~Don't Promise Tomorrow~

By: Aerys Krystie.

Theme: AU.

Plot: Kaname finds that he has a rival for Zero's affections. Things get crazy and some shit blows up. As long as you're standing after the last secret is revealed…that's the only thing that matters, right?

Warnings: I'm not entirely sure so I'll just go with the two major ones I'm known for: Yaoi, OOC and OCs. I'll post the warnings at the beginning of each chapter. ^^

Disclaimer: Everything of and referring to Vampire Knight is not mine. I make no profit from this story (should be shot for thinking it much less posting it!). I guess I claim some rights to my – hey! A balloon!

A/N: Again, I know people don't like OCs and to be honest, neither do I! So please don't ask why I've got OCs in this story because I honestly have no idea! Apart from the fact that they add to the plot instead of taking from it (well, maybe a little. I try to focus as little on them as possible). So, if you don't like OCs and will flame me because of that, please be advised that the joke is on you. With all of that said, please enjoy the story!

Also, the length of the chapters will vary, depending on how much bullshit I can put into it before I get bored! ^^

~ * ~

Kaname stood at his bedroom window, looking out. Figures in the distance called his attention. He could see the late afternoon sun reflecting off bright hair and knew that Zero was back. How long had it been since he last saw the moody Hunter? At least three months, when the Hunter Association called him away for a mission. What kind of a mission lasts three months? Zero was a dedicated Hunter and it wouldn't take the platinum teen that long to eradicate vampires.

Kaname's eyes were drawn to the other two with the prefect. One of them had a bounce in their step and the other seemed to have a confident stride. The confident one stopped and lifted an arm, shielding their eyes against the sun. Kaname stared back and turned away from the window, getting dressed for class. It would be good to have Zero back doing the prefect duties. Because of Zero's absence Yuuki was having a more difficult time keeping the fan girls back and it was obvious that she was worrying about her normal partner.

For the duration of Zero's leave, the Chairman had asked Yuuki's friend Yori to fill in for Zero. It seemed Yori and Zero had a lot in common when it came to the fan girls. All it took was a glare – even though Yori's wasn't as effective as Zero's usually are – and the fan girls would fall back into line. Of course, minor details had been left out and Yori had no idea what she was protecting the fan girls from. Kaname thanked them on a daily basis. Yuuki would blush and Yori would just nod at him. On occasion, Kaname would hope that when he stepped out, Yori wouldn't be there and Zero would have returned. At least that day he would be able to see the Hunter.

Kaname buttoned his vest as he thought. When he first noticed that Zero was gone, he had gone to seen the Chairman and soon found out that not even Kaien knew what was going on. Kaien had tried to play it down but Kaname could see that the ex-Hunter was just as worried as he was. There was no telling what the Association would do to Zero, even if he was one of their own. He was still a Level D ex-human that could be used for dangerous missions. After the first month, Kaname made frequent visits to the Headmaster's office and was told that while they had Zero with them they were sending him out weekly and it would be easier for him to stay at their headquarters than to travel to and from the school every week.

That didn't matter anymore. Zero was back and he looked to be in perfect health. Of course, three months was a long time for Zero to go without being fed and Kaname's fingers gently stroked the left side of his throat. It had been too long since he had felt Zero's teeth sinking into his flesh and after three months, Kaname was tempted to have a few of his followers on call. He got the feeling that once Zero was through with him, the Hunter would be able to easily kill him. Three months was a long time for anyone.

Kaname pulled on his jacket and glanced at the window. Who were the other two with Zero and why was he bringing to Cross Academy? Were they other Hunters? No, they couldn't be. There wasn't any reason for the Association to send two more Hunters to the school. Nothing had happened for them to think that the humans needed more protection. Kaname was certain of it. He had been keeping a closer eye on the vampires at the school. Yuuki couldn't bring herself to do too much harm to the creatures of the night and while Aidou despised Zero, the vampire genius was still weary of the death that Zero would do to him.

Kaname turned away from the window and picked up his books, leaving his room. He could hear the others downstairs, waiting for him. Seiren was waiting for him and together they descended the stairs. Ruka greeted him and Kaname smiled at her, sending back the greeting. The fan girls were being more energetic that day and Kaname figured it had something to do with the weekend. He could hear Yuuki's small voice trying to get some order and Yori backing her up.

"Shall we go, then?" Kaname went over to the doors and opened them, stepping out.

Discretely, Kaname sniffed the air, hoping to catch Zero's scent. It was around but that was because he had returned to the school but it wasn't strong enough to be outside the gates, which meant that Kaname wasn't going to see him until the next evening, most likely. That put a damper on the pureblood's mood a little but he didn't let it show as the gates opened. The fan girls got themselves organized and Aidou was the first out, asking questions and being an all-round general flirt with the girls. Kaname smiled at the prefects and thanked them.

Was that a bell? Kaname glanced at a tree and saw a person sitting on one of the branches. His eyes were closed as a breeze blew by him, ruffling his hair and the sound of the bell jingled through the air. The pureblood didn't stop but faced forward. Whoever that student was, he was a weird one and he wasn't in a uniform, either. Was it possible that he was one of the two that Kaname had seen walking with Zero? It was a possibility and he knew it wouldn't leave him alone. After classes, maybe it would be a good idea to go and see the Headmaster.

Kaname stopped walking and glanced over his shoulder. The fan girls has dispersed but the boy in the tree hadn't budged. It seemed the prefects didn't know he was there, either as he hadn't heard Yori or Yuuki order him back to the dorm. Kaname told his followers to continue on to class. After a few moments of hesitation, they nodded and continued walking without their leader. Kaname went over to the tree and stood under the branch, looking up at the boy, who was dressed in black jeans, a black shirt and had a black hat on. I guess he has a fascination with black. Was that kid wearing makeup?

Kaname studied the closed eyes and came to the conclusion that yes, the boy in the tree was wearing at least eyeliner. "Did you know that the higher you climb in a tree, the less likely you are to fall to your death?" the boy asked randomly.

Kaname blinked. "I do find that hard to believe as the higher you go, the thinner the branches are. That would make it more likely for you to fall."

The boy smiled and shook his head, the bell jingling with the movement and Kaname found where it was. The boy had a thin plait on the right side of his head and the bell was attached to the end of it. "I know that but your chances of falling increase. The chances of your death decrease."

Kaname nodded. "Thank you for that small lesson. May I ask who you are, little one?" He noticed that the boy had yet to open his eyes and see who he was addressing. For all that boy knew it could have been a teacher that he was talking to.

The boy flashed a grin. "I'm no-one; just another Day Class student. I should say 'soon-to-be' Day Class student. And you would be Kuran Kaname, right? The Dorm President for the Moon Dorm. With all the stories I had heard about you, I expected you to be bigger."

"How would you know, little one? You haven't opened your eyes since I saw you." Kaname waited patiently as the boy sighed and slowly opened his eyes. Kaname's own wine hues flickered from sapphire to emerald. The boy seriously looked as though he had taken Takuma's left eye and Rima's right eye. "Will you tell me your name, little one, as even nobodies have that sort of identification."

The boy leapt off the branch and landed in front of Kaname, grinning up at him. His mix-matched eyes sparkling with mischief. "You were going to see the Headmaster after class, anyway. He should tell you who I am and who the other one is. I saw you watching us as we came in."

So he was one of them. Kaname stared at the hat. Was there really any need to be wearing it? It seemed like an annoying accessory. Ah, so that boy was the one with the confident stride. Kaname smiled down at him. "I really do prefer to have the person introduce themselves to me. Or would you prefer it if I continued to call you 'little one'?"

The boy blinked and took in the height difference. There was only eight or so inches difference. At least he wasn't as tiny as Yuuki. The blue eye was hidden as the boy closed that lid and put his hands behind his head, sticking his tongue out a little before saying, "Shouldn't you be saying that to Yuuki-chan, Kuran-san?"

Kaname took in the boy's laidback posture and figured he couldn't be from the Association as the Hunters had no idea how to relax. Zero was proof enough of that and the boy obviously had no idea who and what he was talking to. Did the Association send Zero on a baby-sitting job for three months? Is that why they never told anyone what was going on because that was the best job they could give to one of their best Hunters? Or did Zero find them and decide to show compassion? It didn't seem possible for the boy's parents to not look for him and the heterochromia made him stand out easily. It is very rare for complete heterochromia. Kaname blinked as the boy giggled.

"My eyes aren't that uncommon in cats, Kuran-san." Kaname frowned and the boy shrugged. "You were staring at my eyes without seeing them. I figured you were thinking about them. Everyone does." His head snapped to the left suddenly, the bell tinkling. "Zero!"

Kaname's eyes widened a fraction as the boy ran off and jumped onto the Hunter's back. Zero hadn't killed that boy yet? What happened in those three months? Kaname's face went blank again as he watched Zero with the boy. Kaname raised an eyebrow slightly as the boy nuzzled the back of Zero's head. Kaname lowered his eyes, trying to understand how it was even possible that Zero was putting up with that. Yuuki appeared out of nowhere and ran over to her 'brother' and hugged him. Kaname blinked as Zero returned the gesture and stroked her brown hair.

Kaname glanced at the boy, who was staring back at him, smirking. The boy didn't look adorable anymore. In fact, smirking at him that way, the boy looked rather unattractive. His unusual eyes flashed in a silent challenge and Kaname knew what was going through the boy's mind. If it was a fight that new student wanted, he would get it. After all, Kaname had the ability to make Zero bend to his will without even trying and Kaname wasn't going to let some punk try to outdo him, a pureblood. Zero introduced the boy to Yuuki and Kaname headed off to class.

His walk was put on hold as he caught the scent of blood. It wasn't like any sort of blood Kaname had ever smelt before. It was strange and it seemed like an acquired taste. He looked over to where Zero and the boy were and saw that Yuuki was placing a plaster around the boy's finger. Zero scolded the boy, who nodded and Yuuki yelled at Zero about being more nice towards people as it wasn't the boy's fault. What name did she use? She didn't use one. I really will have to get it from the Headmaster. Kaname studied Zero for a minute or two longer, curious.

There hadn't been any hint of bloodlust in Zero's eyes at the scent of blood. It shouldn't matter how bizarre the scent of it was; blood was blood. Was Zero trying to fend it off again? Kaname really couldn't allow that. He knew how much it would crush Yuuki if he had to kill Zero but at the same time, it would be better for him to di…Kaname couldn't bring himself to finish that thought. When his eyes focused again, he saw that Zero was staring right at him, an eyebrow raised.

"Class started over twenty minutes ago, Kuran. You better hurry along. We can't have you failing calculus."

Kaname glanced up at the rapidly darkening sky then gazed back at Zero, a small smile forming over his lips. "I know that, Kiryu-kun. I was waiting for you to welcome you back. You were greatly missed and I'm afraid I'm going to have to miss my calculus class as I need to see the Headmaster."

Zero frowned slightly and adjusted the boy's legs, which were around his waist. "Didn't you hear? Cross is at the Association."

Yuuki's eyes widened. "Oh, Kaname-senpai! I'm so sorry! I was meant to tell you that before you went to class but the fan girls were being more pushy today than usual!"

Kaname walked over to the other three and ruffled Yuuki's hair. "It's okay, Yuuki. I found out eventually." He turned his eyes to Zero and the boy. "Who is your friend, Kiryu-kun?"

Zero glanced at the boy from the corner of his eyes and the boy shook his head. "Sorry, Kuran. I think he wants you to get that information from the Chairman."

Kaname raised an eyebrow as the boy buried his face into the nape of Zero's neck and looked at him bashfully. Kaname smiled and went to pat the boy's shoulder, stopping when he saw the new student tense. Zero suddenly turned, as if he had sensed what was going to happen. Kaname lowered his hand and bid them all a good evening. That is going to make things interesting, Kaname mused to himself as he headed to his class. He apologized to the teacher for being late and took his seat, staring out the window.

It was two days before Kaien returned to the school and Kaname had only one other encounter with the new student. The vampire had noticed that everyday he was on the same branch of the same tree whenever the Night Class was coming out. His eyes were closed and he always had a hat on. The second time Kaname saw Zero, he noticed that the male prefect was wearing a hood and according to Yuuki the other student, a girl the same age as Yuuki, always wore thick headbands. Kaname was expecting the new students to be weird but he would admit he wasn't expecting that.

The second encounter wasn't really that as such. It was more like the boy suddenly got to his feet, sniffing the air. His eyes lit up and he dropped to the ground. He landed running and Zero cursed, giving chase, after warning the fan girls to stay where they were. The Night Class were in as much shock as anyone else. They discretely sniffed the air and couldn't smell anything that was out of place. Whispers began within the hordes of fan girls about how Zero had taken the new student under his wing and treated him like a brother. Kaname narrowed his eyes and followed the prefect and strange new student.

Kaname found them and the Headmaster near the entrance to the school grounds. The boy had his arms around Kaien's shoulders and was nuzzling his cheek, grinning. Upon sensing him, the boy stepped back and faced him. Kaname knew that Zero was aware they were being followed by him and Kaien smiled at the pureblood. He greeted Kaname and apologized, saying there was something important he had to speak about with his son. Kaname nodded, understanding. The two of them headed towards the Chairman's office and Kaname turned his eyes to the boy.

Kaname turned his eyes back to the boy, who was staring after Kaien and Zero with an odd look on his face. It was almost pained. The boy blinked and smiled at Kaname, jogging past the pureblood. "Don't try to use your powers on Zero, vampire," he said quietly as he continued on his way.

Kaname looked over his shoulder. So he was aware that vampires existed. Who was that kid? How was it possible for a normal Day Class student to know about vampires? He didn't come across as a Hunter and the only thing that Kaname could think of was that the boy had had a history with vampires. He narrowed his eyes and headed to class. He was also aware of the fact that Kaname wasn't a normal vampire, either, judging by the little challenge.

Kaname asked to be excused twenty minutes before class was over. The teacher nodded and Kaname collected his books and took his leave, heading to the Chairman's office. He stopped dead when he saw the boy was hanging around. He walked around in a circle nervously, glancing at the window of the office and chewing on his thumb nail. Kaname tilted his head as he stepped closer, curious as to what could have the boy's attention. He hadn't even noticed that Kaname was around, much less right behind him as he stopped and stared at the glass.

"I don't think Zero will like having to save you daily, little one." Kaname raised an eyebrow slightly as the boy didn't even flinch at someone being so close to him. Maybe he had sensed Kaname but didn't see him as a threat.

"He wouldn't have to. And what makes you think I want Zero like that?" The turned around, hands on his hips.

Kaname chuckled. "I think even Yuuki can see that you want him." His lips curved into a smirk when the boy blushed and hung his head, hoping to hide it. "You are very obvious about your affections."

"I'm not the only one," the boy mumbled. He raised his head to look into Kaname's eyes. "Class isn't over, yet."

Kaname raised an eyebrow. "You almost look adorable when you glare like that." Kaname stepped past the boy, patting his hat and hearing the soft gasp. Kaname paused but didn't look at the kid. "Do you honestly think you've got a chance with him?"

"Every fool has his unreachable dream. Even you, Kaname."

Kaname turned around but the boy was gone. His eyes scanned the area but there was nothing there. There was no trace of him, as though he never existed and Kaname frowned slightly. Something was up and why was the boy hanging around outside? The pureblood looked up at the window and knew the Headmaster was in there. He wasn't alone, either. Without further delay, Kaname knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.

There was a high-pitched giggle that made Kaname flinch internally. He inhaled deeply and caught the scent of that strange blood and something else. The same scent that had been around the boy. Milk? Yes. Fresh, cold milk. It was sweet in a strange way. The door opened and Kaname blinked down at the girl that was standing there. She grinned and stepped to the side, giving him room to enter.

"Kuran Kaname, right?"

Ah, my ears! Kaname gave a small smile and nodded. "Yes. Who might you be?"

"Takahashi Sakura. But call me Kura-chan…Just Kura-chan! So awesome to meet you and see you in person! Well, I had better be going. Nao-kun is probably waiting for me! Bai, Kaien-kun!" Sakura waved at the Headmaster before she slipped out of the office, her dark blue eyes sparkling happily and closing the door.

Kaname waited until she was out of the building before turning his attention to Kaien. "We have new students that see you personally?"

Kaien grinned in that goofy way of his. "Well, the Hunter Association did ask me to keep a close eye on Kura-chan, Nao-kun and Zerorin."

"Oh?" Kaname took a seat and crossed his legs, gazing at the Headmaster levelly. He didn't want the man to know how interested he was. "And why would that be?"

Kaien got to his feet and stood in front of the window, staring out at the starless and moonless night sky. "Because I am the Headmaster and it is my duty to make sure that my students are happy here."

Kaname raised an eyebrow slightly. There was something that was being kept from him. It couldn't be anything dangerous otherwise Kaien would've told him about it. So what was so special about the new students and Zero? Did it have anything to do with Zero's three month absence? Kaname couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible happened in Zero's time away. Which was strange because the Hunter seemed a lot more relaxed – even if his blood did smell as strange as Kura-chan's and that boy's.

"Who is the other new student?"

Kaien glanced over his shoulder. "Aoi Naoko. He's…What's the best way to describe him? Be careful around him, Kaname-kun. There's something…not quite right about him."

Kaname nodded and got to his feet. He thanked the Headmaster and left the office. He stood outside the door for a moment or two, thinking about the admonition. There wasn't anything that a human could do to a pureblood, anyway. But Kaien seemed sincerely worried about something that could go wrong. What was being kept from him and why hadn't Zero come to see him to feed? What was with all the secrets and how was it possible for things to be kept from him?

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End Prologue.

Huh? Well, if you're reading this then maybe you'd like to leave a review? Just please be gentle on me (my second Vampire Knight story and I'm still a novice with it!) but CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is very welcomed!