I was running down the street being mobbed by girls, teenagers, adults, paparazzi, you name it, all screaming my name, when all of a sudden my best friend/girlfriend, Annabeth, is running along side me. I guess we're all caught up now.

We run and we run and we run and suddenly it's like a veil falls over the city, we turn around and everyone in the mob is looking around strangely.

"Um, what are we doing here?" someone says. The one kid in my P.E. class looks at me and says, "Hey, uh your name's Peter, right? Well anyways do you know what we're doing here?"

I'm shocked and look at Annabeth. "The Mist must be fixed," she whispered.

I reply to the boy by shrugging and then walk calmly away with Annabeth. We got an Iris Message later that night from Chiron saying camp was safe again and all evidence of the war was deleted. My life was back to normal.

A/N What did you think of my story? Please leave comments! I love good comments and constructive criticism is always good too! Please no evil comments though. I probably won't do any other stories but you never know.

Thanks for reading!