DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hellraiser or any of its characters, etc. They belong to Clive Barker.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So begins the final chapter in the Hell Hath No Fury trilogy. We join our favorite cenobite family and their friends about 17 years after Renaissance ended. Abraxas and Acheron have just celebrated their eighteenth birthday, meaning that their transformation into true cenobites is fast approaching.

I decided against making this a crossover. I feel it would be kind of a pain in the ass. Christopher Carrion may pop up another time.

Hell Hath No Fury 3: Terminus

Chapter 1: Seventeen Have Come and Gone

Victoria was nervously fiddling with the edge of the couch cushion. Adrian Jakobs- Tatarescu reached over and put a hand on her knee.

"Stop it, Tor," he said. "They'll be fine."

"I'm a mother, Ade," she said. "They'll always be my babies and I'll always worry about them."

Her twin sons, Abraxas and Acheron, had just turned eighteen. They had been born cenobites, not created, so they lacked the gruesome mutilations carried by their parents. In the next few days, they would undergo the torturous procedure to solidify their position in their world. Their father was busy preparing for the day.

"I know," he replied. "With Dani starting school, I worry every day. Kids are cruel. What kinds of shit will they say about a kid with no mom and two dads?"

Daniela Christine Jakobs- Tatarescu had been born to Adrian and Dimitri via a surrogate six years previously. The process of becoming parents had been a long and drawn out process for the couple. After they married and Adrian had finished school, they began the grueling task of finding the mother for their child. It had been decided that Dimitri would biologically father the child, so in order to ensure the baby looked as though it could have been the child of both, they looked for a woman who looked as much like Adrian as possible. After an exhausting search, they found a woman who could've passed as Adrian's twin. Their "designer child" turned out just as expected. Her strawberry blonde hair was the perfect mixture of Adrian's blonde and Dimitri's mahogany. Her face was Dimitri's, but her blue eyes could've been plucked from Adrian's own face. She was also extremely intelligent. Victoria, Pinhead, and the twins had been involved in the little girl's life since day one. She understood from an early age that they were different, that they didn't belong in the world her and fathers inhabited. She never once mentioned them to anyone.

"She's a tough little girl," Victoria said. "I think you'll have to worry more about her kicking people's asses."

Adrian smiled. "You're probably right. Your boys are tough, too. They're cenobites after all. They'll do fine."

"Yeah, I guess so. Abraxas is thrilled. He's been anxious for this day since he was twelve, but you know how Acheron is."

Abraxas, the elder twin, was one hundred percent his father's son; cool, calculating, fearless. He'd been trying to sneak into the torture chambers since he was old enough to understand what they were. He knew that once his transformation was complete, he'd be able to join his parents in their work. Acheron had always been the more sensitive of the two, taking more so after his mother. He did look forward to his own transformation, but didn't anticipate it with the same fervor as his brother. Victoria and Pinhead had explained the process in depth in recent weeks, chronicling their own agonizing times in the in between stages. While the twins' transformations wouldn't be as long, it would still be excruciating. This made Acheron nervous, but Abraxas was quick to reassure him. The twins had been unbelievably close since day one. Abraxas had always been protective of Acheron, the later always seeking comfort from the former in times of need. They were two halves of one whole, two identical beings created from a single split egg. There was nothing in the world the twins loved and cared for more than each other.

"But you know Abraxas will be at his side the entire time," Adrian replied.

Victoria smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The door opened. Dani came barreling through the door, tossing her backpack to the floor. Dimitri came in behind her.

"Hi, Daddy!" she screeched, launching herself in to Adrian's lap. Adrian's eyes lit up as he returned his daughter's embrace. He loved being a father.

"Hey, baby girl," he said. "How was school?"

"Good," she replied. "I drew a picture today. Tată says I'm taking after him."

Dimitri smiled, walking over to the couch and kissing Adrian.

"She's definitely got talent."

Dani scrambled over to her backpack and proudly pulled out a drawing of a dog. Her talent indeed surpassed that of the average kindergartener.

"Can we get a puppy?" Dani pleaded, her blues eyes widening, her lips forming into a pout.

"I wonder where she gets that look from," Dimitri asked, raising an eyebrow at Adrian.

"We'll think about it, baby girl," Adrian said.

Victoria laughed, remembering the time when her own sons had been that age.

"I've gotta go," she said standing. "There's a lot that needs done still."

"Bye, Tor," Adrian said.

"Bye, Aunt Tori!" Dani squealed.

Victoria smiled, bidding them all farewell, before departing.

~[ ]~

Abraxas was sitting in the shadow of Leviathan, a book in his hands. He was bubbling with excitement. In a few days' time, he'd officially become a cenobite…and he was growing impatient. Acheron appeared, plopping down on the floor at Abraxas' feet and putting his head in his brother's lap. The elder turned his gaze from the text in front of him to his clearly unsettled brother.

"It's gonna be okay, Acheron. Stop worrying."

"You're not even a little scared?" Acheron asked, looking up at his mirror image.

"Nervous maybe, but not scared," Abraxas replied. He began to run his fingers comfortingly through Acheron's long dark hair. "You knew this day was coming."

"That doesn't make me any less nervous." Acheron frowned at Abraxas. "You heard Mom and Dad's stories. They said it's the worst possible pain one can ever experience, and Mom gave birth to us naturally."

"And they also said it won't be as bad for us because we've never been human. It'll all be over for us sooner."

Abraxas looked into Acheron's identical blue eyes. They were filled with dread and uneasiness. Acheron stood up, but then promptly sat on Abraxas' lap. Abraxas sighed in resignation, pulling his twin into a comforting embrace.

"You're driving me crazy, you know that?" Abraxas said. "Stop being so pessimistic."

"Can't help it," Acheron muttered against his big brother's shoulder.

"I'll be there the whole time," Abraxas consoled. "We'll get through it together."

~[ ]~

"So how does this all work?" Victoria asked. "Do they pick what they'll look like?"

"No," Pinhead said. "Leviathan does."

"And how does he choose?"

Pinhead shrugged. "I have no idea. With you, he chose your back wound because of your injury and the Siamese Twins' biggest fear was being separated from one another, so He guaranteed that they'd never be apart."

Victoria's eyes widened at the thought of the Siamese Twins. "Oh, god. He won't do that to our boys will he?"

Pinhead chuckled. "That wouldn't be very original, now would it?"

"I guess not," Victoria sighed in relief.

"Their wounds will most likely be similar, if not identical," Pinhead guessed.

"Are…are you gonna do it?" Victoria asked nervously.

"No," he answered. "Normally I perform the scarification, but I do not think I will be able to mar my own sons. Chatterer will do it. He saw them safely into the world; he will do the same with their final transformation."

Victoria nodded in approval. She went to him, putting her arms around him. She was thankful every day that he was still there for her to hold, that she wouldn't have to go through this alone. She'd never forget that day she almost lost him.

"Our babies are all grown up," she whispered against his shoulder, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"It happens to everyone," Pinhead stated. Deep down, he was somewhat saddened by the realization. He had enjoyed watching his sons grow into the young men they had become and knew that there may never be another time when the dismal corridors of the Labyrinth were filled with the laughter of children. They would never be able to conceive another child, no matter how hard they tried. All traces of Victoria's human blood had disappeared long ago.

"But most kids graduate from high school at eighteen," Victoria said. "Ours are going to become grotesquely mutilated masters of torture."

Pinhead smiled. "We have never been a conventional family."

ENDNOTE: So I've been watching a lot of Repo! The Genetic Opera, hence the title of this chapter (it's a line from the song Legal Assassin).

Gay marriage is legal in my alternate universe, and our favorite same-sex couple now has a child of their own! Tată is Romanian for father. I figured there needed to be a way for Dani to distinguish between Adrian and Dimitri.

The twins' transformation will be happening in the next chapter. I'm still not sure what to do with them (coming up with cenobite designs is kinda hard :/). I'm gonna clear the air now: Abraxas and Acheron are NOT romantically involved with each other. Take that thought out of your head now. I will admit, it was a fleeting thought, but I dismissed it. I really didn't think it would go over well (even though cenobites themselves are pretty taboo creatures and you can't get any more taboo than incest), even though part of me feels that sex between identical twins could probably be considered masturbation of a sort (they share all of their DNA. Think about it…). I've got a fucked up mind, so don't be surprised if I do change my mind (but that's doubtful). I've come across some pretty wild shit on this site (and others) so I wouldn't feel weird doing it, but I honestly don't think it's right for this trilogy. Being identical twins, it only makes sense for Abraxas and Acheron to be extremely close, just not THAT close.

Thanks for sticking with me this far! Please continue to read and review, and if you feel that I'm starting to drift into some weird territory, don't hesitate to let me know. Your opinions do matter to me, but I won't guarantee that I'll take what you say to heart. It's my story after all ;)