Tori stepped out of the shower the morning of the funeral, wrapping a towel around her and wiping the fog off the mirror. Being with her old friends made her half expect that her optimistic sixteen year old self would be staring back at her. But of course, it wasn't.

There was a knock at the hotel door and she quickly pulled on an old flannel shirt and some leggings. She opened the door only to feel extremely underdressed. Beck was standing in a black suit, looking handsome as always. Even at thirty, he still had his shaggy dark hair, looking much like an extremely tan Johnny Depp.

"Getting ready for a Garbage concert, there, Tori?" Beck joked. Tori mock-laughed and opened the door wider, suggesting he come in. He obliged, making himself comfortable on one of the overstuffed chairs.

"The funeral isn't for another hour and a half; why are you already dressed?" Tori said, brushing her wet hair.

"I feel cool in a suit," Beck said, shrugging, making Tori laugh. "So Cat told me about Dante," Tori continued with getting ready, pretending she hadn't heard him. "Tori, you should have told me, if not Andre."

"Why would I have told you, Beck? What would you have done?" Tori asked, stepping out of the bathroom. Beck stood up, walking over to her and looking at her straight in the eyes.

"That's a time you could've really used friends," He said, "I know kids can be cruel, and I know you like to think that Jade hates you, but if anyone tried to be an ass to you besides her, they would've woke up sliced to pieces. Plus, I had a nice RV to hit them with," Tori laughed, but shook her head.

"It wasn't that kids at Hollywood Arts would've judged me," Tori explained, "Kids at my new school did that anyways, and I went through with no friends because I was the pregnant girl. Some of them started a rumor that it was Will Smith's baby," Tori shook her head, taking a deep breath. "I didn't want Andre to find out."

Beck patted her back comfortingly. "That's a hell of a secret to keep from somebody."


Tori slipped on her black dress, put on her heels and checked her hair and makeup one last time before stepping out her door. Beck was waiting in the lobby for her, offering her a smile. They'd talked for quite a while, her telling him all about Dante and all his accomplishments.

They slipped into a limo outside the hotel, dodging cameras, and followed in by Jade and Lilith.

"Why did you lie about having a kid, Tori?" Jade asked, as soon as the car started rolling.

Beck sighed and rolled his eyes, "Jade, don't-,"

"I thought we were friends?" Jade said.

Tori laughed, "You always said we weren't friends."

"I meant that you were too annoyingly cheery, not that we weren't friends," Jade said, waving it off. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why was Cat telling everyone?" Tori said, reminding herself to have a stern word or two with Mrs. Shapiro.

"She didn't mean to," Beck defended, "She said something about how it was too bad that I was the only one without kids, and when she realized what she said, she tried to cover it up, but you know Cat."

"Well, what does he look like?" Jade asked, like Tori should've had out pictures of her son as soon as he was brought up. Tori smiled, showing the picture on her phone.

"Oh my god," Jade said, "If you don't want Andre to know that that kid's his, never let him go near him. They're identical."

"Andre's already met him," Tori said, staring longingly at her son's smiling face.

"What?" Jade and Beck said together. That was one detail she'd left out in Beck and her earlier conversation.

"Dante's a big fan of Andre's, and he went to Andre's signing thing in L.A. last weekend," Tori explained. "I think Andre thought it was weird they looked so much alike."

"Well, duh," Lilith piped up, making the adults laugh.


The group stood awkwardly in the corner of the reception. They'd just watched Sikowitz's body lowered into the ground, and now they had to politely talk to the strange people that he had been acquainted with in life. Even Sinjin, who Sikowitz always seemed annoyed by, was there. Tori couldn't believe he was thirty; he looked exactly the same as when she'd last seen him.

"Is that a clown?" Tori asked as a man with big shoes and a big red nose passed.

"My uncle was shot by a clown," Garrett piped up, holding onto his father's hand. Tori looked down at the little boy, who stood there like that statement hadn't really meant anything to him. She looked back up to Robbie, who shrugged.

"It's so weird that he died," Cat said, looking the most comfortable with their present company than anyone else.

"Had to happen sometime," Jade said, pushing Lilith's hair out of her face.

"Wow, that's nice," Beck said, sarcastically, "That would've been a good speech."

"Shut up, Beck," Jade said, starting them arguing, until Andre stopped them.

"You guys are acting like kids," He said, pushing them apart, "Don't make me put you two in separate corners."

"She started it," Beck said, mumbling and crossing his arms.

"Yeah, that's really mature," Tori said, laughing. She was about to grab another drink from the table when she was pulled down under it.

"What the hell?" Pushing her hair out of her face, she saw her brother-in-law staring back at her.

"Tori, I'm really sorry, he made me bring him," Scott said, almost pleading with her.

"For the love of Jesus, tell me you don't mean Dante," Tori said, Scott staring at her apologetically. "Why aren't you out there stopping him?" Tori practically shrieked.

"I can't stop him, I pretty much figured that it'd be easier just to warn you."

"Scott, you idiot, Andre's here. He's gonna figure out," Tori shook her head. "God dammit, now I have to get Andre out of here before him and Dante see each other."

"Tori, maybe you should just-,"

"Shut it, Scott," Tori backed out from under the table, pointing angrily at Scott. She bounced back up, quickly, strangely not attracting attention from the others.

"Hey, Andre, I think I need some air. Wanna go outside with me?" Tori said, a fake smile plastered on her face. She didn't even wait for a reply before grabbing him and running outside.

"Uh, sorry, I thought you didn't want to talk to me," Andre said, looking at her oddly as she lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. "I didn't know you smoked," He said as he took her cigarette and mimicked her motions.

"I quit some time ago," Tori explained, "But every once in a while, it's nice to have one."

"It's bad for your voice," Andre said, handing back to her. She laughed, shaking her head.

"I'm a waitress, not a singer. You should be worried about the voice thing."

"You were a singer," Andre corrected. "A good one."

"Not this again, Andre," Tori said, rolling her eyes, watching the smoke curl off his lips.

"I'm just saying," Andre said, "You could still do it."


Dante had been waiting in the car for Scott to get back for the last ten minutes. He'd gone in saying he was going to see if Tori was actually inside. Dante finally got fed up with waiting and walked into the building, passing a clown on the way.

He was immediately spotted by his mother's friends.

"Is that Tori's son?" Cat whispered to Robbie.

"Let's find out," Jade said, turning and yelling, "Hey, kid!" Dante looked over, checking if his mom was with them. "Come here," Dante pointed at himself, earning a nod from Jade.

Dante shuffled towards the group of adults, trying not to show his excitement. Not only was he going to meet his dad, but he was also talking to some of his favorite actors.

"Are you Tori's bastard son?" Jade asked. Beck nudged her arm. "What? It's a legitimate question."

"Tori's my mom, yeah," Dante answered, first looking at Beck, then down at Jade. "How do you know her?" He asked.

"High school," Beck answered. "She said you weren't coming."

Dante's face heated up. "She doesn't know I'm here." He explained. "I…I came because I think my dad might be here."

"He is," Cat piped up, also earning a Beck nudge.

"Tori didn't want him to know," Beck muttered to her. Cat quietly apologized.

"Do you guys know who he is?" Dante asked, excitedly. The group all looked at their feet nervously. Except Jade, who smiled.

"Obviously, Andre," She answered.

"Andre Harris is my dad?" He asked, "For real?" Beck sighed, seeing the mixture of excitement and anger on the young boy's face.

"Yeah," Beck said, pulling Dante aside. "Don't be mad at your mom, kid."

"Why shouldn't I be?" Dante said, his excitement ebbing away.

"She did what she thought was best for your father and you. So he could live his dream, and you wouldn't have to grow up in the spotlight."

"She could've told me, at least," Dante said, trying not to pout in front of the Beck Oliver.

"Like you wouldn't have tried to find him anyways?" Beck said. Dante sighed.

"Can you at least tell me where my parents are?" Dante asked. Beck pointed to the door that Tori had dragged Andre out of. "Thanks, Mr. Oliver." Dante said with a small half smile.

"Beck," He corrected, patting his friends' son on the back.

Dante took a deep breath and stepped towards the door. This is the moment he'd waited his entire life for. He was finally going to meet his dad. Well, he'd already met his dad, but that didn't count. He pushed open the heavy door, into a back alley. Andre Harris and his mother stood, laughing and sharing a cigarette.

Tori's face froze in fear and Andre looked at him sideways. "Mom," Dante started, interrupted by Andre.

"Hey," He said, pointing the cigarette at Dante, "You're the kid from the music exhibit," Andre's eyes widened in realization. He looked from Dante to Tori, who was still frozen.

"Oh my god," Andre said, his hand going over his mouth. "Oh my fucking god." He turned back to Tori, his eyes angry. "Did he just call you mom?"

"Andre-," Tori tried.

"When were you going to tell me, Tori?"

"Andre, I'm so sorry-," Tori began, grabbing Andre's arm. He pulled it away, roughly.

"You kept my own kid away from me?"

"I thought it was best-,"

"You should've let me decide, Tori," He turned his back completely to Tori, facing his son. "What's your name again, kid?"

"Dante Vega," Dante introduced, truthfully this time.

"I'm Andre Harris. Your dad, I guess." Andre said, shaking his hand. Dante could barely look at his mom, who was crying, her hand over her mouth. "I'd talk to you more, but I'm having issues with your mom right now," Andre pulled a card out of his wallet. "You can call me later, kay, kid?" Dante nodded.

Andre walked back inside the building, without saying another word to Tori.

So because I wrote this a lonnng time ago, it was due for a rewrite. All the previous chapters have been revised.