Degrassi Biography Poem By Sabyne Pierre 1-18-2011

This is a biography

About Degrassi's Cast

Anyone I remember

From now to the past

If you know who I'm talking about

You too can sing along

Here goes anything

This is my Degrassi Song

Craig was a crack head

Jimmy got shot

J.T Yorke is dead

That is all that he got.

Spinner fell in love

He and Emma got married

Liberty gave away

J. T's baby that she carried

Marco is gay

Riley is also

By the way

His mommy's gonna find out

Oh boy I can't wait

On to Holly J

She and Declan was a couple

Until he went too far

Now she goes out with Sav

The has-been star

I don't know what to say

About Manny and her issues

She's in Hollywood

Sean had homesick blues

No muscles but a heart

Was Toby, he's a geek

Degrassi 2011

We demand a sneak peak

Clare and this Fitz guy

Please don't pass out Eli!

Fitz the bully

At Clare's door

Looks like he came back for more

Fiona's drunken gay

She thought Adam went the same way

He's mentally a dude

He likes girls, He's not confused

Eli is dark, sarcastic, sweet, and funny

Clare's smart, talented,

And Eli's former honey

I wonder what's gonna happen to Eclare

Connor my friend, yea, he's getting there

Had issues at a time

Became psychotic and has a friend online

Pedophile, is what I would say

But everyone's weird

Look at Alli now

Hey, I'm not judging anyone

But she really didn't need

To run away from her problems

A.k.a Drama Queen

Now Drew

Wait did anyone see his face

When he was high

Who got him high anyways?

"Are you high?" "Yes mam…..very"

A slap in the face from his mother

Is necessary

When Love Takes Over (part 1 and 2… hour episode)

New girl is Alex Ben

To understand these fully watch Degrassi

The End