Lucrecia, that temptress... It was entirely her fault that I had languished in a dark and suffocating coffin for 50 years. 50 years without the touch or voice of another human being, without the comfort that even a cold person like myself needs.

But the day that group dared disturb me, I laid eyes on the most stunning creature I'd ever seen. Long gone were the days in which I'd look upon such beauty, I had thought, yet right before me a perfect Adonis did stand. He was tall and blond, and his arms looked as if they had born the weight of many days of labor. His thick torso was testing the strength of his tight shirt, teasing me.

It didn't take long until that first perfect night together; the first time I'd felt heat on that part of my body that had been dormant for so long. As I fucked his tanned body, I watched his muscles ripple and his back arch, felt his muscled arms grip my back and clutch at the sheets.

But it was his voice that I recall the most. Gruff and manly, he called, "Vincent, are you trying to kill me with that cock of yours?"