Rachel had started to recognize the signs of jealously from Puck lately and she could understand it all too well. There was a time even recently that she had felt not good enough especially with Finn, Quinn, and Santana, however, her new relationship with Puck had changed things enormously. A smile hit her face as she thought to herself, "I guess it's true that if you have a good match that there is nothing you can't handle and that in the truest form love brings out the best in you."

She could recognize Puck's struggle especially with how he grew up "dadless" and not in the typical two story home with two parents and a two car garage. Rachel had been blessed with her dads and could not relate to all of Puck's inner struggles but being a bullied kid all of her life had definitely left scars and thus, she could relate on that angle. He needed to believe in their love and in himself and she was going to show him no matter what. It hadn't been easy but she had made some dents in his heavy armor.

The first part of her plan had been getting Puck to do his homework. Her first tactic had been wearing enticing mini-skirts to the library which of course had Puck tailing her from the get go. She even feigned helplessness and started asking him to help her find the answers. It was working the endless racking of the innermost workings of his brain, in fact, she found that Puck had an inner deep intelligence even in those brief moments when she found herself going insane imagining him pushed up against her behind the bookshelves.

It was important for him to imagine that he could have a future especially with her. A good education was crucial in bringing about dreams and confidence. She just loved seeing Puck with that pencil tucked behind his ear. Adorable, absolutely fricking adorable. He was smart as well as gorgeous; their study sessions had proved that.

The next part of her plan would be to get Puck to acknowledge publicly the seriousness of their relationship. That's why she chose her bad girl outfit to wear today. She had Kurt dress her like when she was trying to win Finn's affection eons ago. The black leather mini-dress fell snug on her body accentuating her great legs and soft dark skin. She looked older, wiser, and a little bit cougar like, just enough to meet Puck's badassness head on. It was her way of announcing to the world, (alright, McKinley High's World) that Puck was her man. After that she figured he would be putty in her hands. Seriously.

Her black heeled foot made it's way around the corner as she softly inhaled a nervous breath. She made sure to put on her badass composure as the rickets hayed her presence by his locker. She could feel the stares, hear the sighs and surprise from her peers, but it didn't matter, onward soldier. The giddiness of an almost laugh hurled at her throat as she saw Puck's locker partner kneel him in the side. She saw two serious dark eyes fringed in dark lashes turn at her in surprise. His eyebrow went up and there were mixed flashes of annoyance, heat, and I'm going to ring your neck all over his handsome face. But, he played it off.

Slowly, she inched towards him flashing her firework smile. The angle of her face and glossy red lipstick flashed his blind spot as she lowered her lips to his ear. He could feel the sweetness of her breath and throaty laugh as she made sure to whisper sweet nothings in his ear. A strand of dark hair brushed his face as she muttered this time loud enough to brand her intentions.

"Hey, babe." A seductive laugh and closing smile cinched her case.

All he could do was stare and get gooey eyed. He gave her a questioning look and she answered placing a soft kiss on his lips. Puck felt his leg turn into jello. Everything felt transfixed and his badassness could only shake his head. Rachel turned and walked down the hallway with everyone else speechless. He could not help but smile as Rachel gave Santana, Quinn, and Finn a cocky self-assured look that used to be his alone. A slight melting of his heart was in progress and Puck knew that Rachel had staked her claim and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why it was him.

Before he could even process what had happened, he practically ran up to her turning her around quickly and brandishing his own right on those red lips. He had a reputation after all. Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled.

"If I ever catch you wearing that get up in school again, you might find yourself in a compromising position girl."

Rachel smiled a big smile and winked at him and whispered, "Well than I guess you better get better acknowledging that you're my boyfriend."

"I think you did it well enough for the both of us."

They both laughed in unison as Puck put his arm possessively around her small waist. This time he made sure to grab his football jacket on the way out as some things were for his eyes only.