Fandom: Transformers G1, season 3
Author: gatekat
Chars: Prowl (Syshhik), Sideswipe/Sunstreaker, Hound/Trailbreaker, Drift/Wing (Tsubasa)
Rating: PG-13
Codes: AU, Twincest, Slash
Summary: Syshhik visits New Crystal City in his capacity as agent of the Prime (taking a census of NCC).
Disclaimer: The authors are only playing with their own twisted muses. Transformers belong to Hasbro. Fandom-side, check the inspirations page (anhrefn-hyfryd ./22919 .html) We draw from a ton of amazing stories and authors you should read.
Notes: klik = 1 minute, breem = 8.3 minutes; joor = 1.2 hours; orn = day/32 joor; metacycle = 6 (5.9285) years; vorn = 83 years/14 metacycle
If this looks familiar, it's because femme and I already wrote a sparking scene that I like in Calming Fire pt 2 . Why reinvent the wheel?
flybystardancer figured out Tsubasa and asked for Trailblazer to make a showing. Sorry I couldn't think of anything more substantial with him.

This Winter Won't Last Forever 35

Syshhik did his best to ignore the two mechs being inappropriately intimate in the seats in front of him. Normally his rank and duties would provide him with a private transport, and he frequently took advantage of the luxury to save time. New Crystal City, however, was very far from Cybertron and this shuttle was going when he needed to go and would return to Cybertron within a few orns of his anticipated time to leave. It was an unneeded use of resources to take a ship by himself when this one already matched his schedule.

He twitched the wings folded tightly against his back, once again cursing the idiot who decided that an Aerial the size of a normal grounder would be the best frame for planetary planner. Not that his duties were nearly so limited these orns. He would admit he was grateful whoever that designer was had chosen the much more compact Ankmorian frame over the wide swept and optic-catching but unfolding and unwieldy wings that Vosians favored.

Now half way through the twenty-orn journey to the most remote outpost of Cybertronian society he was beginning to regret his choice to save resources. The yellow and red frontline warriors had spent nearly every moment in some kind of intimate contract with each other. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, his databanks supplied. Twins, former Autobots, part of the crew of the Ark and had served both Optimus and Rodimus Prime directly. They also had a disciplinary record that hurt Syshhik's processors to contemplate with the fact that they'd both received honorable discharges. Now Sunstreaker was an artist of some renown. Sideswipe owned several flourishing businesses and managed his brother-lover's sells.

Two of Sunstreaker's more abstract paintings graced the Prime's official office in New Iacon. Prime favored him, and though Syshhik disliked the favoritism, he did agree that the mech was a talented artist in many styles from realism to abstract to classic temple.

What they were doing going to New Crystal City was a small itch Syshhik had so far refused to scratch. He was fully aware the pair shadowed him. They were in any city or outpost, no matter how remote, that Syshhik went to ever since he'd gotten lightly overcharged at one of his first large functions and ended up in their berth. They hadn't proposition him since he gave them a very firm no while not under the influence, yet they continued to be wherever he went.

Another pair, also from the Ark crew, were being more circumscript but no less affectionate. Hound and Trailbreaker, his HUD identified them when he glanced over. Unlike the twins, he knew why these two were on this shuttle. They were seeking Hound's former lover's blessing on their bonding, something too important to Hound to do over a transmission.

They would be leaving in two orns with the shuttle according to their tickets.

The twins would be staying the vorn until the shuttle returned, just as he was.

"Welcome to New Crystal City," a tiny Ankmorian flier, no taller than Syshhik himself and with a similar white chassis, only with more red highlights and very little black, greeted them with a cheerfulness that was almost nauseating after being confined with four mechs who had known and fought by each other's sides for so long. "I'm Tsubasa, Knight-elect of the Circle of Light. I've been assigned to you while you are here."

"And your keeper?" Sunstreaker jerked his chin towards the glowering white Knight by the spaceport's edge.

Tsubasa's smile brightened, if it was possible, and shifted to utter adoration. "My intended, Drift."

"Drift," Sunstreaker's optics narrowed as he repeated the designation, all three mechs who knew him, and Drift, stiffening at a shift I can't perceive. "You mean Deadlock."

"I haven't been Deadlock in a long time," Drift stepped forward with the grace that this city was known for but all the violent nature of the Decepticon he once was just barely held in check. "Prime pardoned me, just as he pardoned you and everyone else who agreed to behave."

Despite his nature and history, I felt no threat from this mech. Sunstreaker, on the other hand, was radiating his intend to do damage to any convenient target.

"It's not worth it," Sideswipe was between his brother and Drift, his back to the former Decepticon as he held Sunstreaker back. "Remember what we're here for."

Sunstreaker glared at his brother, violence rolling off him in waves that pushed Hound, Trailbreaker and myself back out of self-preservation. I could not be surprised that Sideswipe remained close, or much surprise that Drift did.

Yet Tsubasa ... the mech was barely in his final upgrade and he knew no fear. My gave is drawn to Drift as Tsubasa and Sideswipe try to calm the still-glitched artist-former warrior and I can't help but wonder if turning those of a violent nature, of teaching them control and focus, is Tsubasa's gift.

I'm also officially admitting defeat here. I don't want to finish this story. I'm tired of it and other bunnies are biting me. So here's what I had planed for the last few parts.

Pt 36: Jazz and Syshhik encounter each other somewhat randomly and Jazz realizes who it is (Prowl) on first touch.
Pt 37: Jazz convinces Syshhik to remain in NCC for the bonding of Drift and Tsubasa. He spends the time trying to court his former lover.
Pt 38: Tsubasa bonds with Drift, awakening Wing's memories.
Pt 39: Syshhik spends the night in Jazz's berth.
Pt 40: Syshhik and Jazz bond, awakening many of Prowl's memories related to Jazz.