Ch. 4 Settling In

The Dursleys spent their 1st week in China going into cultural shock. Unfortunately for Harry this involved a lot of demands that were quite impossible to acquiesce to.

First, there were the demands for full English breakfast. Harry had no idea where to get the sausage nor the potatoes to make the rashers, and that... did not go over well with Dudley and Vernon, who were not amused by the change in their routines. Dudley especially threw a tantrum that ultimately resulted in Harry being pummeled by his cousin. Adding to his already impressive collection of bruised skin.

Second, came the realization that the furniture that had made the journey would not fit their new house. At least, Aunt Petunia's collectibles and precious china pieces made the trip unscathed. He unpacking and positioned and then repositioned the heavy pieces on his Aunt's whims. Ultimately, many of the pieces were packed back up and put in the shed in the back. From the mostly nonsensical ramblings of his Aunt, Harry had the impression that the pieces would be rotated in and out of use seasonally.

Third, and probably the most disastrous was the state of Dudley's belongings. The boxes for Dudley's room did not make the trip to China unscathed. As soon as Harry had opened the box that was marked with Dudley's computer, he knew there was going to be hell to pay. The monitor and tv for Dudley's room was in pieces. Specifically many sharp glass pieces. Quickly, Harry closed the box and stepped away to bring it to his Aunt's attention.

Upon seeing the state of the contents in the box she paled rapidly and instantly shot Harry a dark glare as if it were all his fault. She then began to formulate a plan to break the news to her precious Diddums and how to mediate the situation. They would have to buy an new monitor and tv for her baby immediately.

Harry went back to unpacking boxes and while he unwrapped and put things in their proper places wondered if his Aunt had noticed yet that there wasn't cable connection in Dudley's room... yet. He was sure there would be one by the end of the week.


Three days into their move, the Dursleys received several guests who welcomed them to the neighborhood, and one woman who was so similar to his Aunt in personality and appearance that it made Harry look twice. Instead of dark curly hair, this woman, Mrs. Johnson; had dirty blond hair, critical eyes, and a sharp tongue. She was every bit as nosy and critiquing as his Aunt was, full of backhanded compliments and overly flowery words. In other words, Aunt Petunia and Mrs. Jane Johnson got along famously, and had already settled upon weekly tea meetings on Tuesdays.

Harry was sure that these "meetings" would turn into gossip exchanges quickly, and was not at all eager for them to start as the meetings would inevitably call for his participation as wait staff.


Things were finally beginning to become routine as Petunia set off for the Special International School her Duddlykuns would attend. The school was full of international children who all spoke properly, in English, and not that garbled up nonsense that passed as a language over here. As Petunia entered the schools foyer she was directed toward the school's admissions counselor, knocking primly before being called into the office.

The meeting didn't go as Petunia expected. In her mind her baby boy was the brightest and best of his school. The reality as shown in his academic file was less than encouraging. However, Petunia didn't take much stock with the file as the comments that her wonderful Diddlums was a bully couldn't possibly be correct. The poor performance and negative behavioral comments were enough to cast suspicion on Dudley Dursley, who was now required to go through an interview and several academic tests to be completed with an official proctor. Apparently, the files on Dudley's completed course work were not enough to prove his advanced level, he would be required to prove his knowledge. It was 'standard procedure with internationals Mum', however Petunia thought it was a blatant stigma against all ex patriots as if their school systems were inferior in some way. Petunia ended up leaving the school in a huff and with a scheduled appointment for Dudley to take the tests in their home in 2 days.


Next time: The school proctor meets Harry.