Sometimes you can't comprehend the choices people make. Your own choices, the ones that shock. The choices of others, the ones that ruin lives. The ones that you can not ever really understand. Sometimes choices turn out good and sometimes, they don't. What happens when some bad choices utterly ruin the life you hold so dear?

Today is a normal day. If you call a green elf and a robot man yelling their heads off over some video game, a super-model-alien-princess cooking some vile concoction that could poison even a meerkat if eaten, and a former sidekick, current long-haired hero obsessing over a villain, normal. Which Raven does.

She is quietly reading one of her many books on the sofa. Or, at least, she's trying to. The sight of her friends is just too…distracting. It has been two years since the defeat of the Brotherhood of Evil, and while the attitudes of her friends have not changed much, their looks have gone through quite the transformation. She looked at each of her team mates and took in the changes.

Starfire, the babbling naïve alien, while not nearly as clueless as when she arrived on Earth, is still the optimistic bubble-head that everyone knows and loves. Appearance wise, the twenty year-old has hit the height of what we could consider perfection. Model-tall, with long ruby-red hair, a face Aphrodite would be jealous of, and a physique to die for, she is every hormonal man's dream. Her magenta leotard, pink skirt, and purple stilettos only add to her image, and to the number of men chasing after her. "Too bad she has Nightwing," Raven thinks with a smile.

Twenty-one year-old Cyborg has changed the least out of all the Titans. Appearance wise, he is still the tallest, with a broad linebacker's physique, his metallic half updated to shining silver, instead of the cobalt blue of olden times. He is still the Booyah-yelling man he will always be, and he's still protective of all the others. "Always the big brother," Raven mutters teasingly, as he does his trademark victory dance.

Robin has changed quite a lot, and had taken on the new name, Nightwing, on his twentieth birthday. His black bodysuit is a significant change from the walking traffic light of his Robin days, and his broad muscles are shown to perfection. He's definitely sexy now, but way too strict with himself, and with the team. Some habits never change. Sometimes even Raven wishes he'd loosen up.

Beast Boy, now Changeling, has changed the most. He is nineteen and no longer the lanky kid he used to be. His outfit hasn't changed all that much, it's just sleeveless now, but the boy himself has grown into a man. Sometimes Raven catches herself staring at his defined muscles, and then she reminds herself that it's still just Beast Boy. Still just her cute, annoying and not-so-funny teammate. Once again, some habits never die.

Raven herself has changed the most, if not physically then certainly mentally. Her outfit has matured, with a tight shirt with a raven on it and pants replacing her leotard, though she keeps her cloak. She is just as beautiful as Starfire in her own angel of darkness way, her dark hair reaching a little bit past her shoulders, and her amethyst eyes sparkling with more emotions. She is no longer the team introvert, but her innate calm was still.

Raven is shaken out of her reverie by a the sound of a deep voice whining.

"Dude, what the heck, I was so close to winning," Beast Boy screeched.

"Oh yeah man! Still the champ!" boomed Cyborg.

"Whatever. I give up, I'm going to go sit next to Raven," Beast Boy muttered. "Sup Rae, how's the book?" he asked the resident empath.

"Just fine," she replied.

"So Rae, tonight you wanna-" He was cut short by the blaring of the alarms, leaving Raven to wonder what exactly he was going to ask.

"It's Control Freak," Nightwing announced. "Titans, head out."

And then they were off.