Well guys, here we go. Last chapter! Does Brooke survive? Let's find out!

"Wake up, brave one."

Was I dead? I remember being on Sentinel's ship and it fading to black. Now I was in a bright green meadow with a burning sun up above. In front of me were the Primes who I met before.

"Am I dead?" I asked them.

"Almost," one answered. "You are in the world between life and afterlife, a place where the Primes reside and guide lost souls on their voyage to Primus."

"Then why am I here? Are you going to guide me to Primus?"

Another Prime stepped forward. "You carry a piece of the Matrix inside of you. As unique as it is, it is true. And only Primes can carry the Matrix to lead," he explained.

Was it true, what he was saying? Was I really…a Prime? The first human Prime? The first female Prime? Me?

"You have earned the title, young one. Henceforth, your Primal name will be Virimus Prime," he told me.

Virimus…that's my new name. How could I, a simple 16-year-old girl, be a Prime? It was impossible!

"I-I don't deserve this," I told them. "I didn't do anything, I just tried not to be killed!"

"And you also harnessed the power of the Matrix in the process. And you, a mere human, single-handedly used that power to defeat the Decepticon leader and your enemies," the Prime explained.

Before I could retort the first Prime that spoke interrupted, "It is your choice Virimus. You can stay here and unlock more of your Primal powers, or you can return to Earth."

That was a tough choice. Stay here, and uncover the secrets of Cybertron and gain more knowlage from the Primes? Or go back to Earth where my sister and all of the Autobots were waiting for me?

Then it when it struck me: the man I loved was on Earth, most likely worried sick about me. I wanted to be with him. My heart longed for that kiss he left me with.

"I wish to go back to Earth please," I said. "But can you assure me one thing?" The Primes looked at me oddly and nodded. "Can you please make sure my mother is okay when I get back?"

The Primes nodded to each other. "It will be done," one said.

"Good luck Virimus Prime, and may Primus be with you," the leader said. I nodded and soon I was fading to black again.

When I woke up, I was in a very familiar med bay. No one was here, and the moon shone in the window opposite of me. Hey must have all gone to sleep. In a bed next to me was my sleeping mother. And, in this light, I could fully see the damages from living on Megatron's ship: bruises everywhere, some burns, her hair was frazzled, and she had lost a lot of weight. But a lot of the scars I found were on the path to recovery and a large meal was sitting on the table next to her.

I slid out of bed and walked to the door. The base was clear save for a few patrols. Then I saw it: the door to Optimus's quarters. I ran through the hangar towards it and the patrols, too shocked that I was alive, let me go.

I ran into his room and there he was. He must had been too tired to transform out of his alt form, for inside was a large Peterbilt with the holoform I was so familiar with resting on the roof.

"Optimus?" I called. "Optimus, wake up!"

At that moment the man sitting on top of his alt form sat up and looked down.

"Brooke?" he asked in amazement. He jumped straight down and hugged the girl tightly.

"I thought you were dead," he whispered.

I smiled and said, "I thought I was too. They gave me a choice to come back...and I did. They also...well, let's just say that my new name is Virimus Prime."

Optimus's eyes widened. "You're a Prime now? The first human Prime?" he asked.

I nuzzled into him. "It's a long story," I said.

"I've got all the time in the world."

"Come on, we have to go tell everyone that I'm alive," I told him.

Optimus smiled and took my hand as we walked out of his quarters. "Have we got so much to tell you…"

So there's the ending guys. I know it's short, but that's so the sequel can be just more awesome, ya know? So, P.S. Brooke's Prime name is pronounced 'Weer-e-mus'. Since Optimus is Latin, I decided to make Brooke's name Latin too. So vir is Latin for 'hero' and virimus is just something I made because Vir Prime doesn't sound very good, ahaha.
And there you have it! Optimus ends up with Brooke and all is well! See you guys next time in 'A True Leader'!

Sneak Peek

A person, who no matter how desperate the situation, gives others hope, is a true leader.

Daisaku Ikeda

As I looked around, I had to take in all I was seeing. I was walking down a great rolled out white carpet, resting over green grass. In the chairs to my left were all of the Autobots' (plus I few ex-Decepticons') holoforms and, to my right, was my family. Lying ahead was an older man in a suit with a Bible in his hands. We had been planning this for weeks, and now it was time.