Disclaimer: I know I changed. I dyed my hair. So now it's all black with- Ohshit, yes I went there, Cat's red velvet cupcake colored bang highlights. ... I just like the color. Anyway, because my hair is red and not blue, it means I still don't own any TV shows. Including Victorious. I don't know how that's logical, but it is now.

Jade's POV

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have gone driving while mad. That was my bad, I get it. I don't really believe in a God or anything, but if there's one out there I swear I won't go driving while I'm mad again if you just let me pick the lock out of this place.

White room, white clothes, the place even smelled like hospital. Cat's dad had called me earlier and made a huge mess of things because he told my parents about us. Us? Hell, an "us" doesn't even exist- yet. Yeah, I think Cat got the message when I asked her to hang out with me today, but I was going to pull out the old West charm. Make it official or whatever; really dazzle her. Heh. Not that it took much to, but still.

Damn it! The surprise was in my 'possessions', as if in the ones they took away when they put me in this stupid room. I told them I'd be fine but they said they needed to call my parents and all that legal crap because I'm not old enough to check myself out. Bitches can bite me, 'cause there's no way in hell I'm letting Cat think I forgot her.

I took a bobby pin out of my hair and picked at the lock in the steel door. That's stupid, if you wanted to make a room to lock a patient in you'd think you wouldn't put the other end of the lock on the inside. Left right, up down… I rolled my eyes and smirked victoriously when I heard the tumblers click. Fuckin' A.

On the way to the Nurse's Station I almost got caught by a doctor, but it was cool because I told him I was just going to the bathroom. After stealing back my things I ran into one of the washrooms near the back exit to change and get out of there before anybody saw me.

That used to be how I was able to cut at school a while back when Beck and I were having troubles. I'd hide in the bathroom nearest to whatever class to do it and finish just in time to arrive there with my sleeves down. I never really realized that we could, you know, break up. Didn't occur to me until one day Cat tried to drag me to class by my wrists and I yelped. I'm not one to react to pain, but she has one hell of a grip when she wants. Cat was all 'show me show me show me' and as you probably know, nobody says no to Cat. It's just not possible.

We ended up skipping the rest of the day and talking about it together. At first I just wanted to punch her and tell her to fuck off, but after a while she kind of made it okay. She grew on me, like mold or something. In a good way, I guess. I think that's when it started, 'cause I broke up with Beck shortly after. Then I started to notice all the looks she gave me, the ones I never really saw because Beck was blocking my view. It turned into a game, and I'll beat you shitless if you tell anyone but I had fun messing with her in a not-mean way.

I put my shades on and tried to fit in with the rest of the visitors as I snuck my way to the bus stop outside. Time, time, time- Shit, two hours late already. Would she still be there? Cat could be patient and all, but two hours was pushing it.

Fuck it. The bus wasn't here and it would only take… twenty minutes to walk there. Double fuck. I groaned as I heard the somewhat familiar voice of a doctor calling out my name. Seriously? Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I took off sprinting down the sidewalk and towards the park. After the first intersection I lost the scrubs chasing after me, but I continued to race down the street as fast as possible until I reached the park.

Out of breath and probably looking like a mess, I ran to each of her usual hiding spots. East bench, west bench, bus stop, bench by the pond, tree where she likes the shade, but she wasn't in any of those places. I was about to admit defeat when I remembered one last place I could check.

With what little energy I had left I jogged to the playground. Anyone who thought they knew her would think she would be on the swings, but I knew better. I kept going past them and headed towards the back of the slide, because I knew-


Next thing you know, I feel like my ass's been trampled by a bunch of sled dogs. Don't ask me where that came from. But I'm on my back and my head's on something soft. I opened my eyes and looked up to see a teary Cat giggling down at me. My head was in her lap.

"You caught me?" Okay, that was supposed to stay in my head. Stupid question.

She giggled, but her quiet voice gave away that she'd been crying. "Yup." The smile she made afterwards… Hard to describe. Like she was relieved but still hurt or something.

We just kept staring at each other until I decided I should say something and lowered my voice. "I didn't forget you, you know."

"Hm?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"I didn't. I asked you here today and you're not stupid. You know what I meant." Cat kept quiet and looked away. She was still playing with my hair, so I figured I wasn't wrong. "Look, I'm not messing with you or anything. I was late because, long story short your dad called." That caught her attention. "And I made the stupid decision to go driving while mad, so I had to go to the hospital and-"

There she was. Cat and her trademark facial expressions were back. "You had to go to the hospital?"

"Yeah, yeah, now let me finish. I went to the hospital and then I ran, yeah I fucking ran all the way here after busting out of there. So you hear me when I say I did not freakin' forget you, alright? No more tears." I reached up slowly and gently stilled the hand that was playing with my hair by holding it in my own.

"Oh. 'kay."

It got quiet again and I started to wonder if maybe I'd gone too far. It would be awkward, but maybe I should just-

"I got you something." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Um, you know, for Valentine's Day. Erm, don't move. And close your eyes."

I made a mock glare at her before squinting and doing what I was told. There was the sound of light plastic wrapping being moved and then something tapped my face. "Can I open my eyes?"

"Yes." I expected her to giggle and call me a dummy or something, but she didn't. Cat was being strangely serious. Nervous? Something like that.

Three long stemmed chocolate roses appeared in front of me, these were sold out everywhere! What? I thought maybe Cat would like some so I went looking for them since she gushed about them for ages after that random dude gave her one. I set him straight afterwards. But anyway. "How did you get these, and why three? Oh, and, I got you a present too." I tried to throw it in nonchalantly so she wouldn't notice but it's Cat. She always notices.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled from ear to ear. "You did? What is it what is it what is it?"

Playfully I rolled my eyes and reached into my bag. "You have to be careful with this, alright? Took a lot of time and all that shit." She nodded her head vigorously.

I wasn't kidding, it really took a lot of time and money. From out of the bag I pulled something in the shape of a heart, about the size of one hand. It was flat and around a centimeter thick. There were some holes in it and you could see that I had to glue it quite a few times. In fact, one time I got so pissed at it that I almost broke the god damn thing.

"Is this…?"

"Remember that one time we went to the beach, and you convinced me to look for sea glass with you?" She had to practically drag me the entire time and in the end she gave it all to me. "I asked you what the fuck you wanted me to do with all the sea glass and…?"

She talked softly. "I said you'd find a use for it some day, and it would be magical."

"Well, I found a use for it. It's up to you if you think it's magical or not. And this," I paused and pointed at the chain sitting on top of the glass heart, "is a pink gold locket. You said you wanted one, so look inside."

Cat started crying again after she looked inside, I'm hoping tears of happiness rather than sad. Still, it made me kind of worrisome. It was just a picture of us inside, but was that too far? It seemed fine until then. But then the waterworks stopped as soon as they started, and she took the gifts from my hand to put it on the grass next to the roses.

She pulled me into an awkward upside down hug since my head was still in her lap. "Three because… I. Love. You." And with that, Catarina Valentine leaned over and kissed me.

I don't know how long we stayed there like that, and I don't know what more there is I can tell you.

But it blew my mind.
And yes, it was fucking magical.

… Sometimes life gets me down and I go MIA for a while. :c
It happens. I am sorry this is so late though.
This might be a bit off since I got writer's block half way through writing it.
And for any of you who read this and might know me from TJP, that chapter's almost done.

So… yeah. That's how this ends, hope you didn't hate it.
You should review. Even if you did hate it.
'cause then I can just punch you if you did hate- IMEANNOTHING 0_0.

Just some random FYI (because I said this was based on a true story);
All three gifts were based on something real.
I did buy my ex three imported chocolates, I spent two hours gluing all the sea glass she gave me from our first date together, and I bought her a locket. I also did a drawing to ask her to be my Valentine, but instead I turned that into the ending kiss of this scene.
Yeah, I'm one hell of a craftsy hopeless romantic dork girl. :c