First Fanfiction! Read, Enjoy and Review! ( I don't own D-Gray Man)

Lavi had been separated from Krory, again. The bright eyed red-head was certain they would cross paths again, it was merely a matter of when that would occur. The said Dracula-like exorcist was known for being separated from the others simply by looking away for a moment or being distracted by something as insignificant as a flower cart. The bookman shook his head, it was more than likely that a flower cart that got the best of him.

"Ughh, Krory-chan...I guess I'll just head to an inn and call it quits until tomorrow," he said somewhat to himself. The sun was only moments from sinking beneath the horizon line, this was evidenced by the tranquil blue darkness that had enveloped the quaint town, as well as the sudden chill that swept through his exorcist jacket. Lavi pulled his jacket closed, damning the designers of the coat for having not come up with some sort of insulation for their thin jackets. He made a note to complain about that to Komui...after he got out of the bitter wind and into a warm inn.

From a street corner diagonal to where the exorcist was walking, the tall and lean Brazilian Noah otherwise known as Tyki Mikk, stood leaning against a lamp post that had yet to be lit. He looked indisputably regal in his black suit, wrinkle-less and form fitting. He was well built from working in the mines when he was...somewhat human and living with his other "family." His entire body was like that of a marble Greek statue, hard, smooth and flawless. This could be seen even with the suit covering his natural glory. He looked decidedly human, his skin being it's default tan but for his bright yellow eyes sparkling with desire.

"It seems tonight I shall be engaging in a bit of 'rough and tumble' as the humans so aptly put it," he murmured lowly to himself as a sickeningly twisted grin split across his face.

"This me, the darkness has chosen you for his games tonight exorcist. The Noah's pleasures flow through me and I can think of nothing better than to bring you to your knees. You will feel naught but pleasured pain Bookman, and nothing short of death will stop the desire that will consume you once I begin."

And with a flash a bright eyes he was gone and had appeared walking into the dimly lit inn a short distance away. It was here the said Exorcist had only just entered.

Ok not perfect, but it's a start. I PROMISE it will get better just be patient, my creative juices are flowing. Review please!