Chapter Twelve

Sookie's head turned as she saw her son enter with his arm over Jessica in her waitressing outfit. Eric didn't make her wear anything latex or PVC like the sluts he usually hired, but he did like black or red as a strict ruling and a Fangtasia apron around the waist or hips, whichever they preferred. She smiled and was just about to return back to her Smutty Book but her nose caught something very common in Fangtasia, but rare on her son. He smelled like sex! Pam saw Sookie's jaw drop and followed her gaze. Then she caught a smell, a deliciously familiar one. 'Someone popped a cherry' she thought gleefully and winked at Lukas knowingly. Pam sauntered up to a still transfixed Sookie and lifted her jaw back to normal before claiming Eric's throne next to her and laughing her head off.

Pam enjoyed being sensitive to others feelings the most.

Lukas sat with Grace in a closed off booth as Jessica started work. Eric emerged to clock her in but he caught her scent, then turned to his son, caught the scent too and beckoned with a curled finger. He was not wearing his happy expression. Lukas grudgingly followed. 20 minutes later, Lukas exited with a bright red face from sex-ed, Part 2: How to please, from daddy dearest. Then Sookie took her turn to laugh uncontrollably. The vermin all seemed to catch the happy bug and splashed out on money for more drinks. They had made a good profit. Lukas said his goodbyes to Jess, and that he would see her later and caught a cab home. He wasn't staying in Fangtasia tonight. Nope, no force on earth could make him. Eric appeared by the door though and some words were said and he was shuffled into a seat much to Sookie's pure amusement. Her laughter could be heard blocks away. No power of earth could have stopped him. But Eric was her walking God, and not only could he feel her amusement infecting him, but pissing off one's son was a father's duty, honour and privilege.

Pam smirked and turned back to Grace, satisfied with the progress Lukas had made sexually, emotionally and, in turn, profitably to the business.

"Pam, back to the point if it suits you." Grace stated and swished from her bottle. She had regained her true self since nearly killing herself with powerful magic's. Patience was low on her list of traits.

"Fine, you remember your friend…the warlock?" Pam asked, kicking her feet up on Graces side of the booth they shared.

"We invited him into our bed that once a few years back." she confirmed with a nod, a traitorous flash of giddiness in her eyes at the memory.

"Well how do you feel about a repeat?" Pam dangled the bait; she knew how much Grace had enjoyed that threesome. She had glowed for weeks.

"You know how much I'd love that. But I think he died. Even if he was alive, we did take a few chunks out of him. I doubt he'd offer his penis or body again."

"How about if I found someone else? Someone who had say… a lot of energy, warm body and penis up for grabs and blood you wouldn't want to drink even if you were dying."

"I'm listening…" Grace narrowed her eyes. "What's he like?"

"Well I have it on good authority…" Pam's eyes flashed to Sookie on her throne looking bored shitless "He's a tiger in the sack." she concluded with a grin.

Jessica returned back to her home sweet home searching for a bed or anything comfy to sleep in or on. Fangtasia had turned crazy with Sookie's laughter, and gone on a buying frenzy. She had been carrying 16 bottles at a time most journeys to and from the bar. And that alone was stressful, but with Sookie giving her weird glances every time she got close, that just put the cherry in the crammed fruit cake. She flipped through the mail she collected from downstairs. Lastly she came across a red envelope, printed with the Fangtasia logo. Cautiously she opened said mail and read the invitation.


You have been invited to Fangtasia's 18th Halloween Event

Jessica blinked. What the hell?

Yey. Yippie. Feel the good after-glow of a finished project. This baby got me through my January exams so where you see points where you seriously can't understand that's because it was one of my worse days where I just needed to write something then I couldn't bear to press the delete key on it… so…

If you enjoyed it then goodie for you. If you didn't I really couldn't care less

(Lies. I lie. I care. Please don't hate this and crush my self-esteem. I really need the little I carry around)

Review if it tickles your fancy. Don't if it doesn't.

Simples, yes?

And I expect you to smile because I got a meerkat quote in there and because I put 'tickle your fancy' that makes me smile just typing that.

And yes, I am a little off my rocker. But every creationist is.


Love you all. My readers are the best! Thank you!

Sunshine's and merriment to you all.

Pointers and tips welcome ;) If it's pointers about how sexy Eric looks when you watch True Blood…you may feel free to go into detail and drool all over your keyboard like every other fan girl out there.