So heres something i thought up in class. It has abosolutely nothing to do with VA except for the characters so i dont know if its any good. i just thought i should post and see if anyone wants me to continue. for those who read my other stories. I am sooo sorry. im not sure about a sequel for king of the fairies yet. im pretty sure source of the past will remain a one shot :( i just feel that anything that i write will darg the plot out. im totally having a writers block on rose petals and white horses, though i will try to continue. high school is aboslutely kicking my butt right now, so UD's may take forever :( sorry again. anyhwho, Rose and the gang are on the rodeo circuit, i kow random, give it a shot though, it maybe worth reading. :)

Colorado's weather was biting as I walked from my truck to the barn. I whistled and saw my beautiful boys head pop over a gate midway down the aisle. I laughed, as did many others, as we checked in on our companions before heading to get breakfast. My closest friend, who did break away roping, Lissa and her paint horse Champ were mine and my horse, Dinero's traveling companions. Ever since her family had died, she had lived with me and my family on the MH Ranch, in Texas. Her boyfriend, Chris, rode bulls. Adrian my current boyfriend did calf roping. They were both 19. Liss and I had graduated early to join the rodeo circuit. We were now 17 almost 18 and had been apart of it for about a year and a half. My other best friend came from our high school. Dimitri Belikov. We had dated when he was a senior and I a freshman, but he graduated and joined the circuit so it hadn't really worked out afterwards. Nowadays we were almost closer than Liss and I. He was quiet and evened out my sometimes obnoxious behavior but goes along with my stupid plans anyway.

I flipped my hood and walked to Dinero. I scratched his nose and sighed. Last night Dimitri and I had stayed out late, talking and walking Dinero down from his impressive run. Well Adrian didn't like that so he stormed off to lord only knows where. He had been acting weird lately. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a presence lean against the stall next to where I stood.

"Mornin' Roza." He had a southern accent, which laced perfect with his natural Russian one. It was sexy, I had to admit.

"Have you seen Adrian?" I asked, only for him to shake his head. He opened his arms and I gladly took the invitation. I still loved him, but I didn't want to hurt Adrian. I could see that when I was with him it hurt Dimitri though. He rode bulls and saddle broncs, but was currently out for a few fractured ribs. He hung around and helped behind the chutes for a while. I knew he loved it, but I worried everytime he nodded for the gate to open.

I inhaled his intoxicating scent. As wrong as it was, some nights I all I wanted was to be in his, not Adrian's arms. But even if I wasn't with Adrian, Dimitri had told me he wasn't looking for a relationship. I had tried to hook him up several times, knowing he wasn't the kind of person who liked being lonely. So as bad as it was, I stayed with Adrian because Dimitri probably wouldn't take me back.

Soon we were walking through the empty rodeo grounds. He stopped and starred at a huge black and white spotted bull. He slowly turned his mighty head to look at Dimitri. Dimitri starred for another minute, before continuing on, zipping his carhart jacket up further.

"Who is that?" I asked not recognizing him. He looked back with a smile.

"Your father's masterpiece. I'm surprised you didn't recognize him. You were there when he was born. We all were." Him and his riddles. I thought back to when Dimitri had worked on our livestock ranch. My dad bred rough stock for the pro rodeos. I looked back to the mighty creature and suddenly I knew.

"Deja Blu?" it was more of a question and he nodded. "You want to ride him." This time it wasn't a question. "And I'm sure that's just because he hasn't been ridden before." I knew him way to well. Again, no answer. I sighed. "I get why though." I added.

"Really?" That got a reaction.

"Yeah, if you didn't you wouldn't be you." he chuckled.

"Good 'cause I'll need someone there to cheer for me when I do." I grinned and we made our way to the chutes and stood, overlooking the arena. Dimitri's friend, Mikhail Tanner, walked up to us then. He looked after Dimitri when he first joined the circuit. He was a bull rider as well. He lloked to the skies and sighed.

"Said there was gonna be a shower before opening time. " Damn. That meant Dinero would have to work harder to keep his footing.

"Well, I shoulda bet money y'all would be off together." Adrian said, lounging against a panel. Mikhail spouted some excuse and left. Adrian walked up to me and pulled me roughly to him. I tried pushing him off, smelling alcohol. Dimitri's eyes flashed and he pulled Adrian off rather roughly. He had never acted like that before. He took one look at me and stalked off. I stood there looking at nothing. Dimitri wrapped an arm around me, promising to see me tonight.

The rain stopped after a while, just in time for the show to start. Lissa, Mia, Sydney, and I walked our horses around as cars and trucks of all kinds parked. Dinero danced and pranced, eager to get this show started. I herd a song play from the many speakers and couldn't help but notice the words.

"I met a tall dark and handsome man

And I been busy makin' big plans…"

I smiled to myself. I walked Dinero and talked to people I had never met before. I looked up and caught Dimitri's eye. He gave me a smile and continued to talk to Hans, a bronc rider, while still looking at me. I saw Liss roll her eyes at me and I stuck my tongue out at her. That's when I saw Adrian "talking" to some fan girl. I lost my smile quick. I rode over and got his attention.

"Look, I'm sorry that I continue to talk to Dimitri, but looks like you'll just have to get over it." I said with a smirk.

"O really? Well it must be over the phone seeing as how he leaves with Mikhail tomorrow to join the NFR/PBR circuit." I lost my smirk. What? Hurt shown on my face, I'm sure.

"Look Rose, I think we need to give us.." he paused to motion between us. "a break. Be honest, did you think we would last forever?" with that he turned and walked back to the slut he was with earlier. I processed everything. So that's what he meant when he said he'd need someone to cheer him on. Deja Blu was a pro bull. He was leaving the small circuit to go pro, leaving most of his friends. But most importantly, leaving me.

My heart shattered. It felt like glass, exploding and crashing down like a waterfall. Dinero and I continued to walk with the others, though I wasn't there. Soon the barrels were being set out and souvenirs were being thrown to the crowd.

Dinero hopped, sensing something was wrong with me. It took everything to hold him back. I found the spot and let him go, charging down the alley out spilling out into the ring. He turned the first and second with ease, though when we got to the third the ground was slick and his front left hoof slipped just a little, though it was just enough for my knee to catch the barrel as we turned home. I looked back as we charged back to where we started. The barrel tipped back and forth a few times before tipping to the left and rolling on the ground. I dropped my head and gave Dinero a pat anyway, knowing it wasn't his fault. My run would have been 15.005 but 5 seconds was added.

I cooled Dinero down. I hadn't seen Dimitri at all tonight. Soon, cars were crunk and the crowd began to leave. On my way back to the barn, I saw him. He was talking to the president of the PBR. He caught my eyes over the man's shoulder, but it was too late. I turned my back and walked through the door.

I walked over to Liss, who was grooming Champ. They had made an impressive run and he obviously knew.

"Hay, what do you say we head back home for a few weeks? Take a break?" I asked, needing to get away and our 200 acre ranch would be perfect.

"O my gawsh yes! I haven't seen Abe or Janine in forever!" she squealed excitedly. Then she added. "You herd?" I knew she was talking about Dimitri so I simply nodded.

We decided to leave tonight, taking shifts driving, and stop periodically to let our boys stretch. As we loaded our things into the trailer I saw a crowd of reporters swarming. I looked and saw who had their attention. Dimitri. He saw me and tried to get away, though I only shook my head, knowing if he came over here I would loose it.

His eyes grew dark in pain and desperation as he tried even harder to get to me, though it didn't work. Too soon we were headed out, and I took one more look in my rearview as Liss settled down to sleep. Dimitri and Mikhail were surrounded and they looked more than annoyed. I bit back my tears and looked forward, knowing within a day or so I would be back home.


I hated seeing Roza hurting, and her fighting with Adrian caused her pain. So when I agreed to go with Mikhail, I had her in mind. I knew she still loved me. And lord did I love that girl. Ever since senior year, she caught my heart and never let it go. I had ended things when I graduated, knowing that I wouldn't see here near as often I she deserved. If I was being honest, a part of me took this offer so o wouldn't have to watch her and Adrian be together. I hadn't seen him tonight though.

Something had Rose upset. When she knocked the third she clearly wasn't completely focused. I'm not saying she doesn't make mistakes, we all do. But she trained horses and wasn't even 18 yet, something had her bothered.

I wasn't sure how I was going to break the news to her though. I didn't want to see her face when I told her I was leaving this circuit, but knew I she deserved it from me.

I stood, waiting for her by the barn as people left. However, Ambrose, the PBR president had different plans. He came and began talking to me. I saw Rose and Dinero walking back to the barn, a little disheartened. She caught my gaze over his shoulder and I could see she hurt, deep inside, something was hurting her. Then I knew, someone had told her. Before I could catch her, she was inside the barn.

Reporters swarmed all over Mikhail and I, though I only wanted to see Roza, to explain. I saw her and Liss packing their things into the trailer and knew I had to get away. She looked at me, and shook her head as I tried, but that only made me more determined. It was futile though, I couldn't get away. I let pain leak into my eyes, showing her I didn't mean for it to happen like this. Too soon, I saw her tail lights drive off until I no longer saw them.

Mikhail put a comforting hand on my shoulder, knowing what I felt for her. Finally the reporters were gone. He turned to me.

"Adrian told her, right before dumping her." If my heart wasn't already broken, it surely was now.

"I didn't mean for this to happen."

"I know." Was all he replied. I grabbed my duffel with my chaps and things and my other with clothes and threw them in the back off my dodge. Mikhail and I made our way to Atlanta, Georgia, where we would make our debut in the PBR circuit. I sighed.

"Where were they going?" I finally broke the silence.

"Texas. Back to MH, I suppose." I thought back to the summers I had worked at the MH. That ranch was beautiful. My momma loved Roza. Before her, I was unruly and didn't mind that much. Then all I wanted was to impress her, so I started working for Abe, and changed my attitude. I don't know how but I won her heart that summer. Thinking back now, I would have stayed with her, would have found a way to see her more. I wouldn't have shoved her heart back in her face. Looking back now, I wished I could change a lot of things, though I guess I couldn't. Not now.

I will post pics of the characters and things on my page, check them out please :) So tell me what you think and whether i should continue :)) i love hearing from other people, good or bad, though not hateful. i have yet to have that happen and i hope it wont :))) again sorry for my abscence R&R :)))