Criminal POV

He hadn't meant to shoot.

He panicked; his finger was on the trigger and he pulled.

He hadn't meant to shoot; now the snarky man with tousled hair was on the ground, clutching his chest as red stained his shirt.

The blonde was at the fallen man's side, frantically talking into a phone while pressing her free hand into the source of the blood.

The dark man was frozen, just standing there, shock and horror on his face.

It was the tall man with big ears that took action.

He hadn't meant to shoot; now he was being tackled to the ground by the tall man, the gun falling from his startled hands.

He hadn't meant to shoot. Those were the thoughts going through his head. He was going to jail, and he succumbed to the darkness.

He hadn't meant to shoot.

A/N: This is just a little taste, and I will update soon, but for now I need to edit. The story is already written, a look in different POVs of it happening.