I don't own Twilight



Emmett McCarthy bent down and kissed his darling little isabo on the forehead. "I'll be back in a few days baby girl don't worry and be good for Grandma and Grandpa ok." He smiled down at the little girl who had a death grip on his hand. Isabella Marie McCarthy was born to Emmett Dale McCarthy and his girl Rebecca Ann Handerson , But Becca had left four years ago two days after Izzy was born and neither Emmett his parents nor her parents had heard anything from her since. Emmett had offered to marry her heck he'd wanted to marry her before she became pregnant but she always said she wasn't ready. Emmett though that the only good thing that came out of that relationship had been Isabella who his parents now helped him raise.

"No daddy, don't go." She cried clinging to him tighter.

"I have to go darling but I'll be back I promise. He picked her up and handed her over to his mother.

"oh she'll be fine in a bit Emmett won't you Issa." His mom looked at the little girl who had buried her head in her shirt and was sniffling.

"Fine daddy but promise you'll be back." Her big brown eyes were swimming with tears as she held out her little pinky finger. Emmett held out his much larger finger and wrapped hers gently around it.

"I promise." He whispered kissing her forehead picking up his bag and walking out the door. There was no way for Emmett to know that he wouldn't be able to fulfill his promise to his daughter or that she would grow up never believing that he was dead.

Emmett had been attacked by a bear he was in pain he closed his eyes sure the end was near, the last thing in his mind was a picture of his beautiful isabo. He would never see his baby again. He must have passed out from the lack of blood because the next thing he knew he felt hot knifing pain go through him for three days. He woke up and a beautiful blond women was looking up at him.

"Hello my name is Rosalie." She said with the voice of an angel.

"Emmett." He said. Holding out his hand. Rosalie went on to explain who all lived in the house how they lived and what they were. Emmett closed his eyes pain on his face. He wouldn't ever even meet his daughter in heaven


"What is it." Rosalie asked.

"My daughter her whispered, and with that word Rosalie would feel horrible for years that she cursed this man to a life forever on the planet well his daughter would grow old have children and die and he would never know.

12 years later


Isabella Marie McCarthy smiled sadly as she sat by the water thinking and crying her father had left her twelve years ago today promising to be back but he never came back and she'd been raised by her grandma and grandpa McCarthy but they had both died within months of each other last year and she'd been living by herself in their old house being periodically checked on by well meaning neighbors.

She leaned her head on her knees and thought back she was four when they came only two days after her daddy left and informed her grandparents that their son was dead apparently attacked by a bear in the mountains but they couldn't found a body and they never had been able to. For some reason this made Bella sure that he wasn't dead it was a feeling she had deep in her heart a feeling she wouldn't let go no matter how much her grandmother or friends said she was crazy.

She pushed herself off the ground with her hands and stood up brushing the grass off her skirt. She started to walk through the woods even though she had been warned never to go into the woods. She walked through the trees touching the rough bark letting it bit into her palms letting herself feel just a little bit of pain. She kept walking not really paying attention to her surroundings. She came to an quick stop when she felt a shiver run down her spin. She looked up and into the red fiery eyes of a man. She wanted to scream but she was frozen. She wanted to run but her legs wouldn't cooperate.

"Well, Well what have we here." He stalked closer to her taking a deep breath." She was petrified. "Well aren't you a pretty thing." He placed his hand on her neck brushing her chestnut hair away from it." "mm so succulent." She whimpered and he gave a cruel laugh "oh don't worry darling this won't hurt but a moment. He leaned closer to her and sunk his fangs into her creamy white neck." But just as he started to suck her blood something stopped him. He couldn't say what but something and he thought it would be better to make her live the eternal hell as a vampire. So he bit her and left her on the forest floor withering in pain for three days and nights.

She came out of the haze of pain on the third day and looked around he wasn't even sure what was going on what she was really how she was suppose to survive. She never could stand blood as a human and though it was slightly appetizing to her as a vampire she still didn't really like it and thus that's why she was a animal eating Vampire that's what she was sure her father would want if he was around.

She wandered the world for years never really have a place to stay but always feeling deep down that she was suppose to be somewhere she just wasn't' sure were.

A/N I hope you like this story if you want me to continue then please review but don't flame I'll only update if I get reviews because they give me inspiration. also please check out my all human stories coming home to open arms and one step forward.