Kekekekeke. Yes, I wrote a Zukka. I really LOVE this pairing, and I hope you guys do, too. It's probably gonna be fluffy and angsty and yummy. Very different. So, it's following the same timeline and major events and such, but theres a twist that make everything all Sukka-ish. Lol. Well, hope you like! Review if I should continue.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN AVATAR; if I did, alot of things would be different.

Warnings: Swearing, violence, fluff, Slash. Nothing too graphic, though. Uhh. theres gonna be some mystickal magick, but nothing too different from the series. I'll try to keep em as OC as possible.

Pairings: Zukka(Zuko, Sokka.) Taang(Toph, Aang) Jetara(Jet, Katara) eerr... maybe more side pairings. I have the tendency of stirring up drama and jealousy when I write. -sigh- I'm such a drama queen.

Chapter One

Come Out And Play

"Mom- where are we going? Dad's gonna be mad we're leaving without telling him..."

Ursa bit her lip as she pulled her son along the shore. The lights from the city were finally starting to fade away, after walking for two hours. So far, no one seemed to notice the absence of their presence.

She looked back at her precious Zuko, who was rubbing at his drooping eyes, attempting to stay awake. The poor thing was tired. "We're almost there, hunny. And don't worry about daddy." She looked forward, a black ship was visible in the dark, but just barely. "Mommy will take care of him."

She halted and turned, lifting her ten-year-old son into her arms and holding him tightly to her chest. Then, she entered into the waves and started towards the dark ship.

"M-m-om, it's cold!" Zuko whined, clenching her dark red robes, as if the currents would take him away. Ursa continued on, holding her beloved son tightly to her. The water was fairly cold and Zuko was wearing light fire nation clothes, which were inappropriate for such temperatures.

She regretted not dressing him in something warmer. She should have known the waters would be colder then usual at this time, when the moon was full.

"I'm sorry, love. Just stay strong for mommy, okay baby?" Zuko coughed as the waves crashed upon the pair. Ursa could see the ship getting closer. Almost there!

"Mom, I wanna go home!" Zuko wailed. He was shivering and it almost broke Ursa's heart. She almost turned around right then but a thought stopped her. The same thought that encouraged her to move onward was the one haunting her for the past four years.

I will not let another one of my babies be corrupted.

Ursa gasped as a shadow from the ship dove into the water and swam towards her. The shadow grabbed her wrist and pushed her towards the ship. "Let me help." A deep voice said from behind her. With a relieved sigh, Ursa handed Zuko over to the male.

He struggled in the stranger's arms. "What's going on?" He asked in a frightened voice. Now better able to swim, Ursa and the shadow carrying her son made it to the large ship. A ladder rolled down the side. She faintly saw Zuko climb up first, then the shadow, and so she started up herself.

The deck was pitch black, probably to avoid being spotted. It was sleek and had no windows and painted black. It was made for stealth and speed. She felt a familiar hand grab her wrist and pull her along. Their were hushed voices and the panicky one of her son.

But she could see nothing until she was pulled into a dimly lit room.

A smile spread across her face. "Kya!" Blue eyes sparkled back at her.

Ursa squealed, running to hug her childhood friend. Kya giggled and hugged the Fire Nation noble back. It had been many years since they'd last seen each other, and it was one of the saddest moments of their lives.

"Ursa. My, you look the same as you did eleven years ago. Stunningly beautiful." Ursa flashed her pearly whites and winked.

"You too, Kya! Effortlessly pretty without makeup. I'm jealous!" Kya blushed scarlet and playfully smacked Ursa's arm.

"Ahem." Someone coughed. Ursa peeked behind Kya to see a tall man wearing Water Tribe attire standing awkwardly beside her shivering son.

"Oh!" Ursa gasped, running to her precious Zuko and hugging him. Zuko coughed into her shoulder. "My poor baby!" She looked back at the shocked looking Kya. "Do you have any extra clothes I could give him?"

Kya's wide blue eyes stared for a moment at her friend and her son. Ursa, standing worriedly over her son made her friend look so much older and responsible, much unlike the wild spirit she was used to. So she settled down after all, huh?

"Y-yeah. Hakoda, lets let them get comfortable." Kya said to the tall Water Tribe warrior she called her husband. Then she smiled at Ursa and the young boy who looked freezing.

"I'll be back to give you some dry clothes. You can use this room for the trip, kay?" Ursa nodded and gave her a look which spoke volumes. Thanks.

Kya placed her hands on Hakoda's back and pushed him into the room opposite Ursa's. It was slightly brighter then theirs, with much more room. Quiet snoring could be heard from one of the three beds to the left of the room.

"Gosh, Sokka takes after you, doesn't he?" Kya snorted. Hakoda chuckled. Kya made her way to the family's dark blue dresser and opened the third drawer.

"I think her kid is about Sokka's age, right? He should fit into these..." Kya muttered to herself as she looked through her own son's clothes.

"Alright, this should do." She said happily. "I'll run these over to them and be right back." Hakoda raised his hand from their bed, acknowledging what she said. A few moments later, Kya returned to the family's shared room on the Southern Water Tribe's ship.

She walked over to the bed on the far side of the room, kissing her daughter's forehead. "Eight years, already." She said to herself. She then walked to her son's bed.

He held a stuffed otter-penguin, his secret best-friend, since there were no other kids his age besides Katara. She pulled his light blue blanket up to his chin and smiled when he let out a loud snore. Yup, he really did take after Hakoda.

Speaking of Hakoda...

"Thanks for helping her." Kya said, as she crawled into bed beside her husband. Hakoda was quiet a few moments before saying, "She's important to you. You're important to me, therefore it was my pleasure."

Kya smiled. He was such a good man. It broke her heart that he'd be sent off to war in the years to come. It was unavoidable.

"Still, you didn't have to come. I could have-"

Hakoda turned to face her, a serious look on his face. "I would never let you do this on your own, Kya. My men and I...this is something we do."

Kya snorted. "I'm not helpless." Then she cocked a brow. "So, you frequently pick up Fire Nation royalty, then?" Hakoda laughed at this. Kya was serious.

"If theres a possible chance it promotes peace between our two nations, it's worth a try."

Yes, thats what Ursa's plan was. In the discreet letter she'd sent she'd mentioned how this trip could possibly alter the outcomes of the war and to come get her by the next full moon. Kya had quickly gone to Hakoda with this.

They'd set sail the next day. Kya didn't believe it was just because of what they owed Ursa, but because anything to do with the war and the Fire Nation was worth looking into.

It was a risky mission, but Kya was confident it would go smoothly if they were quick and stayed out of sight. Hakoda took only a few of his best men, and the trip went rather well.

I wonder what Ursa has planned. Kya thought as she drifted off to sleep.

"Ursa!" Kya said, jumping to her feet as the Fire Nation Princess entered the room. "How'd it go?" Ursa looked at Kya, a small frown on her lips.

"I got you your freedom, Kya. You can go home now."

Kya gasped and tackled Ursa. The princess began laughing with her Water Tribe friend. "Oh, thank you, Ursa! I can't believe how lucky I was to end up being your handmaiden!"

Ursa put her hand over Kya's mouth. "No. You shouldn't have been captured in the first place." She removed her pale hand and stood, brushing at her stylish crimson robes. Kya stared at her from the floor, her own pale blue servant clothes a horror compared to the Princess'.


"KATARA GIVE BACK MR. POTTER!" Kya woke to the wailing of Sokka. She sat up, yawning as she did so. She watched amusedly as Sokka chased his little sister around. The hysterically giggling girl was frantically running all over the room, Sokka's stuffed otter-penguin held high in her right hand.

Hakoda groaned from beside Kya. She couldn't help but smile at such a pleasant morning. There was a knock on the door, and Kya swung her legs over the side of the bed and went to answer the door.

A Water Tribe man, who Kya remembered seeing Hakoda often planning with, was standing in the doorway.

"Kya." He bowed in respect, then peeked over his shoulder to see Hakoda sit up in bed groggily. "We have officially left enemy waters." He said, a small smirk on his lips.

Kya grinned widely. "Good. Tell the rest of the men that I'll prepare something special for them for dinner tonight."

"Yes, M'am."

Hakoda was behind her now, ruffling her dark hair. "I'm going to check on the crew. You go check on the princess."

"Princess?" Katara asked, freezing mid-step. Sokka crashed into her back, sending them both to the ground. He wrestled the doll out of Katara's hands, with much effort.

"Yes, A Fire Nation Princess, Katara. There's a prince in there too, I think."

"A prince?" Sokka echoed, raising his thin brow. "Hey mom, aren't I kinda like the prince of Southern Water Tribe, since dad's the leader?"

Kya nodded, a small smile on her lips. "Yes, Sokka. In a sense." Sokka's face lit up, as well as Katara's. "Then, I'm a Princess?"

"No." Sokka said, looking over at his sister. "Your my servant!" He grinned as Katara's eyes watered.

"Sokka..." Kya scolded quietly. "That wasn't nice." Sokka frowned. "I was only joking." Katara walked over to her mother and tugged on her robes, still crying.

"Oh, Katara, don't listen to him. You're mama's little princess, okay? Now, let's go see the Fire Nation Princess so she can give you some tips." Kya said, bending down to pick up her crying child. Sokka crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. He watched as his mother carried his now cheerful sister out of the room.

He had nothing better to do, so he followed them across the room.

"Good morning, Kya." Ursa said from a small table in the room. She was sipping on some delicious smelling tea. Her son sat in her lap, staring curiously up at Kya. Kya smiled at the boy, who blushed and diverted his eyes.

"Oh, mommy, she's a pretty princess." Katara whispered in Kya's ear.

Sokka stood beside her, holding onto her robes and peeking at the two.

"I see you're already up, Ursa. And this little prince is...?"

Said prince stood and puffed out his chest and announced, "I am Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation!" Katara gasped in awe and Sokka's jaw dropped.

"You're a prince?" Sokka asked, unconvinced. Zuko focussed his attention on the boy.

"Yeah, so?"

"You don't look like a prince to me."

"What's a prince supposed to look like?" Zuko asked, annoyed with kid.

"Well." Sokka said walking up to the supposed Prince as if to inspect him. "Where's you royal robes? You're hairs a mess, and you have no muscles. Princes are supposed to be fancy and strong."

Zuko growled. "My clothes got wet so I had to wear these." He pulled on his Water Tribe shirt then said, "And I haven't started my physical training yet. But at least I'm not chubby, like you."

Ursa blushed, and grabbed Zuko's arm, pulling him away from the other boy. "I apologize for Zuko's behavior." She glanced at her son, who was fuming. "He knows better."

Kya chuckled and shook her head. "It's fine. Sokka started it."

"I'm not chubby." Sokka said, marching back towards his mother. Kya placed Katara on the ground, who then ran to inspect Ursa.

"I'm a princess, too! Mama says I'm the Southern Water Tribe Princess sinca daddy's the leader." Ursa's eyes widened.

"These are your kids? You married the leader of the Southern Water Tribe?"

Kya nodded and sat down beside her friend. "Hakoda. I married him soon after I returned. He became the leader of our Tribe and then I had these two." Kya smiled at the memories. "What about you."

Ursa looked quite uncomfortable. "I married Ozai. And I was blessed with my Zuko..." She looked adoringly at her son, who sat on the floor, with his eyes closed as if he was pondering something. "Then I had Azula."

"You married Ozai? I thought you hated him!"

Ursa chuckled. "I did. But in order for you to be allowed to be free...I bargained my own freedom. I willingly married him so you could go home."

Kya was in shock. Ursa had spent most of her life rebelling against the arranged marriage, and to hear that she'd given up that fight for her...

"Thank you, Ursa. I didn't know what you'd sacrificed for me."

Ursa shrugged and gave a small smile. "Oh, hush. It wasn't that bad. At least I got Zuko out of it. He's my pride and joy."

"What of your daughter?" Kya asked, confused. Had she died or something? Ursa spoke of her like she was no longer present.

Ursa's face hardened a bit, and Kya knew the look on her face. It meant business. "Sokka, why don't you take Katara and Zuko out to play on deck. See if your father needs some help with anything."

"Why do I have to take him?" Sokka whined. Zuko glared.

"Sokka." Kya warned. Sokka sighed and motioned for them to follow.

"Go have fun." Ursa told Zuko, nudging him forward. Zuko locked his eyes with his mother's, before leaving with the other kids.

"I'm sure your wondering why I called for you, then." Ursa said. "Probably seems strange after all these years apart." She poured Kya some tea and watched the cup fill as though hypnotized.

"Yes, strange indeed. Telling by the way you rushed your note and the way you got here, I bet no one knows you're here."

"No, no one does." Ursa confirmed, staring down at the table. "Last night, Ozai was ordered to kill Zuko. He'd somehow disrespected Iroh, and-" Ursa's brows were pulled together as if she was thinking hard about this. "I couldn't let that happen. I told them they could have me in exchange for Zuko's life. But I couldn't leave without him meeting you."

Kya was saddened by the look in her friend's eyes. It seemed that all the girl did was think of others, which was extremely rare in the Fire Nation.

"Why does he need to meet me, Ursa?" Kya asked silently.

"Azula is a monster. She's only eight years old and already a sadist. When I look at her," Ursa looked up at Kya and said," all I see is Azulon. All I see is flames. Ozai has corrupted my beautiful girl because he favors her over Zuko. Says she actually has potential."

Kya waited patiently for her friend to continue.

"Zuko is different. I see hope in him. I had this sick sense of dread, a vision if you will, that something was going to happen and last night confirmed my fears. I had to stop it. I bring him here because I want him to be different from Azula. I want him to not be prejudiced and see value in all life. The gift you gave me all those years ago."

Kya knew what Ursa meant. She hoped that if Zuko was more accepting, if he was more like Ursa, then he could possibly influence the Fire Nation in the future yet to come. There was hope.

"I am glad that you have brought him." Kya said slowly. "Although it is under rather unfortunate circumstances, we are glad to have you."

"I'm glad to be here. It will be just like old times."

They traveled back to the Southern Water Tribe on the ship, swiftly. Most of the time, Ursa and Kya pushed their children to play together, as if to form some sort of bond.

The previous hostility between the young boys had wore away, since they both never really had friends their own age besides their sisters. Katara often couldn't keep up with the two, so resigned herself to trailing after Ursa and ask her about being a princess.

The boys spent their time pretending to be soldiers, and acted out missions which entertained the crew. It was rather odd seeing the Fire Nation Prince playing games with a Water Tribe peasant.

"There is my home." Sokka said proudly, pointing towards the fast approaching village. Zuko leaned on the side of the ship beside Sokka, squinting his eyes to better see the small village.

"It's really small. Where I live there's a big city and-"

"Zuko, Sokka! Mom said it's time to eat lunch! She said we'll be home soon!" Katara squeaked from the door leading to the ship's interior.

"I'll race you to the table." Sokka challenged.

"You're on!" Zuko smirked, darting out before either could say go.


When the got off the ship, Sokka was excited to show Zuko all his favorite places. The Fire Prince was wearing one of Sokka's heavier jackets and gloves, so the cold shouldn't bother him much.

Zuko had never seen so much snow before, and was too captivated by it to pay much attention to what Sokka was saying.

"And when I grow up, I'm gonna be the best Water Tribe Warrior EVER!" Sokka finished, flailing his arms for emphasis. Zuko nodded slightly, then smirked.

"I'm going to be Fire Lord." The two walked the area surrounding the village, making up silly war strategies and flinging snowballs at each other.

"Hey, Zuko. Can you firebend?"

"Uh, kinda. I'm not the best at it, though..."

"Can you show me?" Sokka asked, trudging over to Zuko. The prince rubbed the back of his neck.

"Mom said never to..."

"Come one! Just once!" Sokka begged.

Zuko sighed and then removed the glove from his hand. He focused intently, glaring at his hand until sparks of fire flew from his palm.

"Amazing! I wish I could-"

But the flame in Zuko's hand grew in size and before either knew what happened, Sokka was on the ground clutching his arm.

"Sokka!" Zuko gasped, kneeling in front of his friend. "I-I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

Sokka's eyes were watering a little and the boy sniffled as he cradled his arm. The fire had burnt a hold through his sleeve and his skin was burned.

"Come on, let's get you to my mom, quick!" Zuko said urgently, pulling Sokka to his feet. He tugged the sniffling boy back to the village.

When they reached it, it was practically sunset.

"Mom! Help! I accidentally burned Sokka!" Zuko cried, running into the village where mother was last seen with Kya. Sokka walked in behind him, still holding his burnt arm.

"M-mom?" Zuko's eyes widened at the sight before him. Men with the familiar Fire Nation clothes were all over, holding hostages. His own mother was on her knees, head bent with her hair covering her face.

Sokka gasped and ran for his sister who was sobbing into their Gran-gran's shirt.

"Ah. There's the prince. It seems like our work here is finished." Zuko's mouth was agape, and he felt torn. Why were these men doing this? Should he help Sokka and his people? Or...? Why did they have his mother?

A man roughly grabbed his arm and spun him around. He didn't have the chance to think or even look behind him as he was escorted away from the snowy village. He could hear Katara's sobbing even as he boarded the Fire Nation ship.


Weeellll? Should I continue it? Next chapter will be where the series began and such. Hope you liked it so far and sorry for any mistakes. ^_^: Review, please!