AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Tomorrow is April Fool's Day and my SISTER KEEPS LAUGHING ALL SCARY! I'm going to have a heart attack.

GUYS IMPORTANT! I seriously recommend listening to Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5, cause that's what I was listening to when I wrote this. GO REPEAT BABY! Oh and "Heaven is the Face" by Steven Curtis Chapman

Carlos and Logan were still lying together in Logan's hospital bed, knotted in tubes, when James and Kendall walked in. Logan's head was nestled into the crook of Carlos's neck, and he was gripping the Latino's arm tight across his chest. Carlos held him just as hard in refusal to let the thinner boy out of his sight ever again. They pulled their eyes off the TV when the two entered, James having caught up with Kendall in the hall.

There was a pause.

All four boys examined each other, and then looked to their toes, ignoring each other's puffy eyes. Sometimes, they just honestly didn't want to know.

James looked warily at Kendall, trying to gauge his mental stability. He had sort of flipped out earlier and went a bit crazy on him, and now he was scared. And James was just so tired of being scared. He instantly regretted remaining silent on the way back to the room and wanted desperately to talk with Kendall alone. He cleared his throat not-so-subtly, and ushered Kendall out into the hallway.

Carlos and Logan watched them leave with matching raised eyebrows and then returned their attention to the screen. Carlos rubbed the younger boy's shoulder with his thumb, and spotted Albert across the room, resting on a chair. He wasn't quite sure how the elephant had gotten over there, but he was sure that Logan couldn't get up to get it. He also knew that Logan would never willingly admit his craving for the little guy. He detangled himself from Logan and the various things sticking into him, and went over to grab it. He put the stuffie in Logan's arms and lay back down next to him, all this without a word. Logan accepted it gratefully, hugging it to his chest and cuddling up closer to Carlos.

They watched the show in silence, entwined, until Logan piped up, "Carlos?" The Latino rubbed his shoulder with his thumb in acknowledgement. "Do you… do you really think all those things you said about me?" he asked, blushing and fumbling with the hem of his sheets. Carlos turned his head toward him rapidly, shocked, which just made Logan's face turn redder. "It's just cause… I don't know, it's weird cause, I mean, you're so nice to me, all of you are, and I don't get why, not even before Jimmy and stuff, why you hang out with me because you, and James, and Kendall are all so much better than me at everything, so I don't get why you guys would want to be friends with me-"

"Logan," Carlos cut off his flustered babbling, talking slow. "I really don't like how you can't see how great you are." His eyes flickered to his toes for a second and then looked right back to Logan. "But that's the only thing I don't like about you," he finished earnestly. He was thrown back against the pillow he was leaning on when Logan flung himself at him, wrapping him in a huge hug.

Carlos didn't know what to do for a second, and he held his arms up as Logan buried his face in his shirt, holding onto his waist. Then his senses came back to him, and he gingerly held the thinner boy, worried he might break him if he clung on too tight. It was almost unnerving about how small Logan was in his arms. When had he gotten so skinny? It made Carlos wonder what all Mr. Mitchell had been forgetting to do lately.

Oh yeah. There was no way Logan was going back home.

He nuzzled his nose into his raven black hair, taking in his sent, which smelled disturbingly of antiseptic and blood. The gash in his head would account for that. He looked up, startled, when James and Kendall burst into the room, dry eyed and arms wrapped around each others' shoulders. They seemed to step back a little when they realized they were stepping in on Carlos's and Logan's moment. Carlos rolled his eyes and ushered them in, despite that Logan hadn't even noticed they entered.

James was sort of… overcome. He watched Carlos hold Logan, who was clinging to him so tight his elbows were turning white, and craved to be held too. Somehow, he found himself enveloping his friends in a hug of his own. He suddenly became very aware of Kendall's arms wrapping around on top of him, heat radiating through his t-shirt. Everything felt surreal and right.

Until Logan let out a hiss of pain, bringing them back to reality.

"Logan, are you okay?" Kendall asked quickly, pulling away sharply and breaking the hope of the moment. James let go too, but Logan kept himself attached to Carlos, craving the Latino's comfort. He nodded up against his chest, eyes burning.

"Yeah… it's just sore," he groaned, clearly and understatement. "One of you guys just his a bruise to hard or something…" he trailed off, gasping to work through the pain. Kendall and James squirmed, feeling as if they were to blame. Logan struggled to wave them off, and then reluctantly rolled away from Carlos, doubling over, holding one of his broken ribs. Carlos looked at him sadly, and Kendall cleared his throat.

"Guys?" Logan's eyes flickered up at him before shutting up to block off the hurting, not that it would work. The other two gave him their full attention. "This whole thing is sort of…" he trailed off, for the first time in his life, a pep talk not coming to him. "Intense, but… well, we're us okay? We've been through concussions, comas, and heartache together, and we can't just let this make us fall apart." He made eye contact with all his friends, drawing them in as they held back, reluctant to give into a hope that just kept letting them down.

"I know it's really tough. And it's really scary," he threw a look to Carlos, who seemed to pale at the thoughts. "And it hurts in more ways than one," his voice caught as he thought of the pain Logan was going through. "But we've been strong before, right? We can hold up now!" James looked at him uncertainly.

"But Kendall… more than what we've been through before. This is just too much," he looked to his feet, embarrassed to cave to defeat. It was one thing to know he was slipping, and another to admit it. Kendall looked at him sullenly.

"I know… it's hard. Really hard. And I know it's a lot to ask you to hold up the whole world like this, but we've been trained for stuff like this! All those times where we've broken arms," he looked to James, "got made fun of," Kendall glanced at Carlos, "or experienced death," he sent a stare to Logan, who was still holding his rib cage, but not in as much pain. "Well, it's been working us up so we could handle this! And besides… we've got each other, right? We can't let this wedge between us!" Logan took a shaky breath, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"But it's always there, Kendall!" he sobbed, "It's so… consuming, it's eating me up and I can't take it anymore. I can't bear this hurt alone!" he gagged, feeling nauseous. Carlos and James immediately went over, rubbing his back to comfort him. Kendall smiled.

"Look, Logan, you don't have to! Me, Carlos, and James will always be right by you," he closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. "Just… hang in there, okay? And if you need to, hang to us! We'll support you until the end of time, alright?" Logan trembled.

"But why?" he asked, James and Kendall responding with confused looks. Carlos just rolled his eyes, looking annoyed. He crossed his arms.

"Logan, we love you," he stated simply. Carlos shook his head, almost seeming disappointed, "When are you going to get that though your head?" His voice cracked, "I just wish you would understand how great you are, Logie. If you need to hear it, than just say the word, okay? Cause Logan, you're my best friend and I see how truly wonderful you are Logan, even when you don't." Carlos nearly slapped himself in the face, not sure how such powerful words came to him.

All three boys were shocked when Logan's thin arms shot out and grabbed them, pulling them into another hug, this one a bit more tearful than the last. For another short moment, the world was as it was supposed to be again. They held onto each other for an eternity that felt more like a split second. When they pulled away, with blurry vision and smiles plastered on their faces. Honest, real smiles.

Somehow, everything was a million times better. It was like that giant weight they had been carrying on their shoulders for so long wasn't there anymore. Instead, it was like their friends all had a part of it. Sure, it was still heavy, and it still ached, but it wasn't so hard, and that made all the difference.

Life could change in an instant, but that was the easy part. It was hard to deal with the aftermath.

"Heaven is a sweet maple syrup kiss, and a thousand other little things I miss with her gone."


I don't know what happened. I HAD a plan for two chapters, but I'm sick of writing this, and… I sort of messed up last chapter if I wanted to have had two… so basically this is the last one. It's exciting and depressing at the same time. I have a REALLY short story planned where Logan… you'll see. It's hard to explain. Um… and if whumpage is what you're interested in, Some Wild Behavior is about to get REALLY INTENSE! Of course, I'm hurting ALL of them in that. BWAHAHA!

PS, Have you ever noticed that ALL my stories are pretty much Friendship/Hurt/Comfort, with the exception of angst thrown randomly in there. Hm… weird.

GUYS! I'M GOING TO MISS YOU! Um, so if we're not friends, we should probably change that. Leave me a PM or a review, or go read something else, cause I don't want to lose you guys! You're all so awesome!