X-over between glee and X-men the movie…
Disclaimer: I don't own either thing. I just like playing with characters.
For the purpose of this story New Directions is headed to nationals.
Xavier's has a glee club. They are called X-Vocals. Not a wonderful name but hey anyone have a better one I will happily go through and change it in all my chapters.
I believe that is all… now enjoy!
Rachel was in the bathroom again. She had to clean off all of the slushy. This was beginning to get monotonous. Not to mention tiresome. She wasn't sure how much more she could take.
"You're certain my daughter would be better off at your school in New York?"
"Yes, she is quite gifted and we would be happy to have her. She will be among others that are like her."
"You must understand Miss Munroe; we will not send our daughter from one hell to another. She has dealt with more than anyone should have to already. She comes home and cries herself to sleep most nights. If she goes to your school and this happens we won't be there."
"I understand your concern. I promise you that our first concern is the happiness of all of our students. Bullying is not tolerated whatsoever."
"She plans on being on Broadway one day. Do you have any clubs that could possibly help her get there?"
"We actually have a glee club called X-Vocals. We would love to have her on the team. She would make a great addition."
"We'll have to ask her." Ororo nodded.
They talked about the school in detail while they waited for Rachel. Twenty minutes later they heard her car pull in the driveway. Rachel walked in the door and her fathers called her into the living room.
"Rach? Can you come here for a minute?"
"Sure dad. What do you and daddy need?"
"Honey, this is Miss Munroe. She is a teacher at a boarding school for gifted youth in New York. She came here to talk to us about having you attend the school."
"Can I keep my diet?"
"What do you mean Rachel?"
"Oh, our daughter is a vegan."
"Oh yes, we have a couple other vegans at the school so we already pick up food for them anyway."
"I'm in when do I leave?"
"As soon as you want." Rachel ran upstairs and packed a few suitcases. She came back down and said her goodbyes to her fathers. She then left with Storm immediately.
New Directions was waiting in the choir room for their director and captain.
"Has anyone seen diva today?" Mercedes asked.
"No, who cares anyway? It isn't like anyone likes man hands anyway."
"Because Santana if we plan on winning Nationals we kind of need her." Finn seethes.
Just then Mr. Schuester walked in. "Mr. Schue, have you heard from Rachel today?" Artie questioned the teacher.
Will Schuester shook his head, "She had enough of it. I was informed by Principal Figgins this morning that she has transferred out."
"Transferred out?"
"Yeah, now we have to work twice as hard to even stand a chance at Nationals."
"Wait a minute she wouldn't just leave us. I mean New Directions was everything to her. She was using it as a stepping stone to Broadway."
"She can get that stepping stone at a different school. Plus she gets to get away from all that she has had to endure."
"That's so selfish of her."
"Mercedes that is enough of that. Selfish? You think she's being selfish? We're the selfish ones. We want her here due to her talent but after that she means nothing. She got tormented daily. Slushy facials, the names, the pictures in the bathrooms, getting slammed into lockers, having no friends, and she never complained. I'm to blame too because I let you guys harass her and never tried to stop it. You know what we're dismissed for the day."
Okay a few questions that I need to ask for the next chapter:
Rachel's mutation?
Rachel's mutant name?
And last but not least who should I pair her with? Kitty? Rogue? Quinn? Someone else?