Alison is nine months old. She has short brown hair in pig tales and she has big green shiny eyes. But she has her mother's face. She is a very pretty little girl.
She can stand with a little help but she hasn't said anything yet.
The Joker had a bet with Harley that if Alison said "mamma" or "mom" first he would do the dishes for a week. If she says "daddy" or "dada" first Harley has to do the dishes as usual.
Alison was in her high chair and the Joker was feeding her some oatmeal because it was breakfast time.
Harley was reading a baby book called "How to get babies to talk for Dummies".
"Is no use Mista' J," said Harley putting down the book "it says that we just have to wait until she ready to talk."
"Fine," said the Joker cleaning up the oatmeal his little Acey just spilled.
Harley walked up to Alison and picked her up.
"Come on Ally say mamma," pleaded Harley.
"No say dada," said The Joker.
Feeling under pressure poor little Alison started to cry.
"Don't cry Ace," said the Joker take his little girl and kiss her cheek.
But Alison wouldn't stop crying. Harley thought of an awesome idea. She went over to the cookie jar and got her a chocolate chip cookie.
Harley handed it to the cookie to Alison. She stopped crying and ate the cookie happily.
"So she wants to be bribed," said the Joker pulling a dollar and waving it and giving it to his daughter.
"Now say Dada," said the Joker.
"Puddin' that terrible," laughed Harley.
"Well-,"began the Joker.
"Batman," said Alison.
"What! No! Say Dada!" said the Joker.
"I'm gunna' call Ivy" said Harley.
"Batman. Batman. Batman" Said Alison.
"Stop saying Batman," said the Joker.
Alison looked at him wide-eyed. "Robin."