Yes, this is it, the last chapter. The end of the series!

Thank you: elizabethbennett3553, Samantha Eleanor Lestrange, Sammy Gal, PurpleandBlackPandas, Princess Taylor, obsessivelyfanaticgw09, xJill Lovett, La-te-da, xDazedandConfusedX, Samuel Fox, CadyD, Saphire Bethany Stacy Skyle and Erica Wallace for reviewing at some point of this story!

There will be no more sequels, so I'm going to focus on Niamh's story a bit more. I'm glad you all enjoyed this story!

Chapter Twenty Five

I never did see Sweeney again.

I didn't see any of them again.

At first I waited. I sat and I waited for them.

They never came.

I never saw them.

I continued waiting though.

Soon enough, my life began to suffer.

So, I stopped waiting.

I decided to stop putting my life on hold for friends that were nothing more than a memory, and instead carried on with my life.

I grew up.

I wasn't scared little Amy that wouldn't say boo to a goose anymore. No, I grew more confident as I aged, feeling happy and comfortable with myself.



"Can you sing that song again pwease?"

I smiled, scooping Oliver up into my arms and placing him on my lap. His little hands clung to my shirt as he buried his face into my shoulder. My smile widening, I kissed the top of his head and began stroking his hair.

"Please, darling," I corrected gently. "Which song do you want me to sing?"

"The pwetty bird one."

"Of course, love."

Hugging Oliver close to me, I softly sung into his ear.

"Green finch and linnet bird, nightingale, blackbird, how is it you sing? How can you jubilate, sitting in cages, never taking wing?"

Seeing Oliver was drifting off, I stood up from my chair and carried him out of the living room.

"Outside the sky waits, beckoning, beckoning, just beyond the bars. How can you remain, staring at the rain, maddened by the stars?"

Tightening my grip on Oliver, I headed towards his room, still singing.

"How is it you sing anything? How is it you sing?"

We got to his room and, keeping a tight grip on Oliver, I turned the light on.

"Come on, you, let's get you in your pyjamas."

I placed Oliver onto the floor and helped him strip out of his shorts and t-shirt, smiling as I saw how tanned he now was. Matt and I thought it would be nice if we went to Spain for a family holiday, and the sun had definately browned his skin.

Once Oliver was in his pyjamas, he clambered onto his bed and scrambled under the duvet, his hair sticking up in all directions.

"Are you going to sleep, Oliver?" I asked, trying to flatten his hair.

His eyelids shutting, he nodded.

"Alright, darling, have a good sleep."

"I love you, Mummy."

I smiled and kissed him. "I love you too, and so does Daddy."

"Where is Daddy?"

"Daddy's out with a few friends, but he'll be back in the morning."

"Oh, ok. Night Mummy."


Oliver was out like a light, his tiny brow furrowed and his mouth open. Smiling, I kissed him again before leaving the room.

The flat lent to us by one of Matt's friends now silent, I poured myself a glass of water and then stepped out onto the balcony.

I smiled as the cool evening air carressed my skin and playfully tugged at my dress, tangling my hair. Letting out a content sigh, I placed my glass on the table and stepped forwards, leaning over the railing.

This was just perfect.

"Green finch and linnet bird..." I sung softly. "Green finch and linnet bird..."

This was it. My life.

I was a grown woman, married to Matt and the mother of our first child.

Oliver Anthony.

I smiled, playing with my wedding ring, as I thought of Dad. He'd be so proud to know that I was happy.


I was happy.

Things changed. Yes, the rape was still imbedded into my mind, but I could accept it. I knew that it had happened and I knew how to continue with my life. I didn't have nightmares about it, and I didn't freak out if Matt touched me.

I was happy.

I saw Mum, Ben and Nellie often. Ben wasn't a dad, but had no intentions of becoming one, but Nellie was already pregnant with her second child.

I was happy.

Life went on.

I never saw Sweeney Todd, but I never forgot him.

"Grandma, will you tell me a story?"

"Yes, darling. Come and lie down and I'll tell you the story of a very special man."

"A special man?"

"Yes, a special man that changed my life forever."

"What did he do?"

"In some ways, everything, but in others, nothing at all. However you choose to look at it, he changed my life."



"What was his name?"

"His name?"

"Have you forgotten it?"

"No, no, how could I forget his name?"

"Then what was it?"

"His name was Sweeney Todd, my friend on Fleet Street."