I know what you're thinking, Oh no it's all bold it's just an author's note! Where is the update she said she would do months ago?!

I'm sorry guys. You're probably not going to like what I'm going to say. I'm officially discontinuing The Next Generation. WAIT, you still there? Just listen to me for a second. It's true I'm completely scraping this story. I will mark it discontinued very soon. But, yes there is a but! I'm not ditching the plot or most of my characters.

I know you're probably looking at the screen strangely right now. Didn't I just say a couple months ago I reedited the entire story? Yes, I did. But honestly my reediting was just a band aid that didn't hold up. All I did was fix mistakes and redo sentences. It just wasn't enough.

I love this story. That's why I just can't let myself let it go. This was the first story I ever put and continued on this site. I started it in 2011. Three, almost four, long years ago and the truth is it sucks.

Don't get me wrong I love my characters and my general ideas. But this story is sloppy. I didn't even mention main characters. My subplots were disorganized and almost irrelevantly miss able. I wrote this back when I still though Itachi was a cold heart killer and that that Hinata's father was the biggest ass out of all the characters.

So, I'm going to rip this down to its roots. In a separate story and when I've caught up with this old one I will delete this one. I had so many ideas for the next chapters but couldn't write anything with my terrible start looming over me. I'm not promising updates. I don't know when I'll start writing this again.

If you have had enough of my craziness about this story, then leave in peace and thank you for your time. But if you want to see where this leads feel free to fallow me on my journey.

Now, in case you're scared that I will take away what you love about this story let me tell you some of the things I plan to keep.

Things that will stay-

All of the main pairings-except Kiba. I hate my OC right now to the point I'm embarrassed I made her (could be worse though, she wasn't a MarySue at least.)

All of the children-Because they are kickass!

Kari's kidnapping plot- with many tweaks

The couple-y goodness!

Saki & Arisa's friendship- because honestly it was the cutest thing ever!

That's really it. Like I said down to the roots. Alright guys I really have nothing else to say. I'll either see you in the new one or I won't, thanks for reading anyways! I love you guys!