
Jane and Trent were hanging up the "Happy Birthday Cleo" banner Jane had made for the now six-year-old. The "Welcome Home, Mommy" banner Cleo had made for Quinn was already up and waving in the ceiling fan breeze. Helen was busy blowing up balloons, while Jake put the finishing touches on the birthday cake. Jodie and Mack arrived with several pints of their latest ice cream Cleopatra's Chocolate Caramel Crunch. It was chocolate ice cream with chocolate covered waffle cones and caramel mixed throughout. Once the ice cream was in the freezer, Jodie and Mack headed for the living room to help with the last of the decorations. Jamie, Joey, and Stacy arrived about a half an hour later. The group followed Jane as she showed off the additions she and Daria had made to the house. Two new downstairs bedrooms, a new bathroom, an indoor pool and small excercise room had been built on. With the tour finished, the group went back into the living room and waited for the guests of honor to arrive.

Cleo, Daria, and Quinn were waiting for Quinn's release paperwork to be signed while Kevin loaded the last of Quinn's belongings into the Kevin's new Jeep. Cleo couldn't wait for Quinn to finally be able to go home. An hour later, Kevin wheeled Quinn out of the rehabilitation center's doors and towards his car. The drive home, they talked about how Helen and Jamie were doing with the law firm and about all the renovations to Daria's house. When Quinn returned to Vermont in March, she had asked Daria and Jane if she and Cleo could move in with them. Quinn sold her house to her parents, who had been staying in it since January. Most of the trip though was spent with Quinn listening to Cleo about how great of a job Aunt Daria and Aunt Jane did taking care of her.

When they arrived home, Daria came in first and opened the door. Kevin wheeled Quinn inside with Cleo sitting on her lap. Quinn saw all of her friends and family who were gathered around and tears started to fall. Cleo started jumping up and down and looking at all of the balloons that were all over the living room. Quinn pointed to the Welcome Home Mommy banner and turned to Cleo.

"Did you make that?"

"Yes, I did - Aunt Jane helped me pick out the colors while Aunt Daria helped me with the spelling."

Quinn reached out and gave her daughter a hug. "It's perfect, Cleo. Happy Birthday, mommy loves you." She kissed her daughter on the cheek.

"I love you, too. Now - where are my presents?" The six-year-old smiled.

The party lasted a couple of hours, with a good time had by all. After everyone left, Quinn wheeled herself around the house to familiarize herself with where everything was. That night for the first time in almost nine months, Quinn got to read her daughter a bedtime story. When she finished, Quinn kissed Cleo good night and headed into the living room. Daria and Jane were sitting on the couch watching television. Daria lifted her head off of Jane's arm and smiled at her sister.

"What's up, roomie?"

"I just wanted to thank you again for taking such good care of Cleo. I know it wasn't exactly something you wanted to do - "

"That's not true, Quinn. I made that promise because I wanted to be there for her if she needed me. I love you, sis."

"I love you, too. And Jane as well. - I mean I would be so lost right now without you guys."

"It's going to be okay, Quinn. Just remember, we're here for you. Who knows, maybe someday, we'll need you to return the promise," Jane said.

"I hope so - I think you would make great parents. I'm gonna turn in. Goodnight, sis."

"Goodnight" Daria and Jane replied as Quinn headed for her room.

Around one in the morning, Daria nudged Jane. "Jane, are you awake?"

"Not really, what's wrong Daria?" Jane opened her eyes and turned to face her wife.

"I've been thinking about what Quinn said. Do you think we would make good parents?"

"The best - but I didn't think you wanted to have any."

"Well, I didn't until Cleo moved in. I love watching you with her. Jane, I think it's time we gave it some serious thought."

"You mean it?" Jane asked.

Daria nodded. Jane wrapped her arms around Daria and pulled her into a kiss. Unknown to them, Quinn could hear the conversation going on above her and a small smile came over her face.
