"I'll be fine" she said, taking the drink from him and smiling at his expression. "Don't worry; I'll make sure I go to the toilet if I do."

"Cool. It's just it took me months to get the stain out the carpet last time. You want anything Rach?" Finn asked, turning and offering her a beer. "I forgot."

She shook her head. "I don't consume alcohol. It's not good for the vocal cords."

Puck rolled his eyes and was about to make a derisive comment about how it was good for his eyes if he had to look at her when a huge rumble of thunder shook the house and they were thrown into darkness. Rachel instantly froze, not wanting to move in case Finn had any pets which she might inadvertently stand on and kill. Ok, it wasn't likely, but one of the things you learnt from being a star was that you had to be prepared for every eventuality.

"Err, guys?" Finn's disembodied voice floated across the room. "I'm blind."

Puck snorted. "It's a powercut, dumbass."


"Finn, where are you?" Quinn sounded nervous.

"Over here. Hang on, I'm coming – "

"Ow! That was my foot you imbecile!"

"Sorry Rach, I was trying to get to Quinn."

There was a crash as Finn walked into the table.

"The fuck's happening?" Puck asked casually.


"Who the shit else would it be Berry?"

"I wasn't asking if it was you, I was merely admonishing you for your foul use of language."


"I just hit the table" Finn informed them. "My bad. Hey Puck, is that you?"

"Dude, you just walked into my chest. Note the lack of boobs. I sure as hell ain't Quinn or Berry."

"Well, it's dark. I wasn't sure…"

"Fuck! It's dark?"

"Noah!" said Rachel again.

"Stop being a douche" Quinn told him.

"Yes m'aam."

"How come you're not that polite to me?" asked Rachel indignantly.

Though she couldn't see him, she sensed the shrug. "Don't mess with pregnant women."

"Ouch!" Quinn moaned.

"What's up?" asked Finn, sounding panicked. "The baby's not coming is it?"

"Oh help!" yelped Rachel. "I knew something like this would happen. We're miles away from the hospital in the pitch black!"

"Guys relax, I just stood on the x-box controls."

"Thank God. I'm so not ready to be a dad."


"Sorry… joking…"

Just then the lights flickered back on. Finn was revealed half way across the room with his arms stretched out in front of him like a sleepwalker, further away from Quinn than he'd started. Puck was still lying on the sofa, though Rachel noticed that half the pizza seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

"You ok?" Finn asked, hurrying over to where Quinn was standing. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine Finn." Quinn rolled her eyes. "It's not like the dark's going to induce labour."

"Oh ok. Cool. I guess I'll go get some candles in case it happens again."

"What are you, eighty?" asked Puck. "Don't you have a torch?"

"Nope" said Finn. "I dropped it in the pond the other day when I was looking for sharks. Mike told me that sometimes when you buy fish from the pet store they're actually shark babies and that you don't know until they grow to like, a killer size."

Puck shook his head as his best friend left the room, wondering how the hell Finn hadn't been put in special ed.

"I'll go with him" said Quinn, struggling to her feet. "As if he knows where his mom keeps the matches, let alone the candles."

Once she'd left the room Rachel shuffled slightly, feeling awkward to be left alone just her and Puck. It wasn't that she was worried they'd have nothing to say to each other, but rather what Puck would say. A second later, her fears were confirmed.

"So" he said in a lazy drawl. "Did you know your top had gone see-through?"

Rachel quickly looked down to find that her top was indeed completely transparent.

"Noah! I demand that you avert your eyes immediately!" she cried, folding her arms across her chest as she spoke. She was half mortified and half relieved that she'd at least put on a nice bra this morning. Not that it mattered what Noah thought of her underwear…

"Chill, Berry. It's nothing I haven't seen before."

"I don't doubt that" she retorted frostily.

He smirked. "Jealous?"

"I'm appalled you could even suggest that. I – Argh!"

Rachel yelped as another rumble of thunder sounded above the house. A second later the lights cut out again and they were plunged back into darkness.

"Noah?" she called nervously across the room. There was no reply. Muttering to herself about the weather conditions she fumbled her way over to the sofa.

"Noah where did you go?"

There was still no answer.

"Noah please respond – oof!"

Rachel felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and then she was knocked backwards onto the sofa with such force that she was surprised when she landed so gently.

Puck wasn't entirely sure why he'd rugby tackled Rachel, but he knew it had something to do with the sight of her see through blouse.

"Noah." Rachel sounded nervous, but her voice was filled with something else too. Her breath tickled his neck and as she spoke Puck became very aware of her body pressed against his, her hands pinned helplessly to his chest.

"Yeah?" he whispered into her hair. He knew his own voice sounded rough and breathless. Rachel shivered underneath him and he smirked at the effect he was having on her.

"What are you –?"

But her question was cut short as Puck bent his head and caught her lips with his own. At first he expected her to push him away, but after a moment her arms wrapped around his neck and she was arching her back to get closer to him. He groaned in satisfaction and ran his tongue along her lower lip, begging for entry. When she granted it he began exploring her mouth, kissing her with fierce urgency while his hand made its way slowly up her thigh. At this Rachel knotted her fingers in his hair and elicited a low moan of her own. Puck was so turned on at this point that he didn't even notice the lights coming back on. It was only when Finn coughed and Rachel pulled away from him that he realised they had an audience. Raising his head, he looked down to see Rachel staring up at him, her eyes glazed with desire, her cheeks flushed and hectic.

He grinned. "Turns out the storm wasn't so bad."

Despite being incredibly embarrassed that Quinn and Finn were seeing her in such a compromising position, and aware that she would have to lay down some ground rules before her and Puck entered into any form of relationship, Rachel couldn't help but smile back at him. "Not bad at all" she said. "Storm's are definitely underrated."

Oneshot at the moment, but could be longer if people want.

Please R&R :)