I'm back! I was suffering from some super writers block, but hopefully I'm over that :)
I'm sorry that I abandoned y'all! But your reviews are honestly what keep me going! I love getting an email that says "New Review"!
They always make my day!

So here we go...

Quinn finished folding up a quilt and placed it with the two pillows on the pull out couch that was located in Finn, Artie, and Mike's bedroom. There was a king size bed, a love seat, and a couch, in which Quinn found the hidden bed, so the boy's had more than enough room. She rechecked the room and its adjoining bathroom. Quinn could never get over how every room in this house was a "master" version. They weren't just "guest bedrooms", they were "master guest bedrooms". Everything in the Berry's house was huge! The smallest bed was the queen sized pull out. So if she heard any bickering tonight about the sleeping arrangements, she was likely to blow a gasket. Quinn prayed that she wasn't always this anal, that it was only the circumstances, and if she could have given herself a moment to think then she would have realized that that was true. But now, rushing from the boy's room to San and Brit's lavish, vintage decorated bedroom, she made no time for such thoughts. What good were they to her anyway?

About the time she finished doubling back over the cheerio duo's room, she heard soft squeaking on the staircase that weaved above the room. She made her way out and into the foyer and was met by Puck. "Did you leave her alone?" Quinn asked in surprise. Puck had been so territorially around Rae that Quinn expected him to never leave the girl's side.

"She's all but past out," Puck told her in a rough and tired voice.

Quinn could see the exhaustion mixed with extreme emotions run through Puck's body. "Go talk to San and Artie," she told him, "I'll be right there." For a minute she wasn't sure if he'd leave or not, but he finally nodded his head in agreement and made his way to the living room. Quinn walked into the kitchen on the opposite side and began to search for something to offer Puck. Normally she would just make him the typical Jack and coke, but she didn't believe alcohol was a good idea at the moment so it was just plain coke. Grabbing four out of the fridge, she went to join the group. As she was walking in, she heard his name: "Jesse". Well obviously Rachel had told Puck what had happened. Sadly though it had cost Quinn a toe, because at the sound of that S.O.B.'s name, Quinn lost her grip on one of the four sodas and it fell straight on her pinkie toe. Biting her lip to keep from hollering, she handed off the three remaining cokes to Santana, who had jumped up to help her.

Groaning, Quinn took a seat on the floor and removed her sandals to take a look at her toe. Seeing the rapid bruising, she had a sudden reminder: treating Rachel's wounds. "Santana, come upstairs with me. I need your help."

Puck listen carefully for the steps on the stairs to quit squeaking to signify the girls absence before turning to talk to Artie. "Okay, listen, I'm gonna be paying Jesse a visit tonight. I'm gonna ask the guys to go with me, but-"

"It's fine, Puck." Artie interrupted, "I'll stay with the girls."

Puck was relieved at Artie's offer and relaxed a little. He had half expected the other boy to try and talk him out of it, but Artie had seen what that monster did to Rachel and even he craved revenge. Artie also knew if anyone could deliver the desire for justice that the whole group shared, it was Noah Puckerman.

"Just so you know," Artie said "all of the girls are telling their parents that they are staying with Rachel because her dads are out of town and she didn't wanna be alone."

"Good plan," Puck nodded in approval.

"As for the guy's, we're staying with you working on a song for regionals."

"Alright. I'm just tellin' Ma that I'm staying with Rachel since the Berrys are gone." Artie gave Noah a quizzical look at his planned explanation. "My Ma loves Rae! She won't think anything of it," Noah informed him.

The boys sat for a while longer trying to figure out what to do next. Enjoying the moment of peace. The feeling that they actually had things under a semi-amount of control. Of course that feeling was soon interrupted by another one of Rachel's heartbreaking screams.

Quinn and her Latina friend enter Rae's room quietly to find the sleeping brunette struggling in her sleep against the quilt Puck had laid over her. Rachel was crying and pleading in a quiet voice.

"Oh no," Quinn was not looking forward to hearing Rae's screams again, but she knew it was only a matter of seconds. She sat down on the bed and reached for Rachel's hands and began to speak calmly "Rae, sweetie, it's Q. You're dreaming, honey. Please wake up Rach." Tears sprung into Quinn's eyes as Rachel began to struggle even harder and cry out.

"B," Santana was on the verge of falling apart as she sat down on the other side of Rach and wipe a stray tear from the sleeping girl's cheek. "B, wake up. Come on, B. Please!" San began to sob uncontrollably when she heard Rachel repeat the word "please" over and over in the weakest voice she had ever heard.

Without warning, and with both girls still by her side, Rachel's cries turned into unbearably loud screams.

Santana about jumped out of her skin, but Quinn just took a deep breath and reached out, holding Rachel's beaten face between her small hands. "Rae," Quinn cooed "wake up love. Come on now. It's just a dream. Wake up Rae."

While Quinn continued to try to wake Rachel, Puck opened the door and was quickly dismissed with the wave of Quinn's hand. Puck furrowed his eyebrows with doubt, but slowly backed out of the room anyway.

After a minute or two more, Rachel's screams quieted, opened her eyes slowly, and reached for Quinn, "Q?"

"I'm here, baby," Quinn hugged her best friend and waited for Rae to calm down.

She winced at her sore body, but Rachel was able to push her self up and relax against her headboard. "I'm sorry I scared you," she apologized.

"It's all good, B," Santana captured Rachel's attention.

Rachel smiled weakly at the cool, calm, and collected look that Santana was able to maintain even though there were still tears slipping down her tanned cheeks. Santana always tried to hold it together, even when she was falling apart.

"Rae, I meant to do this earlier, but we're gonna have to, umm... well we need to bandage you up a little bit." Quinn couldn't help but stumble over her words, but Rachel took it in stride and nodded her head. Even so, but Quinn and Santana still saw the flash of pain that appeared briefly in Rae's eyes. "Santana, can you grab a towel and a couple of wash cloths from the bathroom?"

After Santana walked out, Rachel gave Quinn that questioning/worrying look that was all too familiar. "Q," Rachel reached for Quinn's hands, "are you alright?"

Quinn didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her best friend's question. "Rae, I'm just scared of upsetting you anymore than you already are," she said.

"Quinn! How could you upset me? You being here for me is what I want."

"I just don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Rachel looked down, considering Quinn's words. When she looked up at Quinn both girls had fresh tears in their eyes, but Rachel reassured Quinn, "if I had gone to the hospital, this would be done by complete strangers. I'm just glad it's you and Santana."

Santana was now back at Rachel's bedside and Quinn was reaching for the first aid kit that had previously been forgotten. Santana took the damp wash cloth and wiped off the dry blood on Rachel's cheeks, lips, and nose. Quinn quickly followed behind with some antibiotic ointment and a couple of band aids. They followed the same process for both of her arms. Rachel's hands had to be wrapped due to the amount of damage to her palms and fingers. After removing Rachel's gown, the girls bandaged about five gashes varying from mild to gut wrenchingly severe. Facing what she had been so desperately trying to avoid, Quinn looked closely at the bite marks on each of Rachel's breast. Quinn swallowed hard trying to fight the bile that begin to rise in her throat. "Rae, those look like they need stitches," she told her.

"Quinn, I don't care if I have to sew them myself, I am NOT going to the hospital!"

Rachel's voice was almost scary, but of course Santana was the first to break the tension, "Whoa, let's not go all survivor island just yet! Q, find me some butterfly bandages and give me that bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Now this may sting a little, B"

Rachel squeezed her eyes tight trying to ignore the sting. While Santana poured, Quinn dried it off before Santana finished it off with three butterfly band aids for each wound.

The girls worked with Rae's legs, focusing on the damage to her inner thighs. Quinn made a mental note to make some ice packs for the bruises covering Rachel's legs.

Quinn sat up and wrapped her arms around Rae as San moved up the beaten girl's to wipe away the remaining blood. A shock of fury ran through her veins at the sight. There was an unbelievable amount of dry blood covering Rachel's most intimate parts. Jesse had obviously been rough in every way. She helped clear the white flesh from the dark red stain while Rach sobbed in Quinn's arms. "I'm so sorry sweetie," San whispered. She knew that she was causing Rachel a severe amount of pain due to the damage Jesse had inflicted there.

They finished by looking at Rachel's back which was pretty much one big bruise with a few long scrapes. Rachel explain that Jesse had thrown her against the wall of the school and dumpster pretty hard a few timed. Quinn and Santana had to bite their tongues before their anger exploded in front of Rachel.

Quinn gave Rae a couple of Advil for the bruises and started to pick up the bandage wrappers and towels. She carried the cloths to Rachel's bathroom and began to rinse the blood from each of them one by one. Quinn felt the strange shift, it felt as if time had slowed down as she watched the water run from the silver faucet and splash on the cloth. She watched the clear water turn to a crimson red as it mixed with Rachel's blood. Quinn felt frozen in place. She was in shock at all the blood that was held in only one washcloth. She struggled to, but she finally shook herself out of her dazed state only to feel a slow tear trickle down her cheek. She slammed the water off with anger and gripped the vanity, gasping for air. She couldn't breath. Why couldn't she breath? It was as if the whole situation had just hit her at full force. She didn't know how long she stood there gasping for breath, but she suddenly heard Rae calling her name and it was as if all the air she had been searching for rushed to her lungs instantly. Catching her breath and pushing aside the overwhelming emotions, she walked back in the bedroom.

Santana had helped Rachel back into her night gown then settled in beside her. Quinn had found Santana's arms wrapped around a whimpering Rachel. Walking to Rachel's dresser, Q turned on the iPod to the "Broadway" play list then joined the girls. The three of them sat there crying until they all drifted off to sleep. Sleep that was, of course, short lived.

It was 12 on the dot when Mercedes and Tina returned with ice cream, popcorn, and tons of candy. With Artie's help, the girls found the proper places for all the food while Puckerman went to check on Rachel and the girls. When he saw all three of them cuddle up asleep, he was surprised his mind didn't automatically turn to inappropriate thoughts, guess that's what happens when someone you truly love is hurt, he figured. Sitting down in the rocking chair beside the bed, he watched the girls, thankful that Rachel seemed comfortable and she wasn't showing any signs of having a nightmare. It was only a short time before he was asleep himself.

Sam and Finn arrived at the house around 1:30 with Brit and Mike fifteen minutes behind. They had been in the house for what felt like seconds before the screaming started. No one else was downstairs so they rushed towards the screams coming from Rachel's room. Everyone including Artie was already there, but this time it was much more chaotic. Rachel's screams weren't like before, these were literally loud enough to hurt their ears and this time there were words falling from her lips and embracing the volume of her screams. Over and over again she screamed the same words: "Stop it! Please!" These words sent sharp pain through all of their hearts.

The chaos didn't end with the screams. Tina and Santana were doing their best to restrain Rachel's flaring arms, while Noah was freaking out in the corner. Quinn was hurrying back from the bathroom with towels. The returning foursome stood in shock until Quinn started barking orders. Apparently when this screaming attack hit, Rachel had been able to dig her nails across both of her cheeks and created deep gashes in her forearms before anyone could stop her.

Puck stood in the corner watching the scene that was turning blurry before his eyes. Rach's screams, Brittany's cries, Quinn loud demands, they all started to blend in his ears turning into buzzing sounds. He knew he should be over there trying to help stop the bleeding, but he thinks he's about to be sick or something, because he's pretty sure he hasn't breathed since this whole escapade began 5 minutes ago. As he bent over, resting his hands on his knees, he felt someone grab his shoulder and pull him up. Mike was trying to usher Puck towards the door, but that was all it took to make Puck act. He rushed over to Rachel and sat behind her, laying one leg on either side of her. He held Rach tight against his chest, trying to keep her still long enough for Quinn to stop the bleeding.

Rachel continued to scream and struggle against all the attempted restraints. She was stuck between relieving the attack and reality. She could hear her screams and the chaos around her, but she didn't know how to pull herself from the nightmare that was currently torturing her. Suddenly there was a different noise. A noise that help quiet her screams and bring her back to reality. Noah's soft voice vibrated against her ear singing "Sweet Caroline". her eyes began to flutter open at the warmth of his breath and the feel of his hand pressed against her flat stomach. "Noah?" she whispered.

The whole room relaxed as Rachel woke up. Santana and Tina released Rae's arms and were able to help Quinn bandage up the gashes on her forearms while Sam cleaned up the fresh scratches on Rae's cheeks. "What happened?" Rachel asked.

Santana was the first to speak "You had a bad dream, B."

Rachel groaned and tried to lift herself up only to fall back against Noah's chest when her arms started to give way.

Everyone stood there in momentary awkwardness as the group tried to decide their next move. It was now 2 am and everyone was exhausted, so Quinn took decided to call it a night. She asked Noah to go get some extra blankets and pillows from the linen closet and for everyone else to go to sleep.

As the Glee Club made their way out or Rachel's room and into the hallway, Puck pulled the boys aside. He felt the anger fill him as he informed Sam and the others about his plans to visit Jesse. As he had hoped, there were no objections, only a shared rage between the group that settled on all of them as they made their way to their assigned rooms. They may have been headed to bed, but this night was far from over.

SO? Please review!
Again, I challenge you to pick your favorite line/portion/whatever part of the story it let me know!