The Days Before Yesterday

Ch. 3

The Morrow Days stood facing seven large doors of purple wood. The disembodied voice of Yesterday sounded all around in the swirling mist. "Each of these doors represents a yesterday. Each one of you has a yesterday which you changed for the worse."

On each of the doors a swirl of fog began to form. It swirled and looped until a full body picture of each Morrow Day appeared.

"Step through the door, and you shall enter your yesterday. Once there, things will not be as they are here. Here you are cured, in yesterday you will once again be plagued."

"No!" Wednesday screamed suddenly. "I can't go back, I won't! I don't want to be a monster again." She began to cry again. Tuesday made to comfort her again, but surprisingly, he was beaten by Saturday.

"Wednesday please forgive me." The sorceress hung her head in shame, "It was me who turned you into a monster in the first place. I too was plagued, blinded by my envy, but that is why we must do this. Don't you see? We must right our wrongs, and I promise Wednesday," she sank her head a little lower and cried a little more, "I will save you! I will not betray you again."

"Nor will I!" Sunday spoke up and approached the two, "All this happened because I was too vain to do anything to stop it. I will be a better leader this time."

"I will not let anything happen to you Wednesday." Tuesday stated plainly.

"We must all best our demons!" Thursday declared.

"And so we shall!" Monday replied.

"All very touching, yes," Yesterday faded into view. "But if I might be allowed to continue. The yesterdays you will all enter will be the day you each turned…well evil I suppose. It will be different for each of you, and this time you must overcome your faults to prove yourself worthy."

"Worthy of what?" Friday asked.

"Worthy of a Tomorrow. Or else you will remain here and simply fade away into the shadows of Yesterday." As if to emphasize his point, he faded into mist again.

The Morrow Days were left alone again with the Doors to Yesterday. "Well we're not getting any younger." Monday said after a few moments of silence. "Let's take a walk around memory lane."

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday approached the doors with their faces drawn in mist. Tuesday took Wednesday's hand in his and whispered, "Be safe." She looked at him and whispered back, "You too."

Sunday looked at Saturday for a moment and chuckled to himself. "Saturday, when this is all over, I'm going to give you a tour of the Gardens." "Thank you Sunday." She replied nonchalantly.

With that the former Morrow Days entered Yesterday.

End of Chapter 3.

Yeah I know this is pretty short and I probably could have squeezed it into Ch. 2, but I wanted a good set up for the next chapters. Each one will be dedicated to each Morrow Day in their yesterdays. Please r&r.

Crazy today, the Helpless Romantic.