I own nothing of Potc but I do own the story!

Once upon a time

It was a rainy night. The sea was rough and the small boat was shaking like a leaf. The captain got out of his cabin waiting for the sea water to spray his face, nothing. Even after all these years he couldn't get used to it. A small, dim lighted hall was outside his cabin. He sighed and walked away towards the stairs to get on deck.

Night never changed. No matter how many years passed, when in open sea the night never changed. Clouds were covering the sky and rain was falling silently. He got on the deck and turned right out of instinct to get to the helm. "Damn it!" he said. There were no stairs, no helm on the back of the ship. No ship. Only a boat.

He adjusted his eyes to the lights and walked to the front, climbing up the control room. A glass was separating him from the sea. He hated that. Before him an operating console, leviers, buttons, no helm. A light was on . The ship was on auto. No need for a captain either. He knew those things. He felt the same disappointment every night and every day while wondering around the boat like a ghost. A ghost captain. Only the sea and the sky were the same, when in open sea. They seemed different on land.

He walked out and down the deck again, deciding he needed a drink. Bugger, even rum had changed. It didn't taste the same anymore. Some days it didn't taste at all.

Suddenly he stopped. A familiar tune filled his ears.

King and his men stole the Queen from her bed.

His blood froze. What was going on? The tune was coming from the lower deck on the front of the boat. He followed it.

And bound her in her bones

The seas be ours and by the powers were we will we roam.

It was a kid's voice. What the…? He took a step closer and a small figure was revealed behind a mount of cargo boxes. The captain froze.

Yo ho, all together, hoist the colours high,

Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die.

"What are you doing, lad?" the captain shouted at the ten year old kid. The boy stopped singing and looked at him afraid.

"I…, I was…" the kid muttered, he had never seen the captain so angry.

"The song you were singing, do you know what it means? It takes only the wrong person and you could get us in big troubles, kid!" the captain shouted wavering his hands angrily.

"But… but… it's just a movie song, Captain Teague." The kid's voice said.

The captain stopped and looked at him. The rain had stopped and the boy's clothes were wet. A pair of jeans and a jacket.

"A movie song?" he asked.

"Aye, the pirates of the Caribbean. There's a book too, see?" the boy said and revealed a small book out of his jacket, where he was keeping it, protected.

The captain took the book and looked at it. There was a scull on the front page. He smirked.

"What does it say?" the captain asked.

"The story of Captain Jack Sparrow." The kid answered. He smirked once again.

"Aye, and the song you were singing." The captain said.

"the call to the Brerthen Court."

"Aren't afraid of the Goddess?" the captain asked the boy.

"Captain, John, it's just a story." The boy said.

"It's not even that, boy. If you want to hear a pirate story, I 'll tell you one." The captain said.

The boy sifted in his place to look at him.

"Ready?" the lad said grinning. Captain John Teague was famous for his stories.

The old Captain, took a barrel and sat on it.

"Once upon a time…"