Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TMNT (although i wish i did).

What the Shell?

"Man I'm bored." Mikey whined slumping further into the couch.

" I hate to agree with the shell-brain but I'm bored too." Raph said falling into the armchair beside the couch.

" Well play video-games or watch TV or something, I'm trying to work here." Donnie said staring at his computer screen.

" I'm all video-gamed and TV'd out, Wow! Never thought I'd here myself say that." Mikey said.

" Well you could train with me you need the practice anyway." Leo said swinging his katana at a target.

" Thanks for the offer fearless leader but I think we'll pass." Raph retorted. " Call Casey maybe you can"- Don said but was cut off.

"Out of town." Both Mikey and Raph groaned.

" Well then maybe April will"- Leo tried to suggest but was cut off too.

" With Casey they're on their honeymoon remember." Raph said sitting up. Donnie shook his head and turned back to his computer.

" Then you two are hopeless." He said.

As he turned his hand accidentally tapped the wrong key.

"Uh Oh." Don said as they started to hear ringing like from a phone coming from the computer.

Click. " Elllllo." came a girls voice. "Hey its me." Came another girls voice.

"Don what the shell is this?" Raph asked coming to stand behind his brother.

Don tapped some keys. " It looks like we're tapped into a long-distance phone call between Jacksonville, Florida and Chattanooga,Tennesssee."

"Oooooo a girly phone call now we'll really get to know what girls think about boys." Mikey said a cheesy grin on his face as he plopped into a computer chair next to Don.

"Keep moving moron that's my chair." Raph said trying to push Mikey out of the chair.

" Get your own chair lard butt" Mikey said ducking Raph's hand as he tried to smack him.

In the end Raph won over and Mikey grudgingly got another chair from the kitchen.

"I don't know guys I mean maybe we should just leave"- Don said but was cut off.

"Shhhh there talking about a boy." Mikey said listening in.

"Would you think I'm crazy if I told you that after I got my first kiss I realized I don't like the guy?" The first girl asked.

"No, but what did you not like about him?" The second girl asked.

"Well I guess that he was so sweet that I got overwhelmed." The first girl said.

"So what your trying to say is he was too nice." The second summed up.

By now Leo had stopped training and had come to listen in.

"How can a guy be too nice?" He asked as if the girls could actually hear him.

Raph stood up. " rrrrr Girls what do they want from us men." He said walking around to blow off steam.

"Maybe we should turn it off if it upsets you." Don said ready and willing to do so.

"No, no keep it on I'm fine." Raph said sitting back down again.

"I mean I don't want to hurt his feelings and I still want to be close to him but- Hey! how about you date him? Then me and him can still be close friends but he wouldn't be hurt because he had you." The first girl said excitedly.

There was silence at the other end.

"Sarah?"The first girl asked concerned.

Finally a reply came over the other end.

"I'm sorry you lost me at "Date Him"." The second girl or Sarah said.

"Oh c'mon Sarah Nick's a great guy, and besides I thought you said you thought he was nice." The first girl said.

"Victoria I said that Yes because partly I thought it was true but mostly it was just to make you happy, and to your little "Date Him" idea GAG!" Sarah said making choking sounds.

"Ok fine scratch that idea, anyways have you got any story ideas?" Victoria asked.

"Yes I've got two new TMNT stories to tell you about." Sarah said.

"TMNT? who's that?" Mikey asked confused, "I've never heard of a superhero group called TMNT and you know I've read almost every comic and sci-fi book on the planet."

"Well maybe if you'd listen Mikey maybe you would find out." Don said annoyed.

" Ok tell me the first one and then I'll tell you my Thunderbirds story." Victoria said.

" Ok well I actually have a title for this one, I call it Turtle Watching." Sarah said.

"Very cool go on." Victoria said.

" Well its about this girl who lives in New York and is up on her roof when she sees them for the first time." Sarah started explaining.

"Who sees who for the first time?" Mikey said anxiously shaking the computer.

"So she decides to every night come on her roof with binoculars and watch them." Sarah kept on going.

"WATCH WHO?" Mikey screamed at the computer screen.

"Then on the third night of watching them Leo sees the glint of her binoculars and poof they vanish from her sight, but she feels a rush of air behind her, "Uh, Oh." she says and turns around to find them right there behind her. Of course Raph is ticked off at having someone watching them, Leo is trying to calm him down, Don is saying nothing, and Mikey is just being his usual annoying self." Sarah said.

The turtles stared at each other.

Mikey suddenly grinned. "Oh common guys its not like they can know about us, they might have just created these characters and by a sheer cowinky- dink, named them and made them act exactly like us." He said.

" But the title says Turtle Watching." Don said looking at his brother.

"But we don't know if the girl is the turtle or not, c'mon guys relax it's no way it could be us." Mikey said leaning back in his chair.

The others listened on in a tense silence.

" And thats all I've really got for it." Sarah said ending her explanation.

"Wow sounds cool, ok now to my story". Victoria said hurriedly.

Victoria babbled on about her Thunderbirds story but the turtles barely heard her.

All they could think about was Sarah's characters and how they had been just like them, but like Mikey said it couldn't be them could it?

"Ok I'm done and I think we've gone overtime." Victoria said.

" Ok well don't forget tomorrow at 2:30pm Ok?" Sarah reminded her friend.

"Yeah I know, hey Sarah before we get off what does TMNT stand for again?" Victoria asked.

The turtles sat up to listen.

"Oh it stands for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Sarah replied.

The turtles stiffened.

"Oh thats right thanks, Bye." Victoria said.

" Your welcome, Bye" Sarah said. Click.

Don turned to his brothers still in shock.

Suddenly Raph hit Mikey's head. "Not us huh Mikey, Geez your such a shell-brain."

" But how is this possible their in Florida and Tennessee, how could they possible know who we are and what are names are- Don any ideas?" Leo said turning to his supposedly genius brother.

" I- I don't know Leo, I don't know. The best thing to do is to find out more, so tomorrow we'll listen in on their conversation again, and hopefully Sarah will elaborate more on the TMNT subject." Don said.