I guess I'm not dead.

Hey, what's up all you wonderful readers? I know I've been out of fanfiction when I recently said I would update more, but I couldn't. School has swamped me with loads of homework. Chemistry in particular. I mean, if I said 2,3-dimethyl-3-cyclohexene would you understand? Chances are, you wouldn't.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this appropriately named chapter, About Time.

Chapter 10: About Time

And the scariest part was that Ash saw the family resemblance.

From the brief time he saw the Iron-Masked Marauder, he saw a look of pure hate—probably toward him. The eyes, the scowl—everything. He knew that Steel looked familiar—but he couldn't put his finger on it, until now.

"What are you doing here?" Ash asked. He tried to sound more confident than he felt, but he didn't know whether or not he really was.

But he also found something that was strikingly familiar. What was it . . . ?

Then he sensed his aura. Again, strikingly familiar . . .

"I was just about to leave," Steel answered calmly. "I just came to get what was mine." He held up an object in his hand. It looked kind of like an instrument—a woodwind. It was light blue in colour, as the name suggests: azure. He had seen that object before . . .

Now he remembers! While searching up the legends of Sinnoh, he came across a book with various myths—not necessarily just Sinnoh mythology, but also Kanto's and Johto's and even Hoenn's. He wanted information on the lake guardian trio, but he found a section about Arceus first, and he decided it may be an interesting read. So he took a gander.

What he found out was that Arceus only appeared when called with a specific item. When he looked at a picture of it but the instrument looked familiar as well. He first thought it was a flute, as that was its name. But he soon found himself remembering the events with Lugia and the legendary bird trio. An ocarina . . . that's what it was called. Melody had one.

But the thing was that he only remembered the picture. He didn't remember actually reading what was in the article, but he did remember that he had read it.

"What are you planning with to do with the Azure Flute?" Ash asked.

Everyone was surprised that Ash new what the object in Steel's hands was—even Steel raised an eyebrow. "Ah, so you know what this item is then, is that right?"

"That still doesn't answer my question," Ash said.

Steel smirked. "You'll find out."

"I won't let you steal an artifact that's meant to stay in a temple!" Ash exclaimed. "It's there for a reason, and I'm not letting you get by!"

"Very well. I guess I have no choice. Let's see how you do against my Pokemon. Scizor, destroy!"

Steel took out a Dark Ball from his belt once more. He threw it and a red light flashed. When the light was gone, a bipedal, sort of ant-like, Pokemon appeared. It was mostly red in colouration though there were black on its neck, chest, and abdomen. There were yellow and black "eye" patterns on its pincers, bearing a faint resemblance to a Trapinch's head. Its yellow eyes were just as intimidating as its pincers—completely terrifying.

Ash looked to his right where his yellow companion rested, who also seemed to have a look of disgust toward the son of the Iron-Masked Marauder. Pikachu knew he had hated the elite Rocket member. The same hate fell upon his son. "You ready, Pikachu?"


"Okay then. Pikachu, use Thunder Bolt!"

The Mouse Pokemon charged then released the 100,000 volts of electricity toward Scizor.

However, both the Pincer Pokemon and its trainer looked unfazed. Steel scoffed. "Is that really the best you can do? Scizor, Metal Claw."

Scizor's pincers glowed a shining silver colour. With one swipe of its claw the Thunder Bolt dissipated.


"What?" Ash's eyes narrowed. "If Thunder Bolt didn't work, then try this on for size! Pikachu! Volt Tackle!"

Pikachu nodded. The electric mouse ran at high speeds, coming closer and closer to its target—Scizor. As he ran, a barrier of dangerous sparks, thunder and lightning surrounded the electric type. "Pika-pika-pika-pika-pika—PIKA!"

"Iron Head," Steel said calmly. As Pikachu closed the distance, Scizor did the same. A silvery aura surrounded the Pincer Pokemon, then charged for the attack head on—literally.

A cloud of smoke was inevitable. A gust of wind resulted in the collision of the two combatants.

Steel had his arms crossed. With a smirk he said, "Finish this off with Hyper Beam."

It couldn't be seen with the smoke cloud still lingering but two orange orbs appeared in front of Scizor's pincers. The powerful Hyper Beam hit its mark dead on. Ash watched in disbelief as he saw his lifelong companion slice through the cloud of smoke and skid on the snow and stopped near his feet, bruises and scratches clearly visible.

"Pikachu . . ." Ash said weakly. He knelt down and picked him up. Though the air was cold, Ash's eyes were colder, glowering in hatred as anger was seething from within him.

Steel just laughed. "In all honesty, I would have expected the winner of the Lily of the Valley Conference to be more of a challenge, but I see there wasn't one."

He took out his Dark Ball and returned his Scizor. "I'll take my leave now," Steel announced, his back to the trainers and the Pyramid King. "Hopefully, the next time we meet, there will be some sort of challenge."

A gust of wind, with snow clinging on, blew behind him as he walked farther and farther away from the group. They averted their gaze so the snow wouldn't get caught in their eyes. When they looked back, Steel was gone.

"Tell me everything that happened," Ash demanded, his eyes fixed on Paul.

They were at the Pokemon Centre, resting from the sudden attack they had just encountered. They sat on the many available tables in the centre, discussing what had just happened. Paul's hardened expression told Ash not to press him too much, but he had to know. Whether they had noticed it or not, they had become somewhat close ever since the Sinnoh League. They might have been labelled as "friends." But that wasn't to say they were on the best of terms. Paul was still his usual self—hard, cruel. But there was the occasional softness that was growing within him. And sooner or later, that softness would bloom and show its beauty of gentleness, surfacing itself.

Ash and Dawn sat on one end while Paul and Brandon sat on the other side. After Ash had asked the question all parties remained silent. It wasn't to say it was an awkward silence. More tense. Finally, Brandon broke the silence.

"As I was making progress in rebuilding the temple where Regigigas slept," Brandon started, "the man who called himself Steel appeared and disrupted the whole operation. And the rebuilding was almost complete. Because of him it would take the team a week more than we planned before the temple would be complete."

"I see," Ash said. "Brandon, do you know anything about him?"

"I do," he answered. "It was a while ago—about a year after you had conquered the Kanto Battle Frontier. I would assume you were in the Sinnoh Region by then?"

Ash nodded then motioned for Brandon to continue his story.

"During that time I was doing research on the Snowpoint Temple. Having six of the seven symbols, he challenged me to a match for my symbol. It was a fierce battle—his Houndour against my Registeel. Despite the type disadvantage, I had managed to defeat him. But when I realized his true motive, it was too late. He had caused a distraction so I couldn't get to him in time when he snatched an artifact from my collection. I'm sure you know what it is, Ash. You had experienced its power firsthand."

Recognition sparked in his mind. "I knew I felt that aura before," Ash said.

"What are you talking about, Ash?" Dawn asked, curiosity overtaking her.

Ash turned to his girlfriend. "Dawn, did you learn anything about an empire that once thrived here in our world—a place called Pokelantis?"

"I've heard of that," Dawn said.

"I've heard of it, too," Paul added. "Supposedly, the king wanted to rule the world and attempted to do so with Ho-Oh's power. Furious, Ho-Oh destroyed the entire kingdom of Pokelantis. Legends stated that the king escaped and trapped Ho-Oh in a stone orb."

Ash shook his head. "You can debate many things about what's inside that stone orb, but one thing for sure is that Ho-Oh is not one of those things."

"How do you know this, Ash?" Dawn questioned. Again, the more Ash talked about himself, the more interesting it had gotten—and the more Dawn wanted to know.

"Like I said before, Dawn, Ash had experienced it firsthand," Brandon said. He glanced at Ash. "Perhaps you should tell them, Ash."

Ash laughed sheepishly. "I would, but it's kinda hard, if you know what I mean."

Brandon laughed as well. "I see you haven't changed, personality-wise. However, I do need to congratulate you on your victory in the Sinnoh League. And Ash, I mean no offence, but what you did back then was probably one of the most foolish and stupidest thing you had ever done in your life."

Ash just shrugged. Brandon was right. "What about jumping into the Reverse World to go after Dawn, not knowing if there was ever going to be a way out, and only caring about her safety when I plunged in after her?" Ash countered.

"You did what?" Brandon and Paul exclaimed, looking mystified.

"Did you really go into the Giratina's realm without any regard for your own safety or plan?" Paul asked. "I knew loved her, but I'd say that was stupid."

Ash blushed at Paul's latter statement. He didn't want Paul to press him for answers when that's what Ash wanted to do with Paul and Brandon. Luckily, Dawn broke in and brought them to the task at hand.

"Can I please know what Ash did in the Kanto Battle Frontier?"

"Oh, right," Ash laughed, but quickly died down. He saw the look on her face—a look that was not at all amused. It was more irritation and possibly even worrisome. And by that look, Dawn was not laughing. "Brandon, after you."

Brandon nodded. "Where did I leave off again? Right, 'the most foolish and stupidest thing you had ever done'."

"I think they heard the first time, Brandon."

"I know. I just wanted to make my point across—loud and clear." Brandon inhaled and continued. "Anyway, Ash, being excited after I told him the story of the king of Pokelantis, ran straight for the artifact. I guess he wanted to release Ho-Oh."

Three pairs of eyes darted their way toward the raven-haired trainer. Ash could only scratch the back of his head out of nervousness. Indeed, it was the only thing he did—or rather, could—do.

"But what was inside that stone orb was not the legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh," Brandon stated. "It was the spirit of the king of Pokelantis."

"And the spirit of the king took over my body," Ash finished. "That was why the aura within Steel felt so familiar. Not just the similar patterns between him and his father, but the aura of the king. Even as a spirit, the king has an aura."

"And you were able to get rid of him?" Dawn looked worried.

"Of course, Dawn." Ash smiled like it was no big deal. Well, in his case, it might not have been, considering all the other things he had been through. But for Dawn, being a friend and furthermore, a girlfriend, she couldn't help but feel concerned. "No need to worry, right?"

"I guess . . ." However, Dawn didn't sound too convinced. She knew Ash was alright—exhibit A was sitting right beside her, wearing a goofy grin—but the thought of Ash being possessed really got to her.

What if that happened again? What if Ash didn't recognize her if the spirit of the king of Pokelantis, or any other supernatural being, had taken over his body? Would he still love her? All of her self-doubt was like a cold, steely hand gripping her fragile heart—a hurricane of worry, and . . . guilt? But, truly, that's how she felt—guilty.

Now it was Ash's turn to be worried. One smile was enough to melt the coldness she also felt. He inched closer and hugged her, caressing her back in the process. Putting his mouth close to her ear, he said, "Like I said Dawn, no need to worry. And really, there was nothing to be worried about in the first place. What happened with the spirit was long ago." And that was enough. And barely audibly he added, "I won't do anything to make you worry like that—well, not intentionally, anyway. I love you too much to let that happen."

A smile graced her lips. "Thanks, Ash."

Paul had a knowing look while Brandon looked indifferent, both staring at the—both of them having the exact same thought—"couple".

"So, when did this little—thing—start?" Brandon asked. It was none of his business, he'd admit. But sometimes curiosity gets the better of people—even an individual like Brandon with his strong morals are curious. It was only a matter of the question—would the cat die?—and answering yes would Brandon not cross the line of his friends' personal lives. Obviously, he didn't feel it crossed the line—well, not too much, anyway.

Ash and Dawn looked at Brandon nervously. "What do you mean, Brandon?" Ash asked.

"It's obvious you guys are together," Paul supplied. And Ash and Dawn's eyes made their way to Paul, surprise held within the brown and blue orbs. "And a little tip: try to whisper what is considered private to you, Ash."

"I guess you figured it out, Paul," Ash conceded. "And I guess you've figured it out too Brandon."

Brandon only nodded.

Paul smiled again. "And it's about time, too."

"So how'd you guys figure it out anyway?" Dawn had to ask. It was bugging her ever since they noticed she and Ash were a couple.

A breeze blew in their direction. It wasn't a cold, bone-chilling gust—a refreshing one, really. They stood outside of the Pokemon Centre, their Pokemon fully rested and raring to go on their next destination.

"Reggie sort of told me," Paul confessed. "But that didn't mean I didn't know you liked her, Ash. That I figured out for myself."

Ash turned toward the purple haired trainer. "Was it really that obvious?"

"A blind Pachirisu could see that."

"Even though I've only known you for a short while, Dawn, I've known Ash for longer," Brandon offered. "But I know Ash more as a trainer rather than himself, but I find myself saying anyone could see you have feelings for the girl. And Dawn, when I met you here some time ago, I see you gave more hints than what you would like to admit, am I right?"

Dawn blushed. There was no way she could counter that—the truth was the truth. But that didn't mean she still felt a bit embarrassed by Brandon's keenness.

"So, what are you going to do with Steel, Ash?" Brandon asked.

Ash turned to the Pyramid King. "We got to find out more about the Azure Flute. Any suggestions, Dawn?"

"How about the Canalave Library?"Dawn offered. "It has all sorts of information. I'm pretty sure there are archives full of Sinnoh myths."

"Sounds good." Ash looked at Paul. "Paul, I know we sometimes don't get along—well, make that most of the time. But I need your help. Steel is really tough. I need all the help I could get. So, are you in?"

"On one condition," Paul said.

"Sure, anything, Paul."

Paul had to smile. There he goes again, making rash decisions and promises. Paul bet that that would be the death of Ash. "That you don't get lovey-dovey with your girlfriend. And if you do, make sure I don't see it."

Ash laughed. "Okay." His attention turned back to Brandon. "What are you going to do, Brandon?"

"I'll stay here," Brandon answered. "I still need to finish rebuilding the temple. I'm sure you'll do fine. I'm sure the Chosen One is up for the challenge."

Ash looked surprised. "Where did you hear that from? I mean, it's not like it's something I advertise to the whole world."

Brandon chuckled. "I hear things here and there. If you want to head to Canalave City, I suggest you get going. The storms here are merciless. The faster you get to Canalave, the faster you avoid the blizzards."

"Thanks again, Brandon," Ash said. "And hopefully the next time we meet it won't be because I need your help in saving the world."

"I'll hold you to that, Ash."

The trio started the trek down the mountain and to someplace that's a little bit warmer. They could only hope that the sun is still there high in the sky.

With their backs toward Brandon, his expression fell into a more serious one. Let's just hope you three are enough. Chosen One, don't let your guard down for a second. There will be many more trials lay ahead. Especially for you Ash. Can you handle it?

And once again the curiosity got the better of him. Only this time he was sure the cat had died.

And there you have it. I hoped you enjoyed reading it. My only concern was if it was boring or anything.

Anyway, please leave a review, it's greatly appreciated. Stories are meaningless if there are no readers, am I right? And my readers support me and make want to write more. So, please, take like, I don't know, maybe 2-3 minutes to voice your honest opinions. And best of all, it's free!

I'm not sure when this story will be finished. It's likely going to end in the next couple of chapters as this is only the first part of a trilogy I'm planning. Most of you guys already know about the trilogy (the most obvious hint being the title), so this is just a little heads up, really.

Momentai and Daijoubu!


~Lux (Rising From Ashes)