Pulling up outside the old building, he stared back down at his mobile and then back up at the building. Why had she sent him here? Climbing out of the car, he slammed the door shut and headed towards the door, slipping the phone back into his pocket as he pushed the door open, not surprised that it was open.

"Beckett" he screamed as there was nothing. "If you've sent me here for a joke" he announced as he turned the corner and stopped, seeing the figure that was lying on the floor, her hands tied with rope, her clothes piled all over the floor. "Okay no joke" he whispered as he ran over and touched her hands causing her to open her eyes and stare at him.

"Castle…" she whispered as he nodded gently and began to untie the ropes, the red marks around her wrists causing him to bite his lip as she groaned as she slowly began to move her hands and quickly moved them around her body, hiding herself from him. "I…" she mumbled as he slipped his jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders causing her to smile weakly at him. "How did you...".

"You texted me" he mumbled. "Or they texted me" he declared as she felt the ropes around her feet being untie causing her to sigh and wrap her arms around his neck as she burst into tears, her forehead resting on his shoulder as he sat there just letting her express her emotions. "Let me get your clothes" he whispered as she moved away from him and let him grab her clothes before passing them to her.

"Castle, don't watch" she mumbled as he nodded and turned away, hearing the movement of clothing and groans coming from her lips. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see her dressed and staring at her. "Can you take me home Castle".

"You're not going home Beckett, you're coming to mine" he declared as he slipped her into his arms and carried her towards the door. "I never thought you'd let me carry you in my arms" he announced as she stared at him and smiled weakly as he looked at her. He'd never imagined Kate Beckett to be this quiet and this emotional, especially after an attack, he'd imagined her chasing people for blood, being angry not quiet and vague.

"Castle, you're thinking" she mumbled as he nodded causing her to giggle gently as he walked over to his car, her slipping out of his arms as he opened the door and allowed her into the car before shutting the door. As he entered the car, he smiled at her as she looked at him tearfully. "Thank you for saving me".

"Beckett, it was my pleasure to save you" he announced as she stared at him and slipped her hands into his, kissing his cheek as he smiled.

"Don't comment" she mumbled as he beamed, watching her move away and lean against the door as she shut her eyes gently. "Don't comment on anything Castle".

"Yes boss" he declared as she smirked.