(s a m pov)

"You know what, screw this," you suddenly hear, turning in your seat just in time to see Puck jump from his seat and start walking towards Rachel. She was standing by the piano, going through some sheet music. When she hears Puck's steps, she turns and looks at him before attempting to turn again and walk out the door.

He grabs her wrist before she can take more than two steps.

He starts to speak in Hebrew, his voice low and frustrated. His hand is still locked around her wrist and he's hunched over so that his eyes meet hers.

Slowly, her tense form begins to relax and her shoulders slump before she rests her cheek on his chest and murmurs something back. You stay seated, watching as Hebrew slips from Rachel's lips and Puck begins to grin like he just won the Superbowl.

He wraps his arms around her and squeezes tightly, letting go and tilting her chin up so that their eyes are locked again.

"So, you'll be over around eight? Ma'll kill me if she and the brat have to go another couple of weeks without seein' you," Puck's voice is relaxed in a way that it hasn't been since the fight.

The fight you instigated.

Rachel smiles and nods an agreement, moving to talk to Santana on the other side of the room while Puck goes back to his seat by Lauren.

As Mr. Schuster starts talking in front of you, you realize that you aren't even jealous anymore.

You just miss her.

It's Friday, so you're really looking forward to just going home and not moving for the next two days. It's been a week since you apologized to Rachel, since she told you that she needed time. You pretty much haven't talked to anyone all week, Rachel spending all her time with Santana and you had heard her talking about plans with Kurt and Blaine this weekend.

Glee has been pretty awkward, with Santana and Rachel not talking to you or Puck and Puck still glaring at you and Finn and Quinn still not talking to anyone. Schue had noticed the tension and decided to not give an assignment that week, although he said that he would be thrilled if people came in Monday with something prepared.

You're just about to leave, shutting your locker and swinging your bag over your shoulder, when Puck comes out of nowhere.

"'Sup, Evans?" he nods, smirking at your shock. You see Lauren waiting for him on the other side of the hall before you turn your gaze back to his, an unspoken question in your eyes. "I'll help you out with Berry. See you Sunday," and with that, he's walking back towards Lauren and the two of them are leaving, walking out the door with their arms linked.

You finish shutting your locker and begin to slowly stride down the hallway.

So, apparently Puckerman's forgiven you.

Now you just need to convince Rachel too as well.

"Sammy, Sammy, Sammy, Saaaaaaaam!" you little sister joyously screams in your ear on Sunday afternoon. You jolt awake, your hand barely catching your guitar before it hits the ground.

You blink a few times, trying to focus. You must've fallen asleep while you were playing your guitar, because you woke up at eight and had breakfast with your family but you don't remember doing anything after that.

"What do you want, Munchkin?" you laugh, setting down your instrument and digging your fingers into your little sister's sides, yanking her down on the bed with you. She's squealing with laughter and trying to squirm out of your grasp when you hear a decidedly masculine chuckle from your doorway.

"Havin' fun, Evans?" Puck drawls, his frame leaning against the side of your doorway.

"Yeah!" the blonde girl in your grasp giggles before you can answer. You snort with laughter and help her off the bed, pressing a kiss to her head and telling her to go finish her homework. Puck moves out of her way and sprawls in the armchair next to your closet.

He's smiling, like genuinely grinning, so you raise an eyebrow in question when his gaze meets yours. "She reminds me of my little sister. Brat," he mutters fondly, one hand running over his 'hawk.

Then, he's sitting up straight and staring at you sternly. "Now, Samuel, do you feel bad about what you did?" he sounds so much like your father that you gulp and start nodding before you even think about it. He just nods back, seemingly pleased. "Alright then. Let's find a song to get Rach to talk to you again," he pulls out his iPod before you can respond, beginning to flip through the songs and asking you if you have an iHome.

You can't stop the grin from sliding over your face and as you move to get your own iPod, you nonchalantly tell him that he could stay for dinner if he wants.

"Well, duh, Evans. I'm helpin' you out. You sure as fuck better feed me," he scoffs in reply.

The grin on your face gets a little brighter.

Come Monday morning, and you're kind of, a little bit, extremely freaking nervous.

It's not like you haven't sang for Glee club before, hell, it's not even like you haven't sang for Rachel before.

But this time seems different.

This time, it fells like everything is hinging on this, this one moment, this one song. If Rachel won't forgive you now, you don't think she ever will.

So you really need to get this song right.

Your day passes in a blur, your anxiety causing you to be even less focused than you are normally. Classes pass by in what seems like minutes and before you know it, it's time for Glee and you can't avoid this anymore. You walk into the club right when the final bell rings and everyone is already in the room. Santana is talking to Rachel and Mercedes in one corner, Finn is talking to Mike and Puck is seated in the very front next to Tina. The rest of the students are spread out across the room but they quickly find their seats when Schue walks in.

"All right guys, well this week we're going to-" Schue starts speaking but he cuts himself off when you clear your throat. You're still standing in the doorway and you walk further into the room when he turns his attention to you. "Yes, Sam?"

You clear your throat and sling your guitar strap over your shoulder. "I prepared something, Mr. Schuster," you say, your voice smoother than you expected it to be. He just nods and moves out of the way, going to sit with the rest of the members.

"So, everyone knows that I messed up. I got jealous, like insanely, green-as-The-Hulk jealous, and I hit Puckerman. I shouldn't have. It's just that I'm pretty much head over heels for this gorgeous diva named Rachel Berry, and she occasionally makes me do stupid things," you say as you stand in front of the room, Puck giving you an approving nod and Quinn glaring while Santana raises an eyebrow and Rachel just stares. You clear your throat again and signal to the band, and say one last thing before you start to play. "So, this is for you. I'm so sorry."

Friday night I'm going nowhere
All the lights are changing green to red
Turning over TV stations
Situations running through my head
Well looking back through time
You know it's clear that I've been blind
I've been a fool
To ever open up my heart
To all that jealousy, that bitterness, that ridicule
Saturday I'm running wild
And all the lights are changing red to green
Moving through the crowd I'm pushing
Chemicals all rushing through my bloodstream
Only wish that you were here
You know I'm seeing it so clear

I've been afraid
To tell you how I really feel
Admit to some of those bad mistakes I've made
If you want it
Come and get it
Crying out loud
The love that I was
Giving you was
Never in doubt

Let go your heart
Let go your head
And feel it now
Babylon, Babylon

Sunday all the lights of London
Shining, sky is fading red to blue
I'm kicking through the autumn leaves
And wondering where it is you might be going to
Turning back for home
You know I'm feeling so alone
I can't believe
Climbing on the stairs
I turn around to see you smiling there
In front of me

If you want it
Come and get it
Crying out loud
The love that I was
Giving you was
Never in doubt

And feel it now
Let go your heart
Let go your head

And feel it now
Let go your heart
Let go your head
And feel it now

Let go your heart
Let go your head
And feel it now

Let go your heart
Let go your head
And feel it now

Babylon, Babylon, Babylon

When you finish, everyone is clapping and standing up but you don't even notice because all you can see is her.

Her eyes are wide and glossy, a slight smile curving her perfect lips while she stares at you. She stands up and wraps her hand around yours, linking your fingers together while she leads you from the room.

It feels like two puzzle pieces locking back together and you didn't realize how much you had missed this.

"Sam…" she whispers, stopping in the middle of the hallway and turning to face you. You lock your other hand with hers, an unbearably bright smile working it's way across your face at the feeling of completeness.

"Rachel," you murmur back, her name warm on your lips.

You lean down and press your forehead to hers and just breathe her in. You know that you still need to talk, but you've missed her so much and this feels like the first time you've properly drew breath since you hit Puck.

She brings her lips to yours, honey against your mouth.

After a few moments she pulls away, her hands still linked with yours and her lips deep pink.

"So, you forgive me?" you ask, a slight breath of laughter escaping her lips at the question.

She rolls her eyes fondly and tugs on your right hand. "Yes, Sam, I forgive you."

"Good, because Tina still really wants to go on that double date," you mutter, your lips already moving back to hers.

She practically melts against you, her mouth warm and sweet and her entire body resting on yours. You let go of one of her hands so that you can wrap an arm around her, her fingers twining in the hair at the nape of your neck.

So, you fucked up and almost lost the best thing you'd ever had.

But you fixed it.

And as Rachel moans deep in her throat, you realize that you'd go through anything to get this girl back, anything to keep her here, anything to keep her with you. You pull away slightly, meeting her hazy cinnamon eyes and grinning lazily at her.

"I love you," you say firmly, the declaration simple and confident.

She blinks once, then, "I love you too."


First of all, I'm so sorry that this took so long. I feel so bad. It was just, someone called my writing boring, so my muse died a little bit. And then my computer died a lot a bit, and I just got a new one, but I've also had AP tests and finals and I'm graduating tomorrow, so real life has been a little bit hectic. So, once again, apologies.

B, I'm marking this as complete because I'm pretty much done with it. I may come back sometime this summer and add on a chapter about an EvanBerry double date with Chang-Squared or Britanna or Bartie or Klaine or Luck (let me know if you have a preference). I may write something about the Puck-Sam bromance, or I might write something about a reconcilliation with Finn because I've liked him a whole lot more the past couple of episodes. I don't know though, so I'm saying it's complete. I'll try to add more. But no guarantees.

C, I'm debating between a EvanBerry that I promised Tarafina (Sam meeting Rachel first when he moves to school and the relationship between them developing from there) or a Pezberry (in which Brittany and Artie reconcile and Rachel consoles Santana and their relationship develops from there). Which would you guys most prefer?

And lastly, I've written a bunch of other oneshots. There's a Klaine oneshot, a Santana-centric one, one about EvanBerry from Mike's POV and one from Quinn's POV about her and Rachel's hatred thing. There's also a Puckleberry twoshot. I'd love it if you guys would go read them and drop a review.

Speaking of reviews, leave one? Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me, even if I'm a terrible person for not updating for so long. I love you all!
