A/N: This is the last Chapter! I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Nope still not getting money for it.

Lisbon chooses not to talk to him for the entire morning. The case report hit her desk at 8am sharp and all the details had been in it. He positions himself to watch her reaction. He watches fascinated as Lisbon fights to remain in control. Lisbon wants to scream and yell and hit him. Teresa wants to hug him and never let go.

She keeps her visits to the bullpen short. She only talks to Rigsby or Van Pelt because they were not directly involved in the plan. None of the team was supposed to be involved, but Cho had figured out what he was doing and insisted to help. Rigsby and Van Pelt were meant to be left out because of their upcoming wedding. He wasn't willing to risk their lives for one of his plans, not when happiness was so close for them.

By mid-afternoon Lisbon has still not acknowledged him, or Cho. She enters the bull pen for the fifth time that day (no he isn't counting) and beckons to Cho. The agent dutifully follows her into her office. He watches the conversation unable to interpret Cho's reactions. Lisbon continues to fight to keep control as she reprimands her agent. Cho nods a few times and leaves her office looking the same as when he went in.

"Hightower wants to talk to you," Cho tells him once he is back at his desk. Jane looks at him with confusion until he points at Lisbon. She is standing outside her office door glaring at him. She obviously still didn't want to talk to him. This meeting was going to be interesting.

They walk into Hightower's office with 5 steps between them. To most people the space would mean nothing, but to them it is like a canyon. Even before they were together they had always been within reach of each other. He doesn't grab the door and open it for her and she doesn't hold it for him. It's all very childish and yet very fitting. She sits in the chair opposite Hightower's desk. He chooses to sit on the couch against the wall.

"Your team did good Lisbon even if their methods were unorthodox," Hightower congratulates her.

"Thank you ma'am," Lisbon responds.

"However, you will still be placed on 1 week of desk duty. No field work. You still haven't learned to control him Lisbon," Hightower explains.

"I understand Ma'am," Lisbon says and leaves when Hightower inclines her head toward the door. Jane glares at Hightower.

"I'm not sorry Patrick. You know the rules. You know that you can't protect her. You agreed to it when you came to me three years ago. Your relationship here was not to change. You need to let her do her job Patrick," Hightower tells him.

He stands up knowing he can't win this fight. He had started to obey a few rules three years ago. He did it all for her and those two beautiful children. Hightower had forced him to agree to some rules while he bargained for more freedom with his hours. He glanced at the clock, 4pm.

"I have to go," he says. He gets up and walks to the door.

"Remember what I said Patrick. Let her do her job," Hightower reminds him. He simply waves in recognition and walks out the door. He has more important things to do. He needs to pick up his kids from the Daycare center.

He lies on the couch waiting for her to come back down the stairs after putting the kids to bed. She walks without making a sound. If he wasn't so tuned to her he wouldn't have even noticed her presence, but he is and she can never hide from him. He sits up to look at her and she stops when they make eye contact. She doesn't shy away from it, in fact she holds his gaze for longer than she usually does.

She points a finger at him and flicks her wrist up before she continues her decent down the steps. He knows what she expects from him. He takes his coat and vest off, and lays them neatly across the back of the couch. His shirt comes next, and he stops to sit and wait for judgment. She quirks an eyebrow at him and he sighs as he takes the undershirt off. She stands on front of him as her nimble fingers carefully take the bandage off his arm. He unconsciously flinches at her touch when her fingers graze the wound. She hits it in retaliation, masking the hurt in her eyes.

"Ouch!" he yells and can't help but look at her in anger. His right hand comes up to cover the injury from her. He hates it when she has to take care of him. They stare at each other for longer than he thought possible. She is not going to give in; he can see it in her eyes. For once in his life he backs down and allows her to win. He removes his hand and she continues her assessment of his injury.

"You deserved that you know," she tells him softly, "you deserved it because you didn't tell me you were going to do something stupid." He chuckles and flinches again when she puts new gauze over the wound.

"Stop moving or I swear I will hit you again," she tells him seriously. She has threatened him many times, but this one he believes. He stays absolutely still as she finishes. Once done, she looks at it and he can see her silently congratulate herself on a job well done.

"Here," she says and his face meets a pillow. He looks at her strangely for a few seconds before he understands. She smirks slightly and walks up the stairs. He knows he deserves this somewhere in the back of his mind, yet he can't help but feel a little angry with her. After all, he could have died yesterday.

A few sleepless hours later he hears her moving upstairs. He knows her footfalls when the house is this silent. He watches the stairs and sure enough her shadow appears at the top. He can make out her tired form as it descends the steps at this early hour in the morning. He watches as she stops mid-way her face riddled with her own indecision. He can tell she wants to punish him, but she also wants him close. She shifts her weight back and forth and he can't help the smile that crosses his features.

She looks up at him and lets out an exasperated sigh. "Get your ass up here," she says defeated. He practically leaps off the couch to join her on the stairs. He stops a step below her so they can study each other on the same level. He is still slightly taller than she is, but he it is much less prominent now.

"I'm sorry Teresa," he whispers softly. She releases the breath that she has been holding. He knows she's been waiting for him to say that all day. He promised her he wouldn't take her for granted, so he doesn't say things he doesn't mean. She usually has to wait longer for him to apologize or reciprocate feelings, but he knows it means more to her when he does. He leans forward just enough to let his forehead rest against hers. He doesn't apply much pressure allowing her the chance to move away.

"I'm sorry Teresa," he repeats softer than before. The silence circles around them while she makes up her mind. She doesn't move away, but neither does she speak. They study each other for what feels like the thousandth time in the past 24 hours. He is tense awaiting her judgment.

He can see in her eyes the moment she makes up her mind. He doesn't move not wanting her to know that he knows. She takes another deep breath. Her eyes continue to betray her decision, yet she holds back fighting a losing internal battle. Finally, she places a tender kiss to his lips.

"You have a long way back Patrick," she warns as she backs away.

"I know," he admits.

"C'mon," she says and grabs his hand to lead him up the stairs. He doesn't fight content to let her lead. He shuts the door to their room as she climbs into bed. He smiles as he walks around it to his side. He lies on his back looking up at the ceiling waiting for her to drift off to sleep. He never falls asleep before she does, her steady breathing his usual lullaby.

"I love you Patrick," she says as she turns to face him, "remember that next time."

"I love you too," he tells her as she settles against him. Her arm reaches across his body so her hand can cover the bandage on his arm. He shifts to lie on his side, but she growls and tightens her grip on his injured arm. He winces and he can feel her smile against his shoulder. He won't fight her tonight and she knows it. It's a small price to pay to get back on her good side though. He listens to her steady breathing and his eyes begin to close. He smiles a little as he realizes Teresa has forgiven him. He can deal with Lisbon tomorrow.