I own nothing! Disclaimer for whole story, but I'll put another at the beginning of the last chapter.

Max POV:

Sam was following me… AGAIN. That boy just can NOT take a hint! At first it was kind of flattering, him asking me out, but after the third time, I just wanted to smack him silly. I almost did on several occasions. Only Nudge, my best friend, and Angel, my little sister, stopped me.

Nudge is African American, with her dark skin, brown eyes, and brown, curly hair. She's 22, like me. Angel, bless her little heart, is six, and, well, angelic. Her blonde curls framed her small face and huge, blue eyes like a halo. Our brother, the Gasman (or Gazzy) is an older, boy version of her. He's eight.

Anyway. My name's Maximum Ride, but most people just call me Max. I'm tall and thin- 5'11, with an athlete's body. I have brown eyes and blonde hair with a dark, brown layer underneath.

So- back to Sam. He's been following me around since the latest rejection, popping up out of no where at the strangest times. He has tortoiseshell eyes and chestnut hair, and is about- oh, say, 5'8. At first he was cute, sure, but I didn't want to date him, and still don't. So that's how I ended up here, in this club- The Asylum, appropriately. The pounding music and flashing, multicolored lights weren't helping my growing headache. I decided that I needed a drink, and headed over to the bar.

I plopped down onto the first empty stool I found and rubbed my temples. The dark-haired man sitting next to me turned his obsidian eyes on my own.

"Rough day?" His voice reached me through the music.

"You have no idea." I muttered darkly, closing my eyes. I thought I saw the corner of his mouth twitch, but took no notice of it. I sighed, looking around, and spotted a familiar, chestnut head dangerously close. "Crap." Well, I didn't exactly say it like that, but let's just pretend I said crap.

"What?" The stranger again looked at me with those dark eyes.

"Nothing, just a guy that's been stalking me this past month!" I said with false cheer and a bright, fake smile. Then I had an idea. "But there is something you can do to help."

"What?" he asked again, warily this time. Probably because of my sudden, mischievous smile.

"Well… be my pretend boyfriend to get rid of him?" I said in a rush. I put on one of those big, cheesy smiles and a hopeful expression.

"Hmm… What's in it for me?" he asked, and I was thrilled that he was playing along.

"Five bucks?" I bargained, holding up a bill.

"Ten." I was about to protest but saw that Sam had wandered closer.


Yes, I'm evil. Very, very evil. But I'll do my best to update soon. Tell me what you thought! I'd like at least one review per chapter, please. Otherwise I'll be evil-er! And not post the next chapter! I'll try to estimate when I post the next chapter- Sunday, maybe? (You know, if one person reviews.) As in, 2/13/2011. If I don't, I apologize in advance. So, till next time, my reader(s)!