The Genetic Experiment

By Rya Star 2

Disclaimer-I don't own Fullmetal alchemist or any of the characters.

There was nothing Edward Elric hated more. Just the sight of it caused his throat to go dry and his breath to hesitate. It was like staring at death. And it was one of the few weapons that alchemy couldn't really combat. Reluctantly the Fullmetal Alchemist brought his hands up in surrender but it didn't stop him from glaring at the person holding the gun to his face. All Edward was suppose to do was investigate this place. He wasn't suppose to cause any trouble or get caught, yet here he was. The man holding the weapon was grinning like the maniac he was.

"Such a naughty boy, killing all our experiments. Now we have to start from scratch." Trying to swallow, he realized it was almost impossible. Before he had a chance to reply, something sharp stuck in his neck and he suddenly felt hot. Glancing behind him, he noticed another dark figure stood, holding a syringe.

"Nighty night, State Alchemist." Edward felt his legs become weak and before he hit the ground, he was out.


Riza Hawkeye stopped writing her memo as a large shadow leaned overhead. Glancing up, she smiled lightly at the bulky suit of armor staring back at her.

"Morning Alphonse. What can I do for you?" Al dropped his gaze some and rubbed the back of his head.

"Um, well I was wondering if you've seen Brother. He didn't come home last night after his meeting with the Colonel." Riza frowned, unsure of where Edward would have gone. Standing from her seat, she excused herself and headed for the Colonel's office. Once she was given permission to enter, she disappeared from Al's view. Within minutes, Roy was out of his office and now staring back at Alphonse.

"What do you mean he didn't come back last night?" He seemed equally worried which only made Al more concerned.

"It's just like I said. Did you send him somewhere?" Roy clentched his teeth and glanced away for a second. Coming to a quick conclusion he turned back to Lt. Hawkeye.

"We've gotta go, now." She nodded back and headed for the exit with Al and him following quickly.

"You're not gonna tell me what happened?" The way the Colonel was acting made Alphonse worry even more.

"I'll tell you in the car." Even with the car just being outside, to Al the short distance was agony. The Colonel jumped into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Okay, we're here. Now why are you so worried?" Al crowded over the front seat.

"I told him to check out this lead yesterday for an underground lab that was creating Chimeras. I warned him not to engage anyone there though. He was suppose to come back if he found anything so we could go back with a team. I'm afraid he was caught. These people are supposedly very dangerous." Glancing back in the rear view mirror, Mustang noticed Alphonse was now clasping his helmet with both hands and worry resignated from him.

"But why would you send him alone? Why wouldn't he ask me to help?"

"I sent him because I thought he could get in and out pretty easy. And he didn't mention anything to you because I told him these are the kind of people that you need to avoid. Rumors are, they don't just create Chimeras. They find ways to use alchemy to hurt people. Our investigations department has found several corpses of failed experiments.

"Are they using human transmutation?" Roy nodded quickly and Alphonse brought his head down, completely griefstrickened. "This is awful. Please be okay, Brother." He spoke quietly but the Colonel and Lieutenant heard him anyway.

Author's Notes-So I started another story and would really like some feedback on it. I know this first chapter was a little short but the next will be longer.