Chapter Three

A/N: Thanks so much for all your reviews! One of my lovely reviewers, Maara Annika, pointed out that it was a mistake about Oscar Wilde's lover betraying him, and that it was actually the Marquess of Queensbury who betrayed him (his own father O-O ) So my bad. I will get vengeance on my English teacher…

Sebastian's suddenly become a lot more badass in this chapter… I've just realised lol I think it's because I was listening to Sweet Dreams at the time… the Marilyn Manson one. Not the Beyonce crap. And then I listened to Wakeshima Kanon… weird mix lol XD

So yeah, normal warnings: Yaoi, angst. More angst. And a little bit more angst, just to top it all off XD


"They did this to you?" Sebastian's hand grazed Ciel's for a moment.

The boy flinched, cowering back from the man. "Don't touch me!" he spat. A small, tainted hand shoved Sebastian away roughly, causing him to fall to the floor.

"You can talk to me, you know, Ciel." He smoothed the boy's face gently, their eyes meeting for a fleeting moment.

Ciel growled in response, lashing out violently with one bare foot. "You're the last person I would ever speak to about this! Just… leave me alone!" his face was flushed, stained with tears, his voice becoming an anguished sound, not quite a shriek, not quite a sob, not quite a yell.

Sebastian sighed, getting up slowly as he straightened out his jacket.

"Of course, my Lord. But you know where I am if you need me." He drew closer, trailing the tip of one finger up the side of the teen's neck, breathing a rush of hot air into the shell of his ear. "In any way."

Ciel shivered, the heated look of arousal quickly being concealed by deep, intense loathing. "Go to hell, Sebastian." A hiss.

Sebastian chuckled lowly. "Oh, believe me, I will. But you'll be coming with me."

He bent down suddenly to kiss the boy roughly. Ciel pushed against him trembling, jolting as the foreign tongue forced its way into his mouth. The sharp pinch of teeth against his lower lip, and the rough scrape of the man's canines. He tore free violently, slapping the man around the face sharply. He fell to the floor panting. "Get off me!"

Sebastian merely smirked, and stalked back to his corner. "Sweet dreams, my Lord."

The sleeping youth's eyelashes fluttered slightly in his sleep, soft puffs of breath escaping from perfectly parted lips. His cheeks flushed, he writhed slightly in his sleep. From across the room, a pair of blood-red eyes watched him intently.

Lips danced across the boy's lithe frame, Sebastian's fingers curling around every inch of his flesh. His teeth nipping roughly at untouched skin, knowing him as nobody else had ever known him. A playful nip at a half-blossoming bud of a nipple. The boy moaned lightly in his sleep, curling into himself slightly.

Sebastian's flesh against his, the passionate, yet cruel teasing almost unbearable. Another slight mewl, the teen unaware of himself as he unconsciously reached down to curl his hand around his member, dying for release.

"Mmn… ah!"

The heat of another's hips grinding against his, the clashing hatred so intense it was almost… love. Ciel's hand moved faster, sighing and mewing in ecstasy at the feeling of skin on skin. He writhed in his sleep, conscious, yet dreaming at once, a single bead of sweat beginning to trail down delicate young skin. More.


His hips bucked into his fist. Sebastian stroking him, tugging at him roughly, watching his pleasured face as he groaned and tossed beneath him, strands of blue plastered to his forehead. Sebastian's eyes… watching him like this… Those scarlet eyes, staring at him from across the room, feasting on that delicious sight.

"Seb…Sebastian! M…more!"

And then a larger hand stopped his. Ciel sat up with a shudder, eyes wide. No… he hadn't been… not now… not with Sebastian… he paled.

The man smirked back at him, his hand still covering Ciel's, prying the smaller fingers away from his member. He chuckled darkly. "For someone who expressed such profound hate for me, Ciel, you appear to be rather…" he trailed off suggestively, his grin widening threateningly. "…shall we say, enamoured of me?"

"No! I…I'm no- ah!" the younger gasped at the sudden contact, shuddering violently. His hands drew the man to him unconsciously, seizing his shirt roughly. Unaware of his own actions, burying his face into the man's chest.

Sebastian chuckled lowly.

Ciel squirmed. "Ge-get off…"

The elder man smirked at the contradictory nature of the boy's words, feeling the way that Ciel was pressed flush against him, clinging to him, and that, despite his protests, he was hardening quickly under the assault.

"N…Ah! Sebas…tian! Nngh…"

Lips grazing the outer shell of the boy's ear, his tongue traced a familiar path, savouring the salty flavour of the teen's skin. Ciel shivered, throwing his head back to reveal more untainted white flesh. The elder man accepted it greedily, his kisses turning quickly to rough bites and nips, as if he wished to devour the boy.

"S-Sebastian… please…"

So now the boy wanted him. His plan was finally becoming reality. Sebastian smirked into the tender skin, fingertips slowly popping each button out of its socket. Be gentle, but cruel. Beautiful, but evil. That's the way to make someone love you.

The boy's shirt slipped silently to the ground, pooling softly around his feet, leaving his young flesh naked and bare, shimmering slightly under the flickering light of the candle. Sebastian could feel him shiver under his touch, the elder man's fingers tightening possessively for a moment around the boy's arms, pulling him in for another forceful kiss.

Lips trailed once more down the boy's jugular, slender hands delicately fingering a strand of indigo hair. A taunting scrape of canines along a perfectly-shaped collarbone, a pointed tongue flicking out to taste the salty, bruised flesh. That hand slowly trailing down naked flesh, skimming the silk of the boy's belly, before curling delicately around his member. The younger man gave a sudden gasp, clinging to him even closer.

Ciel arched, kitten-like, as Sebastian's teeth enclosed around his nipple without warning, nipping at it roughly, tongue tracing teasing circles around the sensitive bud. The man squeezed the boy's member hard, without warning. Softly screaming at the pleasurable pain, hips bucked violently. Only to no avail. The welcoming, cruel hand was withdrawn suddenly. The younger fell back to the floor with a soft whine, completely exposed, vulnerable, yet too tired to let pride overcome him.

There was a dark chuckle. "Unsatisfied, my Lord? Quite something for someone who so vehemently resisted my advances earlier."

"Shu…shut up, Sebastian…"

The boy tensed. Even only the slightest brush of a fingertip was enough to turn him to jelly, as those hands smoothed his inner leg teasingly, a breath hitching in his throat as Sebastian began to suckle on the pure white flesh of his thigh. A strand of raven hair brushed his manhood fleetingly. Ciel let out a soft mewl… before suddenly clamping his hand over his mouth in an attempt to stifle the sound.

"Get on with it!"

He had meant it to come out as a growl or threat, but somehow, it had twisted in his throat on the way out and come out as a plead. Ciel scowled. And now that idiot was smirking at him like he had just performed some highly amusing trick.

Sebastian had pulled back from his leg and was gazing down at the boy, a smug grin pulling at the corners of his mouth at the helpless position he had the boy in. A slender index finger slid from the base of the boy's member to the tip, pausing over the slit, as if in cruel jest.

"What do you say?"

Forcing this proud creature to submit was one of the most rewarding things he had ever done. The elder sneered down at his prey, feeling the hard flesh beneath his finger, the almost anguished expression on the boy's face… oh yes; such an inexperienced young one couldn't wait much longer. And it was quite a symbol of the boy's pride that he wasn't begging already. Even Sebastian was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, the sensual mixture of pain and ecstasy on the teen's face not helping to relieve him of his "problem".


The man jolted out of his reverie, staring down at the child in satisfaction. He had said it. He had begged for it. For a fleeting moment, one cruel side to Sebastian was tempted to end it, to leave the boy here like this, but what fun would that be? And certainly, then he could never carry out his plan.

"Yes, my Lord."

The boy beneath him jolted upwards, clutching at raven hair as he was engulfed into that warm, comforting cavern, his back forming a perfect arch as he felt that tongue encircle him like flames. A chuckle. The vibration causing shocks of intense pleasure to stab through his belly and back, his hands balling into fists so tight that his nails drew blood. The searing kisses and gentle nips down the side of his length and Ciel lost all rational thought, thrusting and coiling upwards, that death-like urge to get closer to the fire, to become engulfed in the smoke. The subtle pinch of a nipple, the brushing of a thigh against his own, driving him closer to the edge, step by step, ready to jump. And then the feeling on canines scraping his neck was all he needed.

The boy gave a sharp cry, jerking violently, the explosion blinding, overpowering, overcome with pleasure. His head fell back onto the floor, watching Sebastian under heavy eyelids as the man licked the blood from his fist.

"Sebastian…" the boy murmured once, before he fell asleep, curling into the man's lap.

Sebastian stared in confusion down at the boy. A familiar feeling. Yet strange. Comforting, yet terrifying. What was this?