A/N I think this one's kind of depressing :( But that's just me... So I decided to make all three of them, and you can choose which one you want to be your epilogue... I like all the choices, but yeah... everyone's titled to their own opinion :P This one, was B. A will take awhile, because it was kind of a confusing concept... and C, well... you'll find out :) I may or may not skip Patricia, because she gives me a hard time :P

Anyways, I don't OWN HOA or Sharpie, just this plot!

Weeks later, a lone man, stepped into a graveyard.

It was a vast graveyard, with nothing for miles except for tombstones sticking out of the ground and bare trees, alone whispering in the wind.

He had nothing, but the clothes on his back and a flower in his hand. It was one rose, that he clutched tightly in his hands, as if his life depended on it.

And no, for all you 'hopeless romantic' people, it wasn't Fabian Rutter. And it wasn't a secret lover either.

The strange figure held a yellow rose, the flower of friendship, not love.

A cold wisp of wind, made him wrap his scarf around tighter as he journeyed into the dreary graveyard.

After 15 minutes (it was a BIG graveyard), he found his destination.

Taking a deep breath, he put the flower in front of the tombstone.

He took his second deep breath, and looked up into the sky.

The sky took on the same aura as the the figure's feelings and the graveyard.

Dark. Depressed. Sad. Dreary. Dull. Gloomy. Glum. Melancholy.

He couldn't believe what he was going to do, but he believed it was right, and nothing, could stop him once he set his mind to it.

He started to begin saying…

There was another man, this man had not brought any flowers, or parting gifts. He believed the gift he was going to give would be much more valuable that some stupid flowers at the super market.

He put a hood over his face, so that no one knew his real identity.

Like the man before, he had nothing, but the clothes on his back and a cane.

He too, was to see the same person as the other man, but this man, was much wiser.

He knew there was already somebody there and what they were going to do.

This man, crept behind the bushes, waiting for the sight that lay ahead.

Now this man, didn't notice he was being observed.

He knelt down, in front of his flower as he looked up into the sky.

"Oh, dear greatest god Anubis," the man began. "I have nothing, I am nothing. I have nothing to sacrifice for your godly presence, but please listen to my prayer. I know a person, who made so many mistakes in life. He was wrong. He was confused. He didn't know about the crazy things life could do to you. Sometimes, he wishes he could back to the happy days of his childhood lifetime. But you know that, for you are the god Anubis. " The man took another deep breath before continuing. "I'm not asking for you to make me go back in time to change anything… that would just be wrong. It would change everything, for the better and for the worse. Plus, I'm not that selfish as I used to be. Instead, I ask you to please resurrect Nina Martin. She died just a couple weeks ago. I know you love souls, and you are hungry for more. I am wiling to sacrifice my life in return for hers. Nobody wants me here, as much as they want Nina. I won't missed, I won't get tears, so please take me, I'm begging you." He paused, and wiped away a couple of tears, "I've lost the apple in my eye, I have nothing more to do in life besides mourn."

He got up, slowly backing away from the his kneeling spot. "I thank you for your time, great god Anubis." He didn't look back, and the next step he took, the man hiding behind the bushes couldn't explain what happened next.

There was a massive amount of light and colors swirling around the graveyard. It too bright to look at where the praying man was. But the figure behind the bushes saw shadows, taking the man into a deep dark pit in the ground. The man whispered "Goodbye." As if he was talking to the wind.

In the twister of lights, there was two other figures, one with a jackal head, and one limp body. The jackal head figure, put the limp body on the ground. He said some ancient Egyptian words the the bush man couldn't understand. The jackal man left into the pit, closing it after he left.

But the bush man, was here for a reason. He took the flower, the yellow rose, from Nina Martin's grave. He took out a red Sharpie marker, coloring in the tips of the yellow rose red.

He, put it on another grave, one with dust and grime from dirt and mud. It could be barley read out as "_ _ il_ F_ ob_ _h_r-_mit_ _" But this man knew exactly who this person was. He smiled to himself, remembering the old times.

"I love you Emily" he said.

He put his head, next the grave, and never woke up again.

A/N So, was it goooood? Was it baddddd? Who do you think the figures were? What do you think the red on the yellow rose meant? Hmmmmmm? Tell me in a review!

Thanks so much :3