AN: I am so sorry. In my last update, Chapter 7 was posted as a duplicate of Chapter 6 when I did some editing — I don't know how I could have missed that. I've posted the correct Chapter 7 now, so those who missed it, please feel free to check it out.
Saiyan Princess Chichi — Thank you so much for pointing out those continuity issues. I went back and checked the story, rather stumped after I read your review. I discovered that I'd duplicated Chapter 6. So Chapter 7 — 9801 words, was missing, yikes! Give it a once over if you have some time.
Chapter 22.
Age 776 ( October 15)
2 years after the Defeat of Majin Buu.
She's speeding through the tall, thick grass and he's actually letting her run for a time; allowing her to gain a little distance even though they both know he can close it anytime he wishes. She's running only for the chase; for the thrill and for the breathlessness. Not that she need exert herself to achieve such a state. Most days, she need only look in his direction and she's already there, lungs prepped for dire distress…
She turns around, laughing, spying only specs of orange flickering through the thick cover of lush green forest; and for a second she thinks she could actually lose him if she—
He's on her, taking her down to the ground. A carpet of grass littered with twigs and leaves greets her chest and knees as she falls beneath him.
Rich cackles of laughter quake their bodies as they topple down together, sending the skittish and the flighty of the grass-dwellers scurrying for cover. His laughter turns low and throaty as he stretches his hard body over hers; his erection, an iron bar prodding her bottom through the fabric of her Gi.
Chichi wriggles, bouts of laughter gasping from her mouth as she tries to squirm to freedom. But Goku doesn't give an inch; he wraps his arms tightly around her, pinning hers to her sides.
"Don't even think about it Goku!" she gasps because he's rubbing himself back and forth between the cleft of her bottom, growling and nipping the base of her neck.
"I ain't thinking Hon," he rasps. "I'm doing," he nips her ear. He enfolds both her arms with one of his. Then he slides a hand between her body and the squished ground and cups her between her thighs.
Chichi moans, as his lips move to graze the back of her neck. "Oh God," she's getting dizzyingly aroused. "Goku," she means to protest, they can't possibly do this here! It's not decent!
But a finger is shushing her, then slipping between her lips, forcing her to suck on it.
"Shh," he's crooning against her ear; hand scrounging for a way inside her pants.
"We can't," she half-sobs, sly hand that it is, it's found a way in. It's rubbing inside her, the pressure is so sweet she's—
"Princess," she gasped, startled into nearly jumping out of her chair.
Wha ... Chichi blinked, swallowed. Only to find herself ripped from that lush world of green and sensuality and dumped into the dull reality of this drab day. Outside her window, fog soaped the palace grounds like a bubble bath gone rogue. Susurrus winds howled between rustling leaves, kicking up dust that imbued the air with grainy wisps of depression.
Right. Bloated from overeating, she'd fallen asleep on the job. Again. Thank goodness she hadn't acted on her instincts to clobber whatever had woken her up, giving her a fright. Poor Tartarus was old. That kind of thing could have shocked the life out of him. Literally.
"I apologize Princess," he bowed formally, cheeks gaining rapid color at having embarrassed them both by catching her in such a state. He was such a stickler for the old ways, sweet as he was. Hopefully she hadn't given him even more to feel embarrassed about by talking in her sleep…
"Um, no," she said, sitting up. "Not your fault."
"A messenger arrived with an envelope for you." Tartarus straightened, stepping inside her office.
She so wished he'd retire and live out the rest of his days spoiling and being spoilt by his family. But the stubborn old goat was determined to croak on the job. Which he does, in that other future which will hopefully never be…
"It's registered, so you have to confirm personal receipt," he flushed. "Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered you." He moved to place the envelope and the delivery note on her desk.
"Oh, ah… yes," Chichi mumbled, smoothing down her dress before taking possession of the delivery note. She scribbled her name distractedly, before handing the note back to him. "Thank you Tartarus."
He bowed, then slipped quietly out her office, shutting the door gently behind him.
"Argh!" she threw up her arms. "Can't I just not dream about that man for one bloody second?" She hadn't seen or spoken to Goku in months. Not a syllable nor a peep. They'd had zero contact. Zero. Exactly as she'd specified in their divorce settlement and she'd been doing well for months.
And then, one day, it had all come crumbling down when Sekei had pushed her against the wall and kissed her. Hotly. With such unfathomable desperation that it had knocked the wind out of her.
To be fair, it had been a good kiss, a skilled kiss. A kiss that not only seduced, but promised a woman many, many more delights to come. A kiss that altogether hooked a woman, rendering her helpless and desperate for more. The kind of kiss that most women would give their left hand to experience at least once in a lifetime. A scorching kiss, the kind of kiss that spoke volumes about chemistry and passion between total strangers without them having to utter a word. That kind of kiss.
And she, Son Chichi, soon to be ex Son Chichi, was apparently the kind of woman that repaid that kind of mind-numbing kiss with action. And not the kind of action the poor Astronaut had probably been going for. Nope. Not that kind of action at all.
She was apparently the kind of woman who kneed a man for such a kiss. Straight in the balls, until he was crumpled by her feet, agony redefining itself on his face. Shock and guilt at her actions sprinting down her chest only after the effect.
"I'm so sorry," she'd blurted. "Reflex! It was just a reflex. I'm so sorry Sekei!" She'd helped him up and apologized over and over again. She'd made up one excuse after another, but… the real truth had been simple: She'd still been stuck on her soon to be ex.
Memories of the night she'd spent with him back in space on their wedding night had still burned hotter than the three holy suns of that fowl infested planet. And without a tangible token of dissolution— the long awaited divorce papers — she'd still felt … guilt at having another's lips on hers. She'd convinced herself and Sekei that things would be different once the divorce was finalized.
There'd been disappointment in the astronaut's eyes, but there had also been a promise for patience. Lots and lots of patience.
"l'll wait until you're ready." He'd told her.
And though he'd kept true to his word, keeping a respectable distance in the physical department, her own wanton hormones had not. Not at all. They'd kicked and reared up a fuss like the chaotic turn of an ill-inspired riot. And it had all started that night. The night Sekei had kissed her.
She'd prepared for bed like every other night: a long bubble bath, lotions and oils, a braid down her hair and paperwork to keep her mind steady. She'd turned off her side-lamp when her eyes had started to sting, and just like every other night, she'd covered herself with her fluffy duvet and snuggled in nice and tight.
Only, this night — Goku had popped into her dream; bought himself a big chunk of dream space, settled and never left.
She'd been dreaming shamelessly of him ever since. Every night. And in all those nights, all her dreams had been the rated kind. The kind that left her hot and sticky and aching for his touch.
"Mine," he'd rest his palms against the wall on either side of her head, walling her in with his powerful body. "Mine," he'd whisper, again and again in her dreams as if he were trying to tattoo himself in her subconscious. To brand himself so she would never forget what it was like between them, no matter whom she might choose to move on with in the future.
Then she would awaken all soaked and breathless, outrage spurting and jetting from her dry lips. Just what did Goku think? That such a Neanderthal declaration was what she secretly wanted to hear? What she wanted to be? Humph! As if!
She would toss her sheets aside and storm for a cold shower. And as the drizzle cleared the cobwebs of sleep from her mind, she would realize that Goku had nothing to do with it. It was her dream. All her.
And apparently the dreams had decided to roam free during the day as well. In her office, while she was sitting on her bloody chair! She wouldn't at all be surprised to discover that there was some kind of dream Kai out there who was deliberately doing this as a way to spite her. Kais, Gods, Dragons … you name it. Any and all deities seemed to be in cahoots with her soon to be ex. Story of her life…
She sighed, picking up the envelope. It was probably another petition from the Senior Citizens Association. Shifting the growing pile of other petitions a little to the left, Chichi gripped the handle of the letter opener and tore through the envelope.
Stifling a yawn with the back of her hand she reached inside and pulled out a lone piece of paper. Hmm, weird. The petitions usually came as pages and pages worth of thickly bound documents. A single sheet of paper was probably an invitation.
She immediately perked up. How nice to find such a light and inconsequential reprieve amongst the heavy lot of petitions. And then she started reading:
The big bold words hit her in the face.
And just like that, the document gained a few thousand pounds.
IN HIS MAJESTY'S COURT FOR DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES, Between: Mau Chichi— Petitioner & Son Goku— Respondent
The pounds on the page just kept mounting.
— Referring to the decree made in this court on—
In fact, the sheet of paper grew so heavy that her fingers twitched, letting it slip and fall from their grasp.
— be dissolved unless sufficient cause be shown to the court—
It landed with a silent thud on her desk, but the printed words atop it did not shake or break.
— and no such cause having been shown,
She forced a hard swallow. That old age arthritis resurrected with a fierce tremble of her hands and knees, but she forced herself to pick the document up, squinting at the words though they were big and clear enough to read—
— it is hereby certified that the said decree was made final and absolute—
The salmon sashimi from lunch began to churn in her stomach, caustic bile rising at the back of her throat.
— and that the said marriage has been irrevocably dissolved.
She spun, ears ringing from the noises spinning in her head.
…irrevocably dissolved….
It was done.
She was divorced.
She was … she was free of him. Legally. Legitimately. With both their signatures of agreement on the dotted line.
She finally had what she wanted.
…irrevocably dissolved…
She finally ... she swallowed, clutching the paper tightly against her chest; awaiting the rush of sweet, sweet relief.
This was the final click in the slow rotation of the lock's cylinder. The final click that would unlock her from the shackles of that man and his disappointments for good.
But no matter how tightly she clutched to it, the document didn't crinkle and crumple against her clothes with a magical crush of relief.
Only, a staggering, throbbing, cavity of clarity. Of something his disappearances and deaths combined had never come close to achieving. An unforgivable awareness of her sole and complete responsibility in bringing about this particular outcome: her marriage lay truly severed this time; and the guillotine was in her hands.
It was despair that came to take the blade away. Despair, not relief. It was despair that sat alongside her in the quiet space of her office as she pulled the sheet slowly from her chest.
Numb fingered, Chichi waited and waited for the inevitable sense of relief. Of good riddance. But… it never came.
What came in its place was a rush of moments.
A flood of moments burst through her consciousness with unapologetic force and for a moment she's back in space: back in her turban and colorful ceremonial robes and Goku is dancing circles around her with a ridiculously large grin on his face. Well, at least trying to. He keeps fumbling and laughing and making a mess of the Dance-Master's steps.
Another moment and she's back in the Zen Master's hall. She's mortified: hiccups are pouring out of her, running rampant, enraging the toad of a man into screaming like a lunatic as he orders her Out of his hall. Shame and embarrassment cut a burning path across her cheeks and she can't even look at all the patrons staring at her with distaste. But then there's Goku's hand— large and warm and familiar— it reaches out and grabs for hers through quakes of laughter. And suddenly she's on her feet, dashing through the crowd as they run, run, to fresh air and trees and the green quiet of a nearby park. There is no embarrassment, no shame, only laughter and peace and love.
Now she's back in Mt. Pauzo riding a tortoise or she's hidden behind the misty curtain of a waterfall making love. One moment she's hunched over in the grass, puking her guts out on the floor from morning sickness with an ashen Goku rubbing soothing circles on her back. The next rush of moment is her: she's screaming and pounding on his chest because it's been three days since he's been home.
One moment he's pounding on the bathroom door threatening to break it down if she doesn't come out and the next he's woken up from the heart virus and spinning her round and round. He's carrying two dead wolves on his shoulder, dripping blood, grinning like he's just accomplished a feat and she's screaming her lungs out because she cannot believe that he thinks it's okay to drag two bleeding carcasses into the house after she's just spent the whole day cleaning.
Now his large hands are trembling as they pick up their newborn son, his face ashen because he's scared he's going to crush his tiny form, and the next moment he's spinning newborn Pan round and round, tossing her up in the air while Gohan and Videl do their best not to throw up from their nerves.
He's clutching to her skirts, weeping because he's just realized that he's killed his grandpa and he's trembling because he thinks she's about to leave him after learning about his alien genes and the next he's teasing her about working on a third baby.
She's back and forth between the highs and lows of her marriage with a cosmic mortar and pestle in tow. Past, future and everything in between mingling into one. Beyond the past and the future, beyond the pain and disappointments, beyond the love and hate, she knows, knows in a way she's never known before just how she wants to go forward.
And it's not with this document in her hand.
It's not with the gorgeous astronaut who was possibly all the grown-up and cultured things that she'd wished her Goku would one day morph into.
It's not.
It's with a man who was still as much a child. A man as flawed as he was perfect. As perfect as the unstable and unpredictable universe. Like Goku the universe was ladled with never-ending threats; from hurtling, pummeling asteroids to meteors, and skyrocketing comets. And that was the nature of life with someone like him. It would never stop, never. It just was. And Kami help her, after everything, she wanted him still.
Not this piece of paper. And certainly not that stricken look on his face the day they'd sat with their stiff lawyers in that cold room. She'd all but forced him to sign. Guilted him into letting her go.
And, he had. He'd let her go. And she hated it. Hated it!
Just like that, Chichi kicked off her heels and was out her chair and running. Ramming through her door like a rhino's horn and running with the single mindedness of an addict seeking her next fix. She tossed her tiara to the chandeliers glaring disapprovingly from above and ran in the direction of Goten's room. Ran because she couldn't waste another second without letting him know.
Goten would seek out his Ki and fly her to him. Right now. Right this minute; before her brain could take over and overrule her heart. And it was her heart that propelled her forward with the guarantee that once she'd told him, once she'd let it all out of her chest, there would be no turning back. Goku would never let her go again; no matter what she said thereafter.
She was wrong to have thought that marriage was one big bungee jump— a calculated leap of faith with a predictable, measurable soar that was tethered with controls of safety.
She had been wrong because a marriage was no quantifiable jump at all. It was a blind free-fall into the ocean with no ropes or fetters or chains to tie or moor to. It was a racy, sometimes ragged and bouncy drift on a sea with no bottom and no rules. And yes, there had been pain. Yes, there had been loneliness and utter devastation. But there had also been joy; so much of it, not nearly enough room in the universe to house the amount of joy there'd been. And it was in the tension between those two extremes that life happened; that love flourished or withered. And it had not withered. Not one leaf on its big magnificent tree.
She leapt over the stairs three at a time; dark hair bouncing and coming apart. She ran down the passage because it was clear to her now. So simple really. With love they could… they could build a different kind of marriage this time round.
She just knew, just knew that somewhere between his leaving with Shenron and signing those papers— somewhere in that space— Goku had changed. He would be a better husband, father… grandfather. She just knew it.
The wind picked up beneath her feet as she ran, aware of the startled servants, aware of the blur of walls and ornaments and paintings as she flew past them and then there was laughter as she stood, panting outside Goten's door. She didn't even bother to knock, she twisted the handle and burst in, heaving.
"Heh… nuh," Goten was laughing into his phone, shoving a handful of clothes into an unzipped back-pack. "Gohan's not coming with; just Momu." She heard him tell whomever he was talking with.
"Got— " Breathless and impatient, she began to shape the sound of his name when—
"Trust me Trunks. It's better to hang with Dad and his girlfriend than with Gohan and his wife. Yuck. Those two are so gross with their kissy-kissy that you'd think…"
The rest of his words evaporated to gibberish as her bones turned to water; spilled all over the floor and sunk her to their level with the sheet of paper burning in her hand.
Dad and his girlfriend?
Her brain gave the command to gasp; to react, to do something. But her body refused to obey; couldn't obey. How could it when she as its owner could barely even feel its existence?
Dad and his girlfriend… Dad and his girlfriend… his girlfriend… his girlfriend his—
She was a puddle; an ugly, brown incoherent mess staining her son's floor. It couldn't be. Goku? A girlfriend? It had only been a year since the last of the stiff lawyers! He couldn't have moved on so quickly!
And why not? A snide little voice poked at her.
Because! She shouted back at it. Because!
"Mom?" She blinked. Goten was before her, waving a hand in front of her face. He must have completed his conversation with his friend without her even realizing. "Hello! Mom? You okay?"
"Um," muscles leaped and locked in her jaw. "Fine … just … wanted to say goodbye."
"You sure? You look a little off." He flung his backpack over his shoulder and regarded her strangely, no doubt trying to sense her out.
"I'm fine," she croaked; lips twitching into what she hoped was a partial smile. And then she turned around and somehow found the strength to mop herself off his floor and out the door; paper chafing her palm with every step.
She staggered to her room blindly; locking herself in, then crumpling before the toilet basin. She was trembling, cold and hot and nauseated but she didn't cry, she wouldn't cry. She just belched and wretched, then flushed away her lunch.
Standing before the mirror, she scrubbed at her teeth until her gums bled, then washed her hands and face before turning away.
She crawled into bed; shoes on, and divorce paper tightly pinched between her fingers. She doubled over, curled in on herself and rocked. To and fro. To and fro as she tried to figure out why it hurt.
Why should it hurt?
This is what she'd wanted.
This is what she needed!
To be permanently and irrevocably free from the shackles of a marriage that had brought her nothing but pain and loneliness. A marriage that had buried her in dark, shadowed bitterness.
She should get up and celebrate. She should … she should. But each time she tried, her limbs became heavy and brittle like she was ninety years old once again.
Her head pounded and her vision blurred.
And the worst of all was that the air in the room deliberately hid from her so she couldn't even breathe … couldn't stop the turnstile of emotions from catching in the wind and spiraling away with her.
Only this time it wasn't just her emotions from that day that were spinning, it was her…
I hope you enjoyed. Please be kind enough to leave your thoughts ~ Gue22.
Lilacsbloom: I didn't get round to it last update but your feedback ... well, you just up and blew me away really. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to let me know your thoughts, I smiled and grinned all the way through and it may not seem like it but all the feedback goes a long way inspiration wise. If you're still out there reading, I hope you enjoyed :)
casey10rok: I'm glad you enjoyed the Chapter :)
kroth1: high five right back at ya ;)
Aniaka35: Thank you so much for your feedback, it really made me smile. :)
Thembra: I hope you enjoyed the chapter once you'd read it?
Kiyone110: I'm just smiling. All smiles. Thank you for your feedback.
foxqueen: probably you're not even reading this given how you hate Chichi in this story, lol, but just in case you are reading, thank you for the feedback and yeah, a bitter, hate-filled Chichi that hates Goku is not an easy pill to swallow. Not even for me :)
isha: thank you for reading and the feedback. always inspiring if the writing can inspire some kind of emotion ;)
BFlower07: I hope this was not too long a wait XD. Thank you for the feedback.
Super Saiyan 4 Chichi: Well I ... I'm still hyped up from your enthusiasm, lol. Thank you so much. I'm glad that you're still carrying on with the story :)
SierraLarson: I agree 18! Gohan needs to go home to his wife ; ; she's having a tough time. About the other stories um, working on it. lol. glad you're still reading. you know your feedback always get's me hyped up.
chichi my luv: thank you for the feedback and I hope this wait was not too long. Glad you enjoyed the last chapter.
Saiyan Princess Chichi: Well I ... in one go huh? That gives me hope, lol. Thank you so much for your feedback. Honestly, it made me so happy, and I can't thank you enough for pointing out the continuity issues 'cause otherwise I never would have known there was a problem. And I'll try to have regular updates while I still have time to write. As for Saffra - lol, no comment XD
AGreatReader: Thank you for the feedback. Glad you're still out there reading and about Shinganga, lol, no comment.
Nicole Bro: Thank you. You make me blush all over the place. I write as much as time allows, but sometimes real life just ... gets in the way, lol.
Nadesko: XD, I'm glad you enjoyed.
Calliecuture: They're all pretty judgmental, true. Sorry this chappie didn't answer all your questions, but the next one will be up soon. Hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for your feedback. Was Goku really that scary? YaY! I hope you managed to get some laughs in there as well. Lol.
jguti2010: I'm so thrilled you've enjoyed the story enough to read it more than once. thank you so much for reading and letting me in on your thoughts, just makes my day when i know that someone's been reading and what they think of everything so fat. the good, the bad, the scary, lol. thank you!
Sailor Dragon 87: XD XD XD
Ichuriku 4vr: I am so glad that made you laugh. lol. It's kinda strange huh? Anyway, thank you for your feedback, am still grinning like an idiot from it believe me. thank you, thank you, thank you :)
Ultraviolence14: I really enjoyed writing the scene from Piccolo's POV, I tried it from other people before you know, but Piccolo's, I felt, really hit the spot. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And aww, I really liked that moment too, and let's face it, Goku is just sooooo beautiful, oof! let me move on before i get carried away, lol. thank you for all the feedback.
yrios 12364: thank you for your feedback, glad you enjoyed it. Hope this little chappie was to your liking as well.
icheberry tan: icheberry tan *wails* you make me feel so bad, is it that bad then? though, any excuse to read a fave gxcc story is a good thing right? lol. I do it all the time myself you know. Thank you for taking the time to leave me some feedback. As a fellow gxcc fan, I completely understand your feelings. Aww.
blkgem: I'm glad there is still someone from the early days of the story. thank you for reading and all the patience. i know my updating has been ... the worst, lol, but life happens, but am still writing no matter what. hope you'll keep reading and hope you enjoyed this little chappie. And for shame, we need more gxcc stories for sure.
The Darkest Wizard: Hi there, glad you're enjoying the story. thank you for the feedback :)
James: Dear James, that was so nice of you to say. I'm glad you've enjoyed some of the things I've published so far. I keep writing, though the frequency of my updates can be disappointing sometimes. Thank you for reading and giving me feedback.
Mayou: Thank you so much for your feedback. I keep writing, believe me, sometimes though, what comes out is not even worth the time it took to type it out, lol. Hang in there a little longer and we'll see what happens with Goku next chappie yeah?
Parisbluebaby: Hey there, just saw your review as I was about to publish :) thank you for taking the time to leave me some feedback. It really goes a long way inspiration wise. Hope you enjoyed this chappie as well.