Disclaimer: I do not own the Dgrayman characters, this is done solely for the sake of fan-girlism and avoidance of real work in life.
Forewords: This story is especially for LizluvsSpongebob and folks that wanted more :3
It's not exactly an epilogue, but I hope you will like it. Just a silly short story after 'You May (Not!) Kiss The Bride'. As always, feedbacks and comments are welcomed and appreciated!
Father of the Child
by Sceaduw
{Part I}
Ever since the blood ceremony, Allen had not been assigned on a mission together with Lenalee. Thanks to Komui, dedicating his life to keep them apart. Even though they were supposed to be married, the only way for Allen to see Lenalee was through surveillance monitors. It had been four months. He really missed her. He even had leftovers from his meals.
Today, Lenalee, Lavi and Kanda would be back from a mission in Turkey. Allen was prepared for the deathtraps set ahead of him. He swore he would give Lenalee a big warm hug and... a little kiss maybe. The boy blushed and put on his causal suit. He smiled into the mirror. He smirked handsomely and his master's golem fluttered around his head in excitement.
"Wish me luck, Timcampy!" whispered the boy as he went to open the door. Komui could not catch him this time! The man would never expect him to get up at two in the morning when Lenalee would not be back until ten.
Full of confidence, Allen turned the door knob. Before he knew it, he was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. He thought he heard his bones crackled. The door had exploded by itself. Allen was unable to move from where he was landed by the blast. However, he did not feel any pain.
"Oh dear Lord! What on earth happened?" exclaimed a shadow among the heavy smoke. It was Komui, with a gas mask, also up and already around at two in the morning. The reflection on his glasses beamed with triumphant. Damn it! Allen underestimated Komui again. He swore the man was trying to suppress his laughter when he came to take a closer look at him. It only took a minute for the medical team to come to retrieve the immobilized exorcist.
"Don't worry, Allen," smiled Komui wickedly, "I'm sure the anesthetic will wear off by tomorrow!" He waved goodbye to the boy cheerfully as he watched Allen being carried off to the hospital wing.
When the exorcists returned, Lenalee gave her brother a big hug before she started to look around for Allen. He was not anywhere in sight again. She pouted. Reever told her Allen would be in the HQ when she came back. Somehow, she felt Allen was deliberately avoiding her after the wedding. She seldom got to see him around anymore. Was this what General Klaud warned her about? That guys somehow transformed themselves after marriage?
"What's wrong, Lenalee?" asked Komui, "Are you injured in the mission?" He was worried by the sudden depressed look on his sister's face.
"Come on, Komui! There's no way Lenalee's going to be hurt with us around!" said Lavi proudly as he patted the man on the shoulder. The past mission was a piece of cake. "I'm starving! Yu, are you coming to the canteen with me?" asked the orange haired exorcist.
"Don't call me by my first name!" sneered Kanda, "I hope they have soba today." They turned towards Lenalee but the girl shook her head. She was in no mood for food.
"I'm fine, brother. Sorry, Lavi, I'll join up with you guys later. I need to go to have a checkup first," smiled Lenalee and she ran off.
"Lenalee!" shouted Komui as he rushed after her. What checkup? Was she hurt in battle? Was there something wrong with her Innocence? Lavi and Kanda looked at each other blankly. They ran after the siblings immediately.
"STAY OUT and BE QUIET!" roared the Head Nurse in the inspection room. Lenalee sat on a chair and waited as the mighty nurse shoved Komui out of the room. She locked the door and placed the key in her pocket. The nurse turned back to the girl and she smiled. "How are you feeling, my dear? Now, let me see your wounds." said the nurse kindly but Lenalee shook her head.
"I am not hurt, Head Nurse... I...," stammered Lenalee. She lowered her head, not knowing how to break it out. The nurse patted her on the back gently.
"Don't worry dear, you are safe with me. Tell me," she said kindly. Lenalee hesitated and then took a deep breath.
"My period... hasn't come for two months," mumbled the girl shyly.
The door of the inspection room crashed down as two guys came crashing into the room along with the door. Kanda was the only one who was decent enough not to eavesdrop on Lenalee's privacy. But he already knew the situation, judging by the reactions of the other two.
"W-WHAAT!" cried Komui and Lavi together, faces twisted beyond recognition with horror and rage.
Kanda sighed. He was not a bit surprised by Lenalee's health condition. There was only one person to blame for that. Seeing the other two men making a scene at the hospital wing, Kanda thought it would be wise to remain silent for the time being. While the Head Nurse was scolding Komui and Lavi, Kanda went in and took Lenalee's hand. "Come, you should eat something. You'll feel better!" he said calmly as he led the girl out of the chaotic room, "Don't worry, everything will be alright." Lenalee nodded and followed him out of the place. Maybe she would see Allen in the canteen.
No, not Kanda Yu, not in a gazillion years, Komui concluded in less than a second. So this could only mean... He grabbed Lavi's scarf and pulled it tight.
"Although this will ruin our relation with the Bookman clan, how would you like your funeral, Lavi?" asked Komui flatly, glasses gleaming with coldness, "You have three seconds to decide."
"W-what do you mean?" coughed Lavi as he struggled from the strangulation and his own shock, "It must be Allen...!" They were married, weren't they? "You're not suspecting me, are you? Geez! Lenalee is Allen's wife!" squeaked the exorcist, out of breath. That worked like a curse, Komui covered his ears, refusing to hear the last sentence. Lavi wheezed for air and stepped away from the scientist. Still, Komui eyed him with distrust. If his calculation was correct, Lenalee should be on a mission with Kanda and Lavi when *IT* happened... if not them, who did? He remembered Allen was here in HQ at that time. He had to question Lenalee, this was serious!
He pushed Lavi out of the way and ran out of the hospital wing.
"Lenaleeeee!" cried Komui with tears flooding the corridors. Where could she be? Why didn't she tell him? B-b-but... Lenalee was still a child... And he never acknowledged the so-called Noah wedding! Lenalee was not married to Allen Walker! It was bad, Komui knew it and feared it. When two young person believing they were married, they would do certain forbidden things. Obviously, they had done something. Komui's thoughts went into a fragmentation state. Then he saw a person sneaking out of the hospital wing. It was no other than his nemesis.
"Seems the dosage was not enough to put you away for even a morning?" asked Komui as he grabbed onto the boy's shoulder, "I see you have developed resistance to this drug already!" His fingers digging deep into Allen's flesh, eliciting an eerie shiver down the teen's shoulder. "Where do you think you're going?" Komui turned the boy to face him and asked coldly.
Allen swallowed hard. For Lenalee, he would crawl out of the infirmary if he had to.
"I have to see Lenalee," said the boy firmly. The supervisor eyed him up and down. Komui then winced at the image of a baby boy with Lenalee's eyes but Allen's nose, her cheekbones but his ears. And the baby had Lenalee's smile but Allen's voice. Uncle Komui, giggled the baby...
Komui had his face in his palms as he fell onto his knees and cried helplessly. Allen didn't know what to do. Was it that dreadful for him to see Lenalee? And Allen thought things might get better for him and Lenalee once they were married. He was totally and beyond wrong.
"Komui, are you alright?" asked Allen. Komui wiped off his tears and pulled himself together. He stood up and now held onto both Allen's shoulders.
"Be honest with me, boy! Was it you?" asked Komui. His heart pounded fiercely. Honesty for a swift execution, denial for a slow and painful death!
"Was it me what?" asked Allen, completely confused. Was Komui playing a new trick on him?
"Lenalee's late! Two months already!" exclaimed Komui angrily, "Did you do it, Allen Walker?"
Allen was still puzzled. Lenalee's late? But wasn't she back already with Kanda and Lavi? Seeing no response from the boy, Komui dragged him to a dark corner and pinned him against the wall.
"She's pregnant!" sneered the man, with the blood vessels in his eyeballs about to go pop. He watched as the boy's face changed from pale to pink, and then from plum red back to ghastly white. With Allen's minimal biology knowledge, he too realised what that indicated. Hey, wait... who the bloody hell...!
"Oh come on! No way!" Allen laughed. It had got to be a joke. And it was a bad one. He did not find it funny.
Komui did not smile nor speak. He just looked at Allen gravely. It wasn't Allen? Allen stopped laughing and drifted into silence.
"You're serious...?" asked Allen, trying hard to suppress his uneasiness, "... did she say who?" His heart refused to believe, but his mouth kept on asking.
"She didn't. I overheard her conversation with Head Nurse," said Komui gravely, "She didn't even tell me anything! I'm her brother! I raised her up like a father! She must be trying to protect that man!" Komui eyed Allen again with suspicion. "If it's not you, now that you know about it, will you help me to find him out?" asked Komui. This wasn't a question and an answer wasn't expected. Komui knew for sure, whoever that was, now Allen would eat him for breakfast. Komui could see the gleam in the exorcist's eyes already. He patted the teen on the shoulder.
"Did Lavi and Kanda...?" blurted Allen when Komui turned to leave.
"It's not them," replied the supervisor, "And Kanda didn't seem to know about it, so keep it a secret among us for now."
"That's less than half a meal," stated Kanda coolly as Lenalee placed down her chopsticks. Lenalee smiled and nodded. Allen was not in the canteen either. She kept thinking about him all the time. It was always good to be with Kanda. He never asked unnecessary questions. She sat in silence with the swordsman when he was finishing off his soba.
"Why don't you just ask your brother to call for him? Beansprout should be around somewhere," said Kanda as he stood up, ready to leave. "Maybe Komui got him locked up-"
"Brother would not do that! We are married! He wouldn't separate us like that," said Lenalee. That would be ridiculously unreasonable. But her brother was a specialist in performing the absurd. She sighed and felt a slight pain in her abdomen.
"You should get some rest," said Kanda, noticing Lenalee rubbing her lower abdomen gently.
"Yes, I think so. I think I will go get some sleep now," replied the girl softly. Kanda watched as the girl walked slowly out of the canteen. He rubbed his forehead and sighed. What was he going to do now? He couldn't just let Lenalee continue in this state. Her body condition was getting worse now. Maybe he should just go and be frank with Komui Lee before things got out of hand.
"Kanda!" cried Allen as he stormed into the canteen, eliciting an angry glare from the swordsman. Great, Allen had just missed Lenalee. What did the brat want now?
"What is it, beansprout?" asked Kanda monotonously. He grumbled as the teen dragged him to the far end of the canteen where there were less people around. Kanda sensed a dangerous aura emitted from the white haired teen.
"Tell me what happened in the mission?" asked Allen cautiously with a suppressed voice. Kanda tilted his head and thought for a moment.
"Why do you want to know?" sneered Kanda in return. He observed closely as the boy stammered and hesitated, but still not giving him a reason. He couldn't just tell Kanda about Lenalee's pregnancy like this, thought Allen. But then, Kanda had already guessed Allen's reason for asking. He smiled inwardly.
"I-I... Just tell me! I need to know, the details and everything during you guys' mission!" exclaimed Allen urgently, "Did you guys see anyone suspicious?" He covered his mouth when he realised he was being too loud. People were browsing over to them.
"Okay, beansprout, if you really wanted to know," began Kanda calmly, "It was just a simple mission, retrieved a piece of Innocence, destroyed a few Akumas. Nothing complicated really... oh! And him too. We saw him again."
"What? Who? WHO?" exclaimed Allen again, grabbing onto Kanda's arm. Kanda shook him off in irritation and continued, "He was talking to Lenalee when we went back to her after taking out the last of the Akumas. He fled as soon as he saw us."
Kanda paused as he saw flames shooting out from Allen's eyes. He added, "Now that you ask about it, he muttered something about Lenalee being part of the family now or something like that. So he said he would not hurt her."
"WHO IS IT KANDA?" cried Allen desperately. The people in the canteen were staring at them now. Allen swore to dismember whoever did *IT* to Lenalee during the mission!
Kanda sighed. He couldn't really comprehend Komui's or Allen's thoughts. How could anyone possibly be doing that sort of thing to Lenalee while he and Lavi were around? And they always accused him being the stupid one. Anyway, it would be a good revenge on Allen for causing him and Lavi the extra work since his wedding.
The swordsman walked past the hysteric youth, leaving behind a name. Allen was shell shocked. He should have known, that man looked just like Neah! He must have tricked Lenalee, pretending to be her man!
Allen now regretted not finishing that man off last time when he had the chance. The name ping-ponged inside his brain and he finally lost it.
"TYKI MIKKKKK!" roared Allen as he summoned the ark portal and activated Crown Clown.
-to be continued-