A/N: The Epilogue! :) It sort of explains what happens after and stuff... So anyways, the story is now complete~ Please Review :D

If you have any ideas or request on what to do for my next story, please PM me~ Thank you :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or OHSHC

Epilogue: Loose ends tied

Colorful cars zoomed past a huge mansion while a woman inside stared down at them blankly. It had been so long since she had seen her family in modern day Tokyo. Today, they were going to tie all the loose ends.

To tell her family what happened, go visit Honey and Mori etc. Hopefully, they, especially her grandfather, wouldn't freak out when they discovered that she was now a demon with Miko powers.

"Kagome." A voice softly called. "We're going now."

Kagome nodded and started towards the front door but was stopped by a streak of red.

"Okaa-san! Can I come too?"

"Sure Shippo. Make sure you behave though."

They arrived at the steps to the Higurashi Shrine and ascended the long flight of stairs. There, she saw her grandfather sweeping leaves; his head bowed as if in prayer.

"Grandpa. I'm home." She called

His head whipped up. When he saw Kagome, he dropped his broom, grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the house. Sesshoumaru and Shippo silently followed them.

"Kun-loon! Kun-loon!" He shouted, storming into the house.

Kun-loon was busy making lunch and didn't notice her daughter yet.

"Yes?" She asked, looking up.

She gasped. "Kagome!" She cried. "I thought you were trapped in the Feudal Era?"

Kagome nodded. "I was. But then Sesshoumaru turned me into a demon, so I'm still alive."

Kun-loon sighed in relief while her father dropped to the ground in a dead faint.

"My grandchild…a demon…" He muttered.

Kagome spoke up. "We're getting married soon! Here, an invitation."

Kun-loon squealed. "I'm so proud of you Kagome!"

"Yeah. She refused to get married until now because she wanted you guys to attend." Shippo grumbled. Kagome and Kun-loon laughed at this.

"I'm home!" Came Souta's voice from outside. He walked into the house and saw Kagome.

He ran up to her and asked, "Hey Sis. Today's my birthday! What did you get me?"

She tossed him something small and rectangular. It was a videogame. Souta caught it and then pumped his fists into the air.

"Yes! The new Ultrasonic Version 5! Thanks Kagome!" He ran off to play his new videogame.

Kagome smiled and turned to Kun-loon. "We have to go now. We'll visit often though."

She turned around and walked out the door; Sesshoumaru and Shippo trailing behind her.

"Next stop, the Dojo."

They stepped into their waiting limousine and zoomed off. Within minutes, they were at the dojo.

Coincidentally, Honey and Mori were standing outside practicing karate.

Honey looked up and his eyes widened. "G-gome-chan!" He gasped.

Mori's head whipped up and he openly stared at the group. Honey skipped up to them. "You made it through the well?" He asked.

Kagome shook her head. "Nope."

"Then how did you… how are you still alive?"

"I'm a demon. Right now, I'm approximately 500 years old."

"WHAT?" He cried.

"Oh yeah, I'm getting married soon! Here's the invitation."

And with that, she walked away; leaving 2 gaping statues staring after her.

"Well, that went well." Kagome stated.

And so the demon and the former human mated, got married, and lived happily ever after.

The End~

Please Review~ :)

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